#doctor who flux

Master and Companion ep 3: Pisa Italy 9 August 1173“Are you sure us messing with the foundations are

Master and Companion ep 3: Pisa Italy 9 August 1173

“Are you sure us messing with the foundations are a fixed point?”
“How else would it become the ‘Leaning’ tower love?” 
“So now what?”
“Now we go forward and watch it topple over!”

Doctor Who Flux simply mentioned The Master and I had to indulge in my self insert companion for The Master, this time a lovely date in Pisa on the day they broke ground for the famous tower. 

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“All of space and time, and I still found you Yasmin Khan…”

“I love you too, Doctor”

Lovealways wins. And these two make my heart happy. And you bet your ass Yaz makes her Doctor happy.

illustration by me.

The absolutely heartbreaking realization that at this point Yaz has probably spent more of her relationship with the Doctor waiting for her to come back than she’s spent actually traveling with her.

Currently sitting here on a Friday night laughing my ass off at the increasingly elaborate headcanon my brain is cooking up about the Master and the Grand Serpent both spending like the entire second half of the twentieth century and a good chunk of the twenty-first century trying to infiltrate what is basically the same ten square kilometers of Britain.

Like, after long enough the Master is pretty-sure-but-not-entirely-sure that Prentis is an alien of some kind, and the Grand Serpent is pretty-sure-but-not-entirely-sure that all of those dudes who keep turning up and calling themselves “the Master” are all the same guy, but neither of them can prove it without outing themselves so they settle for being petty as hell to one another instead:

  • the Delgado!Master has his first stint in a UNIT prison and the Grand Serpent keeps sending him notes on Official UNIT Letterhead
  • the absolutely INSANE interagency rivalry that must have gone on in the early 2000s between a Torchwood backed by rising star politician “Harold Saxon” and a UNIT backed by “Prentis”
  • the moment Saxon gets elected Prime Minister he announces that he’s redirecting all of UNIT’s funding to the NHS
  • for the entire Year That Never Was, a single Toclafane follows Prentis around playing the “ooh it’s a snake” part of the Badger Badger Badger song
  • half of the places the Dhawan!Master had to escape from when he had to relive the entire 20th century over again were just various cupboards in the Grand Serpent’s house
  • Agent O’s final act after being sacked by MI6 was to create the most 2002-Geocities-style website that was just a massive conspiracy theory infodump about how Prentis was secretly a Lizard Person running the world from the shadows, with every single piece of evidence being 100% true but so over-the-top that no one would actually believe it, and knowing that it wouldn’t actually expose the Grand Serpent but would absolutely piss him the hell off while the Master fucked off to Australia

Two episodes into Flux and we have the following:

  • Our favorite Genderfluid Immortal who is Just Fine and has Absolutely Nothing Wrong With Her and the Dead-Eyed Stares and Constant Flashbacks are Nothing To Be Concerned About, thank you very much
  • Her exhausted snarky Girlfriend
  • A Scouser Himbo with a frying pan and a dog that hates him
  • One Very Intriguing Space Lad who I have several Theories about
  • Some grumpy Top Hat from History
  • Two random women who were just sort of forgotten Mid-Peril after episode 1
  • A pair of Glam Porcelain Dolls who turn everything they touch into Glitter
If at first you don’t succeed in breaking out of your voice-activated handcuffs, try again but

If at first you don’t succeed in breaking out of your voice-activated handcuffs, try again but more Scottish.

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 Get ready to meet Dan Lewis. Doctor Who: Flux begins in three days on @bbcamerica and BBC One.

Get ready to meet Dan Lewis. Doctor Who: Flux begins in three days on @bbcamerica and BBC One.

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Trick or treat! 

Here’s your first look at John Bishop as Dan Lewis in Doctor Who: Flux

#doctor who    #doctor who flux    #television    #john bishop    #dan lewis    #bbc america    

One epic story. Six thrilling chapters. The Doctor Who: Flux Global Premiere Event starts Sunday, October 31 at 2:25pm ET on @bbcamerica

 The title of Chapter One of Doctor Who: Flux is here! Get ready for ‘The Halloween Apocalypse

The title of Chapter One of Doctor Who: Flux is here! Get ready for ‘The Halloween Apocalypse’ on October 31

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 It’s coming. Be ready. Doctor Who: Flux premieres October 31 on BBC One and @bbcamerica. 

It’s coming. Be ready. Doctor Who: Flux premieres October 31 on BBC One and @bbcamerica

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One epic story. Six thrilling chapters. Doctor Who: Flux premieres October 31 on BBC One and @bbcamerica
