#doctor whooves and assistant



A little something I worked up as practice. I imagine Tick Tock would stargaze a lot when he could

This is so lovely, thank you!


Hello everyone! Can you believe Doctor Whooves and Assistant has been around for a decade? It’s been an incredible journey and we almost had to give up at one point but now we’re trying our best to keep going and keep producing the content you all love. We’re making this post today because a lot of people on the team could really use your support, feedback, and encouragement. We are asking that if you have the time, if you could either give your own feedback or answer the feedback questions we have below. Your input is valuable to us and some of us might need a reminder that people love and support us. Working on this project is hard, and it’d be nice to know that it’s all worth it. 

We have a series of questions, answer whichever ones you want, short or long answers are both fine but the more that is said, the more we can take from it. You can answer 2 ways, either by reblogging your answers from this post, or if you’d rather not answer publicly we have a private survey on a google form. 

The form: https://forms.gle/ZJ8K5wUA4BkffhmJ7

The Questions:

1. What got you into the series and what was your first impression like?

Keep reading
