#doctor who femslash

Finally done with my mona lisa! Tegan and Nyssa in Australia for @lissy-strata. @classicwhosecretsan

Finally done with my mona lisa! Tegan and Nyssa in Australia for @lissy-strata.@classicwhosecretsanta

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For pearlmackie who wanted Bill/13! For the @dwsecretsanta

For pearlmackie who wanted Bill/13! For the @dwsecretsanta

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Merry christmas @lissy-strata! They wanted Nyssa/Tegan. I’m sorry I didn’t do your prompt, I’ve been

Merry christmas @lissy-strata! They wanted Nyssa/Tegan. I’m sorry I didn’t do your prompt, I’ve been having this mental image of them for such a long time and I needed to get it out. For the @classicwhosecretsanta

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