#does xkit still not work

Hi! I haven’t posted in, how long, a year? regularly in 2 or so?Well lots has happened!SO! I quit myHi! I haven’t posted in, how long, a year? regularly in 2 or so?Well lots has happened!SO! I quit my

Hi! I haven’t posted in, how long, a year? regularly in 2 or so?
Well lots has happened!

SO! I quit my career-job in December, which is way later than I wanted to. I decided to go back to school full-ish time and have just recently been accepted into nursing school! I have a couple of months where I’m not going to be busy and then I will embark on the insanity that is a BSN which I’m sure will render me with no social life again.

I think I originally stopped posting as regularly when I started working full time and Jake and I moved in together… We still live together and actually moved places in February! I may start posting again, since our schedules are so weird right now that I keep on having nights by myself with nothing to do. (That is until my program begins in January)

I have not seen all of the Twin Peaks revival since I have no access to Showtime but I’ll try to gif it once I see it. I’m also hopefully going to upgrading my laptop soon which means I’ll probably have to change gif-making programs.  For that matter, I don’t know if tumblr has changed, well, anything so it’ll be a learning curve for a while.

Also I don’t remember most urls–sorry in advance!

Come say hi if you’d like!

(And I may still be less active here than my other socials, so feel free to follow me on those!)

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