



”I only got one life, Rose Tyler… I could spend it with you. If you want.”


soulandpsychie:Okay so I was at work doing hot girl shit and I was thinkin… what if like, one of the


Okay so I was at work doing hot girl shit and I was thinkin… what if like, one of the “side effects” of these two sorry bastards being practically superglued at the hand to eachother all the time is that the Doctor starts to like, actually, literally see the universe the way Rose does, like cause of some psychic shit?

Like this guy been through it. I reckon before he met Rose he could only see the bad in the universe - what he’d seen during the war just tainted everything. But then this innocent, young human took his hand and he began to see the universe through her eyes - its beauty and its wonder, like he had before, a long time ago; and some of that damage the time war dealt on his psyche was slowly written over by the thoughts and feelings of a shop girl, experiencing the vastness of time and space for the first time.

So I drew this, whatever this is, and I call it Intrusive Thoughts

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#doctor who    #nine x rose    #doctorxrose    #fanart    
Doctor/Rose sketch. Does it look like them?

Doctor/Rose sketch.

Does it look like them?

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