#dog miraculous



I just discovered something. Apparently, Barkk is the Kwami of adorationaccording to Thomas Astruc. The only weakness of Félix is his adoration for his mother. God, Félix adores his mother so much! He would literally go to the end of the world for her. Félix stole Gabe’s ring for her because he knew how much the ring meant to her. The love and adoration Félix feels towards his mother just makes my heart flutter!

I also believe Félix has some adoration for his family as well, including Emilie and Adrien. Which is shown in the way he smiles at the portrait of Emilie. Or how he used tough love on Adrien by telling him to stand up against his father. Even warning him that there’s a dark side to Gabe, which shows to me he cares for Adrien. I believe he was genuinely trying to help Adrien in the s4 finale. Yes, I do believe that he’s not only doing this for Adrien, but partly so he could snoop around the Agreste mansion freely for evidence to expose Gabe.

Félix promised to Adrien he’s going to stand up against Gabe, so Adrien wouldn’t have to go on this trip. And what did Félix do? He literally took a stand against Gabe in Adrien’s place as promised, by telling him (as Adrien) he didn’t want to go to this trip. Also he could’ve just have told he was not Adrien, left with the so called miraculous of the butterfly and peacock and go back to London, and let Adrien go to this trip himself. But he didn’t… He went on this trip for Adrien while there’s no need for him to do this. Félix promised to Adrien he’s going to let him stay in Paris, and he kept that promise! When Félix promise you something, he’s not going to break it.

I don’t think Félix wants the miraculous of the peacock and butterfly for himself. I think he just wants it so he can expose Gabe. Remember, Félix said in “Gabriel Agreste” he has no interest to team up with Shadow Moth, nor wants his powers. It seems he genuinely wants to defeat him.

This all shows to me that he’s is trustworthy, loyal, selfless, and capable of adoration. Which are all the qualities of a dog!

Félix only adores and is loyal, trustworthy and selfless to the right people. People who he feels like deserves it in his mind. People such as Gabe and Chloé don’t deserve this, and he knows that. Such kind of people, he’s not going to let them walk over him. They’re not worthy in his eyes! And when you deserves it, Félix would selflessly do anything for you. When he does something, it’s not for his own personal gain.

I’m not really sure, but this is how I see Félix. My analysis on him could totally be wrong. If that’s the case, I will feel like such a fool. But I guess we’ll have to wait for the episode Strike back and see.

But this is why Barkk, the kwami of adoration fits Félix perfectly. This is why I feel Félix is worthy of the dog miraculous. Not only that, but it also fits with Adrien having the cat miraculous. They’re opposites and it shows their connection as twins, and it’s just so darn cute!

I genuinely hope Ladybug knows she’s giving the dog miraculous to Félix. I want Félix to get a miraculous as himself, and not as Adrien.

Edit: Usually dogs are used to track something down because of their high intelligence and great sense of smell. Like police dogs! in western culture, dogs are usually related to solving mysteries. And what is Félix currently doing? That’s right! Also, the power of fetch really fits Félix personality wise.

Edit 2: Dogs are also very playful! Félix loves to playfully mock Adrien and to mess around with people. He also loves to get himself into mischief like dogs do.

Edit 3: I imagine Félix as some kind of stray dog who does whatever he pleases. You can’t bark at him, he’s the one who barks at you.


Lol as much of a mixed bag as this season was I was really looking forward to Sabrina getting more focus and development and joining the heroes!

Apparently that was too much to ask for

First of all, it’s such a waste that four different heroes debuted during Penalteam, they should each have gotten their own episodes. I don’t particularly care about Marc and Nathanial, but I do love Ivan and Sabrina and they deserved better!

Sabrina’s episode could have either been Queen Banana or another Chloé akuma, or something like Rodger Cop 2 centerinh around her dad. Like maybe Chloé had Sabrina break some rule for her (she’s done it in the past) and Rodger found out and was so upset his daughter would break the law that he was akumatized.

But like oh well, ok, Penalteam was at least a fun episode. But what I don’t get is why set Sabrina up as the new Dog hero just to give her miraculous to someone else the next episode in Strikeback? The entire end of that episode would have been completely avoidable if Ladybug had just given Sabrina back her miraculous. Like I get the Risk thing, but it was the lucky charm that made her remember Adrian so like why wasn’t the lucky charm something else? Tiki wasn’t affected by the akuma so she should have given something like Sabrina’s glasses!

Lol ignore my rambling, I don’t care about the lovesquare or Agreste drama in the show I just love the classmates so it’s frustrating.

Anyway I hope you all like the art!

The final set of Designs for the Chinese Miraculous box in ROA. I’m pretty happy with how these turned out too. Though my favorite in this set is the Rooster.

As for names, we have Bruhma (Rooster), Husk (Dog), Faun (goat) and Taurus (Ox). Taurus is a pretty obvious name but the orjer are as follows. Bruhma is a type of chicken, Faun is another term for a half goat, half human and Husk is named after the Husky Dog. Now as you may have noticed, Faun has a different weapon and Husk doesn’t show one. This is because I’m not keeping the canon abilities. The actual abilities I am unsure with especially for the Dog miraculous but I’m definitely going to change them.

Yin Yang Miraculous

Wuxing Miraculous

Chinese Zodiac Miraculous:

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3: Here
