#dolan twins blurb


Type: One shot about Ethan Dolan
Rating: Rated PG (Contains Drinking)
Word Count: 3900+
Paring: Ethan + Riley

She grabbed her bag and left her apartment. Heading to the airport, it was her week off and she wanted a different scenery. She boarded the plane and off she was to Miami. She got off the plane once it landed and headed to her hotel. Once she checked in she went up to her room. She placed her luggage down and headed straight for the bathroom. She took a quick shower, just to wash off the plane feeling. She got dressed in a body-tight black dress before heading out of the hotel. She found a club, she quickly got in and went straight to the bar.

“Can I get a black Russian?” she asked.
“Of course sweetheart,” the bartender said as he winked at her.
“Thank you,” she said as she waited for her drink.
“A woman who knows what she likes,” someone said.
“Of course I do,” she turned to them.
“A black Russian though?” he chuckled.
“I like my drinks like I like my men, strong,” she said as she grabbed her drink.
“I see that,” he smiled. “Put it on my tab” he nodded towards the bartender.
“I’m a woman who can pay for her drinks,” she said.
“Trust me I know that” he smirked.
“Good,” she said.
“What’s your name?” He asked. “I’m Ethan,” he said.
“I’m Riley,” she said as she took a sip from her drink.
“Nice to meet you” he nodded as he took a sip from his drink.
“You as well,” she said as she looked at him.

She leaned against the bar, just taking in the scene. She kept taking sips from her drink, once she finished her drink she put the glass down. She walked over to Ethan and grabbed his hand, leading him to the dance floor. He placed his hands on her hips as they moved to the music. She turned so her back was facing him, grinding her hips towards his. Brushing against him as she moved to the beat. He kept his hands on her hips as he moved with her. He grabbed her hand and swung her around, dipping her slightly. She smiled as she stood up placing her arms around his neck. He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, allowing his thumb to brush against her cheek. She leaned in towards him, placing her lips against his. He kissed her softly but slowly turned it into a passion. His tongue entered her mouth as she pulled against his bottom lip. His hand placed on her neck, keeping her close as she grabbed his shirt. She tugged at his bottom lip as she pulled away, turning away from him. He grabbed her hips pulling her back against him. His breath against her neck as he kissed her neck. She turned to face him grabbing his shirt once again. Pulling him to her as she allowed her lips to linger against his.

“Another drink?” she whispered.
“After you,” he said as he never looked away.

She grabbed his hand and led him back to the bar. She ordered another drink but this time he also ordered the same as her. She clink her glass with his as she looked at him. She never looked away as they both took a sip of the drink. He choked slightly as he didn’t realize how strong the drink was. She laughed slightly as she watched him.

“Question,” she said.
“Shoot,” he replied.
“How many tattoos do you have?” she asked as she traced over the one on his arm.
“Too many” he chuckled slightly.
“I would love to see them all” she smiled as she grabbed his shirt, pulling him towards her. “Even the one on your ass,” she laughed.
“How did you know?” He looked at her.
“Lucky guess” she looked at him. “Really?” she asked.
“Maybe,” he said as he took another sip of the drink.
“Oh ok,” she said.
“I’m staying at a hotel if you want to have a nightcap,” he said.
“I’m staying at a hotel as well,” she said. “So guessing you’re not from here?” she asked.
“No, I bounce between LA and NJ” he nodded.
“Oh cool,” she said. “I’m from NY” she looked at him.
“Spring break?” he asked.
“Something like that” she grabbed his hand and led him back to the dance floor.

They danced to a few more songs before heading out of the club. He grabbed her hand and led her down the street to his hotel. It wasn’t only his hotel because it was the one she was staying at as well. He hit the button for the elevator, as they waited she pulled him towards her. Placing her lips against his, kissing him hard and passionate. Their tongues playing to see who dominates, she pulled his bottom lip as the elevator beeped. They got on the elevator and once the doors were shut they were on each other again. His hands caressed her sides, running his hand up and down. Playing with her shirt as he moves his lips down to her neck. Sucking gently as she grips the back of his neck keeping him close. The elevator stopped on his floor and he led her down to his room. She wrapped her arms around him as he fumbled with the keycard. She chuckled slightly and took the key card from him and opened the door.  He pushed her against the door as he placed his lips against hers. She pulled up his shirt and over his head, placing her hand on his bare chest. He moved his lips down to her neck as he gripped her shirt in his hand. Lifting it over her head, placing his lips back against her skin. She pushed him towards the bed as she undid his pants. Allowing them to fall to the ground, he walked out of them. He placed her on the bed, slipped his hands up her thighs. Pulling off her skirt and panties at the same time. He got over the top of her, leaving a trail of kisses down her body. They surely enjoyed their first night in Miami together. She was snuggled up to him when she woke up in the morning. She winced as the sun was peeking through the window. She slowly got out of bed making sure not to wake him and gathered her clothes. She quickly got dressed and slipped out of the room, heading to her hotel room. She took a hot relaxing shower and got ready for the day. She put her bikini on under her outfit.

“Last night was fun but today will be relaxing,” she said to herself as she checked her phone.

She had a text from her best friend Kodi. She smiled as she replied and started a conversation with Kodi. Kodi was already in Miami and they decided to meet up at Crandon Park. Riley put her things in a bag and headed out the door. She caught a taxi and was on her way. She stopped to get food before making her way there. Once she exited the taxi she saw Kodi, she smiled as she rushed over to where Kodi was standing.

“Hey, you,” Kodi said as she placed her arm around Riley.
“Hey, why didn’t you tell me you were coming down here?” Riley asked.
“Last minute trip, got in last night,” Kodi said.
“Last night” Riley smiled to herself, thinking about Ethan.
“Something happened?” Kodi asked.
“You mean who happened?” Riley smirked as they walked over to a park bench.
“Who?” Kodi asked.
“Some guy” Riley rolled her eyes. “Meeting him at the bar and boy last night was amazing,” she said.
“Nice” Kodi nodded as they started to eat. “I could get used to this view,” she said.
“It’s so nice here, ” Riley said. “Better than the cold at home,” she said as she looked out towards the water.
“Yea that’s why I decided to come down here,” Kodi said.
“Wait is that Ethan,” Riley said as she looked down the beach.
“Is it?” Kodi asked.
“I think so but he’s too far away to know for sure” Riley turned her focus back on her food.
“Riley?” Ethan asked as he noticed her. “There is my runaway girl,” he said as he walked over to where they were.
“Runaway Girl” Kodi looked at Riley.
“Yea a runaway girl,” Riley said as she looked at Ethan. “I didn’t think we would see each other again,” she said.
“Well, maybe it’s fate” Ethan smiled as he sat down next to her.
“Maybe,” she said.
“You two would be cute together,” Kodi said.
“Hush” Riley rolled her eyes.
“I don’t think I’m strong enough for her” Ethan playfully pushed Riley.
“He can’t take a black Russian,” she said as she pushed him back.

After Kodi and Riley finished eating they joined Ethan on the beach. Ethan helped Riley get ready for the water, which included getting her undressed. He pulled her close to him, she rested her hand against his chest. He tilted her chin up and kissed her softly. She smiled against his lips and kissed him back. He put sunscreen on her back and she helped him reapply his sunscreen. As soon as he knew she was protected he picked her up over his shoulder. Running towards the water, she screamed and laughed as they got closer to the water. She spanked his ass right before they plunged into the water. The waves crashed over them pulling them apart. He broke to the surface before she did, he looked around for her. He saw her and helped her to the surface. She wiped the water from her face and gasped for air. He pulled her to him, keeping her close to him.

“You ok?” he asked.
“Yea I’m fine” she nodded.
“Don’t tell me my runaway girl can’t swim” he brushed the hair from her face.
“I know how to swim but the waves caught me by surprise,” she said.
“It’s ok I can be your strong man,” he smiled.
“Oh hush,” she said as she splashed him.
“Oh it’s on,” he said as he splashed her back.

They splashed each other until another wave crashed over them. Separating them once again, he stayed under the water and looked for her. She broke the surface first and reached under, grabbing his arm. He came up to the surface and pulled her to him. After hours of fun under the sun, they came back out of the water. She took her towel and dried herself off before getting dressed. Sitting on the sand leaning back on her arms as she looked out at the water.

“Beautiful isn’t it,” he said as he sat next to her.
“Yea it is” she nodded.
“Miami is an amazing, beautiful city,” he said.
“and warm,” she smiled.
“True that better than NJ this time of year,” he said.
“Yea NY is the same” she looked at him. “But you also live in LA, you are used to this,” she said.
“Yea but it’s still nice to get away” he looks at her.
“True,” she said.
“Want to go to dinner?” he asked.
“I could always eat” she looked at him.
“There is a restaurant not too far from here,” he said.
“Alright I’m game,” she smiled.
“Hey you two,” Kodi said. “I’m going back to the hotel, it was a long night than being in the sun I’m tired,” Kodi said.
“Alright, it was nice seeing you,” Riley said. “We have to hang out sometime this week,” she said.
“Of course,” Kodi smiled. “Have fun” she said as she nodded towards Ethan.
“She will,” Ethan smiled.

Kodi hailed a taxi and left. Riley and Ethan left the beach and started walking towards the restaurant. He held the door open for her as she entered. The waitress seated them right away, Ethan slipped into the same side as Riley. She looked over the menu as he did. The waiter walked up and Riley ordered drinks for them both.

“Surly likes to be in control,” Ethan smirked.
“Not in the bedroom though” she winked.
“Oh I know” he bit his lip as he looked at her.
“First guy to dominate me” she leaned in and kissed him, pulling his bottom lip.
“Really?” he asked as he grabbed her chin, keeping her close.
“Yes,” she kissed him again.
“Trying new things?” He looked at her.
“Yea it’s spring break so why not try something new,” she said.

The waiter brought them their drinks and they ordered their food. While they waited they played 21 questions to get to know each other better. It surely spiced up the conversation and it was never awkward between them. Their food arrived and things got quiet as they ate. Once they finished he paid and reached for her hand. She grabbed his hand and left the restaurant, they just walked around taking in the sights of Miami.

“We should get a tattoo,” she said as they walked past a tattoo shop.
“Are you sure?” He looked at her.
“Why not?” she looked at him.
“Are you sure?” he asked again.
“Yes I’m sure,” she said as she pulled him into the tattoo shop.
“Hello we are doing a special today, 2 tattoos for the price of one but here’s the catch you have to play Russian roulette” the guy smiled.
“Meaning we put money into the machine and get whatever tattoo design that comes out” Ethan explained.
“I’m game,” she said.
“Me too,” Ethan said.

She put the quarters in the machine and got a design. Ethan followed and got his design. They both got butterflies, just slightly different. He went first and got the butterfly on the back of his neck with his other tattoo. She decided to get the butterfly tattooed behind her ear.

“That’s a painful place,” the guy said.
“I’ll be fine” she nodded and sat down.
“You can hold my hand if it gets too much,” Ethan said.

She moved her hair to the side as the guy started the tattoo. It was only painful in a few places and she squeezed Ethan’s hand a few times. Once he finished she looked in the mirror and saw it the best way she could. Riley loved it and decided to get a heart tattoo on her ring finger. Once she was finished they paid for the tattoos and left.

“I can’t believe you did that,” Ethan admitted.
“Hey you only live once” she smiled as she looked at her hand.
“Those two tattoos are perfect for you,” he said.
“We kinda got matching ones” she laughed slightly. “But different in their way,” she said.
“Yea” he wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked.

They finished the night off by getting ice cream before heading back to the hotel. She decided to call it a night and say her goodbyes to Ethan before heading to her room. Once she got to her hotel room she went straight to bed. Playing in the sun all day wore her out. She was knocked out until she heard the siren go off in the hotel. She got up and grabbed her jacket and phone, slipping her shoes on before exiting her room. Everyone was leaving the hotel because the kitchen was on fire. Ethan ran over to where she was standing.

“Good Morning, ” Ethan said as he stretched.
“Yea, it sure is morning,” she said as she yawned. “I need coffee,” she said.
“There is a cafe down the street, I could go get you some” he offered.
“That would be greatly appreciated,” she said.

He went down to the local cafe and got them coffee and something to eat. He returned and they sat on the curve and ate their breakfast. She enjoyed her coffee as she started to truly wake up.

“Thank you,” she said.
“No problem,” he said. “We should stop meeting like this,” he chuckled.
“We do stay in the same hotel room so it’s bound to happen” she smiled.
“I’m not complaining, I like spending my week with you,” he said.
“Me too” she looked at him.
“So what do you have planned for today?” he asked.
“I’m not sure, kind of let the day tell me,” she said.
“I want to go to the zoo, it looks like a free-roaming zoo,” he said.
“Interesting,” she said as she took another sip from her coffee.
“Would you like to join me?” he asked.
“Sure why not” she looked at him.

Once they were allowed back into the hotel they both went and got ready for the day. They met back at the lobby and were off to the zoo. They walked around for a while just looking at the animals. They feed the giraffes and the parrots. She grabbed his hand and led him to the Safari Tram tours. They got onto the bus and went for a ride.

“Wait, I’m not too sure about this,” she said as they went into the safari.
“Don’t worry I got you” he chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her.
“It’s cool but I’m kinda worried,” she said as she watched the animals. “What if they eat us?” she asked.
“The animals in the safari won’t hurt you” he kept her close.
“Aw look at the deer,” she said.
“See, they won’t hurt you,” he said.
“Ok this isn’t too bad,” she said as she relaxed in his arms.
“As long as I’m holding you” he smiled and kissed her temple.
“Yea” she nodded as she leaned against him.

They got off the safari and looked around some more. He pulled her into the snake exhibit, where they saw a green anaconda. They also saw frogs, lizards, and also an eyelash viper.

“You like snakes?” she asked.
“I always thought they were cool,” he said.
“Yea they are but I wouldn’t want to be near one,” she said as she looked at the anaconda.
“Snakes are harmless, well not these but most snakes are,” he said.
“Yea I know” she nodded. “That’s a pretty snake,” she said as she looked at the viper.
“Yea it is” he nodded. “Look at these cool frogs” he grabbed her hand.
“Poison frogs,” she said.“But cute frogs” she looked at them.
“So vibrant in color” he admired the frogs.
“Can we go check out the crocodiles?” she asked.
“Of course, right this way,” he said as he offered his arm.
“You’re cheesy” she smiled as she linked arms with him.
“Oh you will learn to love it” he smiled as they walked to the crocodile exhibit.

Once they finished checking out the crocodile they rode another ride. They finished up by looking at the elephants before leaving the zoo. There were food trucks in the parking lot so they grabbed some food and sat on a picnic bench. As they ate they watched the sunset. Once they finished eating they got a taxi and went back to their hotel. She went with him to his room and spent the night with him.

“So what movie?” he asked.
“Just pick one,” she said as she slipped her shoes off and got into bed.
“Alright well this is it,” he said as he picked a movie and laid back.

She laid in his arms, resting her head against his chest. They barely made it through half of the movie before falling asleep. In the morning she was awakened with him getting out of bed.

“Now who’s running away?” she asked.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” he said.
“uh-huh,” she rolled on her back, stretching her arms. Once he finished in the bathroom he returned to the bed.
“I have bad news,” he said.
“What?” she snuggled back to him.
“I leave tonight,” he said.
“I thought you were staying until Sunday?” she asked.
“I was supposed to but my brother needs me,” he said.
“oh ok,” she traced his tattoo, not knowing what to say.
“I want nothing more to stay longer but my flight leaves tonight,” he said.
“Well we have one last day together,” she said.
“And I want nothing more to spend it with you” he kissed her forehead.

They ordered room service and decided to not waste a minute of their last day together. They went to the beach, the jungle and ate at Versailles. They also went on a tour of the European-Style Mansion at Vizcaya. The day was full of fun and just enjoying their time together.

“So our time is winding time, so what’s the next thing you want to do?” she asked.
“Just walk down the street with you in my arms,” he said.
“We can do that” she smiled as she wrapped her arm around his waist.
“How is this going to work?” he asked as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“When I go back home and you go back home?” he asked. “Will we still want to be together?” he questioned.
“I don’t know,” she said. “I enjoy my time with you and would like to see where things go between us,” she said.
“But our words are so different,” he said. “But if we want it to work we will,” he said.
“Yea we will,” she said.

They walked around for a while before heading back to the hotel. She watched him pack his bags and once he finished they were off to the airport. She walked him into the airport, not sure what the future held.

“I’ll call you when I land,” he said.
“You better, I need to know you are safe” she wrapped her arms around him.
“I will” he leaned down and kissed her softly.
“Good and when you are NJ give me a heads up” she looked at him.
“Of course,” he smiled.
“Now this isn’t goodbye, just see you later,” she said.
“Yea” he nodded and kissed her again.
“I didn’t expect to meet anyone,” she said. “And to be sad to see them go” she looked down.
“Don’t be sad” he tilted her chin up. “We will make this work,” he said.
“Yea we will,” she nodded.
“See you later” he kissed her forehead and squeezed her to him

He pulled away from her and grabbed his bag. Walking away from her as he made his way to his gate, he turned around and waved to her. She left the airport and went back to the hotel. She stayed until Sunday and then caught a flight back to New York. Back to reality once her feet hit the ground in New York. She wasn’t sure if it would work with Ethan but she wanted to try everything that she could to make it work. When he was in New Jersey she would drive up there on the weekends to spend time with him. He would also drive down to New York when she had to work, just to spend time with her. When she had a long weekend she would fly out to LA to be with him. It was hard at first but once they realized what they meant to each other it got easier. He finally moved back to NJ to be around his family as well as be close to her. A fun week that wasn’t supposed to mean anything changed their whole world. It was fate that brought them together but love is what keeps them together.

Type: One shot | Imagine about Grayson
Trigger Warning: Sexual, Blood, Kidnapping, Killing
Word Count: 4000+
Rating: Rated R
Paring: Hailey + Grayson

“Don’t stop,” she moaned.

He kisses his way up her chest, settling the length of his body against hers. His finger drags across her breast as his face hovers over hers.

“Are you ready to work hard for me?” He asked.
“It’s more if I’m the one that’s in control,” She asked.

Grinning wickedly, she reaches down and slips his hand into his briefs, finding him already hard. She rubs him softly, enough to make him moan. Leaving him wanting more.  She leans up kissing him passionately. She feels like she’s on fire as he runs his hand down to her hips. He moves his hips and flips them over, she’s straddling him, chest to chest. She moans into his ear as her hips rock against his. His hands trace a pattern up her spine, reaching for the clasp of her bra.

“I don’t think you need this anymore” he whispered in her ear. Pulling her bra off her shoulders, tossing it onto the floor.

His lips graze the bare skin of her breast, his tongue flicking against her nipple. Teasing her slightly as she leans her head back, moaning slightly. She can’t catch her breath as the sensations overwhelm her. All she can think is that she needs him. Just as he’s about to suck on her nipple there is a knock on the door. She leans against him as the door opens, it’s just Ethan. Grayson grabs the blanket and covers them up.

‘You are supposed to wait until I answer the door or say come in" Grayson rolls his eyes.
“Sorry, are you guys ready?” Ethan asked.
“We will be,” Grayson snapped.
“The plan leaves in like an hour, snap to it,” Ethan said as he left the room.
“I’m sorry,” Grayson said.
“It’s ok,” Haily said as she got off of Grayson. Placing her shirt on before finishing packing their bags.  
“Maybe in the cabin, we are staying at we can get some alone time,” he said as he sat beside her.
“Yea” She nodded as she looked at him.
“You better pack warm things, it gets cold in New Jersey,” he said.
“I’ve never been so maybe when we get there, you can help me pick out some warm things,” she said.
“Sure,” he nodded.

They finished packing and brought everything down to the living room. Ethan and Kristina were waiting for them. The boys put everything in the car and they were off to the airport. They had no idea that this trip would be the last. They got on the plane and within a few hours, they landed in New Jersey. They met the rest of the crew and went up to the cabin in the woods. It was supposed to be a weekend getaway with friends. They finally got to the cabin, choosing what room everyone was going to stay in.

“Wow, this is beautiful,” Hailey said.
“Yea I love it out here, especially this time of the year” Grayson wrapped his arms around her.
“I see why” she smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Wait until you see it snow,” he said.
“Even better” she leaned in and kissed him softly.
“Of course” he smiled against her lips.
“So this room has a mini-fridge, bathroom, and a fireplace?” she asked.
“Yes,” he chuckled slightly.
“So we could lock ourselves in this room and just enjoy each other” She looked at him.
“Yea we could” he smirked as he placed his hands against her hips. “But we would miss all the fun,” he said.
“We could have fun all by ourselves” she kissed him softly, pulling on his bottom lip.
“True,” he smiled.

He deepens the kiss, sliding his hand around her waist. Holding her close, moving her back towards the bed. She reaches for her shirt, undoing it by pulling it over his head. He pushes her on the bed, she lays back watching him move over the top of her.  He leans in kissing her before leaving a trail along her jaw, down to her neck. Sliding his hands up her sides, removing her shirt. Throwing it to the floor before placing his lips back against her neck. Grayson’s mouth trails down her body, giving attention to her nipples before dipping down to her stomach, going lower. He looks up at her before undoing her pants, slipping them off of her hips. She pulls him up, kissing him softly. Pushing her hips up, flipping them over as she straddles him.

“You’re good at that” he smiles as he lays his head back, just watching her.
“I know” she smirks, leaning down kissing him.

She leaves a trail of kisses down his jaw, to his neck. Slowly moving down his chest, kissing his stomach as she reaches to the top of his jeans. Someone knocks on the door, Hailey sighs and wraps the blanket around her. Darting off to the bathroom before Grayson answered the door. Of course, it was Ethan once again, Grayson rolled his eyes once he realized it was Ethan.

“What E?” Grayson asked.
“Just heading to the store to get supplies, do you guys need anything?” Ethan asked.
“I don’t think so, Hailey?” Grayson asked.
“Just some snacks,” she said as she walked out, messing with her hair.
“Alright,” Ethan nodded and walked away.
“Seriously, when are we going to get actual alone time?” She asked.
“I’m sorry,” Grayson said as he wrapped his arm around her waist.
“It’s ok, I’m going to go fix something to eat, do you want anything?” she asked.
“Whatever you are making” he nodded.
“Alright babe” she leaned up and kissed him softly before walking out the room.

She asked everyone else if they wanted anything before she started to cook. No one else wanted anything to eat so she just cooked for Grayson and herself. She brought the food back to their room and they ate by the fireplace. The rest of the night everyone just chilled in their room. Haily cuddled up with Grayson in the bed, drifting off to sleep. Everyone was surprised that it snowed overnight.

“Babe woke up,” Haily said as she nudged Grayson.
“Uh?” he groaned.
“It snowed,” she said.
“Really? Already?” he asked as he rubbed his eyes.
“Yea I think it’s at least 15 inches,” she said.
“Snow day,” he said as he sat up.
“Yea” she looked at him. “I’m not used to this,” she admitted.
“I know babe but you’ll love it” he wrapped his arm around her.
“I already do,” she leaned into his chest.
“I love you” he kissed the top of her head.
“I love you,” she said as she played with his hand.
'Come on let’s get up and get ready for the day" he said.

They both went into the bathroom, Hailey turned on the sink. They both stood in front of the sink and brushed their teeth. She rinsed first and whipped her mouth on the towel. Placing her against his stomach, slowly leaving her touch on his skin as she left the bathroom. He smiled to himself as he finished brushing his teeth. He whipped his mouth before walking after her. She was in the kitchen making breakfast.

“Did you guys notice the snow?” Kristinia asked.
“Yea we saw it” Hailey nodded.
“So much of it,” Grayson said as he made himself a cup of coffee.
“Yea and it supposed to snow more tonight,” Ethan said as he wrapped his arm around Christina
“Really?” Hailey asked.
“Yea” Grayson took a sip from his cup. “We are trapped for at least a week,” Grayson said.
“Well I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else” Hailey placed her arms around Gray’s neck.
“I wouldn’t either” he smiled, leaning down kissing her softly.
“Get a room you two” Ethan rolled his eyes.
“We have and yet someone keeps walking in on us,” Grayson said as he shot Ethan a look.
“I knock before I come in,” Ethan smirks.
“Uh-huh,” Grayson said.
“So we are going to have a snow fight?” Nate asked as he walked into the kitchen.
“Oh it’s so on,” Ethan said.
“Well let’s go,” Nate said.
“I’m going to eat before I head out to the cold” Hailey said as she turned her focus back on cooking.
“Yea same” Grayson said as he moved behind Hailey, resting his hand on her hip.
“Where are Anna and Tyler?” Ethan asked.
“Still sleeping,” Nate responded.
“What about Sam?” Grayson asked.
“Probably still sleeping,” Nate said.
“WAKE UP EVERYONE!!! IT SNOWED” Ethan yelled as he walked through the house. Making sure everyone could hear him.

Sam, Tyler, and Anana came out of their rooms, groaning at Ethan for waking them up. Hailey finished cooking and they all sat down to eat before going out in the snow. Grayson cleaned up the kitchen before going into the room with Hailey. She was getting ready for the snow but he knew she wasn’t ready for it. He handed her his hoodie so she could stay warm.

“You are going to need extra layers,” he said.
“Thank you,” she said as she grabbed his hoodie.
“I want to make sure you are warm,” he said.
“You can once we come back inside” she smirked.
“Oh I know” he pulled her to him, leaning down kissing her.

She smiled against his lips before pulling away. They finished getting ready and they headed out the door with everyone else. Of course, Ethan started a snowball fight. Hailey hid behind a tree, as she made snowballs. Throwing them at everyone, no one was safe. The air was crisp but also filled with laughter from everyone. The wind started to pick up and it started to get colder. As the wind picked up the view started to get worse. She couldn’t see anything, she didn’t realize how far she was in the woods until she couldn’t see the house. She started to walk in the woods trying to find her way back to the house. She stumbled and fell over someone, there was a body. She started screaming once she realized that it was a dead body. She hurried to her feet and started to run through the woods. She came to a barn and she entered, just trying to catch her breath and stay warm.

“Guys where is Hailey?” Grayson asked as they made their way to the house.
“She was behind that tree,” Ethan said.
“She’s not there anymore,” Grayson said with worry.
“I’m sure she’s near,” Christina said.
“Yea she will be back,” Anna said.

They went inside the house, Grayson stayed by the window worried about Hailey. Hailey noticed a fire pit so she walked over there, trying to get warm. That’s when she noticed more bodies and a lot of blood. She slowed her breathing when she heard someone coming, she ducked into a stall. The guy was dragging someone, dropping them in front of the stall. She could tell the person was still alive but she kept quiet, placing her hand over her mouth. She closed her eyes not wanting to see what he was going to do to the person. She could still hear every detail. She leaned against the wall, keeping her hand over her mouth. She could hear the shallow moans from the guy. Then she heard the crack of his neck, the sound of his falling to the ground. She closed her eyes, trying to slow her breathing and her heart rate. She could hear the sawing of flesh, the bones crushing. The blood dripped off the table. There was an iron smell in the air. When she heard the footsteps walk away that’s when she knew she needed to run. She left the stall and started running towards the woods. She finally made it back to the house, right when they were about to go looking for her.

“Hailey,” Grayson said.
“Get inside NOW,” Hailey said as she grabbed him.
“Whoa I’m here,” Grayson said as he held onto her, going back into the house.
“Where were you?” Ethan asked.
“Guys we need to leave,” Hailey said as she caught her breath.
“Why?” Anna asked.
“Because we do,” Hailey said.
“Breath Hailey” Grayson rubbed her back. “What happened?” he asked.
“I got lost in the woods and I stumbled over a body,” Hailey said.
“Yea yea whatever” Ethan rolled his eyes.
“I’m serious, and then I went into a barn to get warm,” She said as her mind was racing. “I ducked into a stall when the guy returned and he had someone” Hailey closed her eyes trying not to remember the sounds.
“Good joke” Nate laughed slightly.
“It’s not a joke,” Hailey said.
“Trying to scare us so you can be alone with Grayson,” Ethan said.
“I’m not joking, we NEED to leave,” she said.
“The roads are trash and with the next storm coming, no planes are flying,” Sam said.
“True,” Grayson said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Then we can leave this house,” Hailey said. “I’m serious, guys,” she said.

No one truly took her seriously and went on with their day. Grayson took her into their room, locking the door behind them. She just sat on the bed, trying to get the sounds out of her mind. She placed her head down in her hands, Grayson sat next to her. Rubbing her back trying to help but honestly, he didn’t know what to do.

“Do you believe me?” she whispered.
“I want to babe,” he said. “but no one lives that close to this cabin” he admitted.
“Gray” she looked at him.
“I want to believe you,” he said.
“I’m not joking and I’m not crazy,” she said as she stood up.
“I know babe” he sighed. “I just don’t know,” he said.
“Fine you guys keep acting like nothing is happening but I’m staying my ass in this cabin until I’m able to leave” she crossed her arms.
“Ok just calm down” Grayson stood up, grabbing her hips.
“No you don’t get to touch me” she pulled away from him.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I believe something did happen to you in the woods,” he said.
“Now you are just saying that” she crossed her arms.
“I’m not,” he said. “Because when you came running up into my arms, I felt your heart racing so yes something happened,” he said.
“Yea something did happen and I’m terrified” she looked at him.
“I know you are” he pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her.
“I’m scared Grayson” she held onto him, snuggling her head into his neck.
“I got you and I won’t let anything happen to you” he whispered.

She stayed in Grayson’s arms, trying to feel safe. They stayed in their rooms, just cuddling on the bed. A few hours went by and it started snowing again. Added 6 more inches on the snow they already had. They were truly trapped in the cabin in the woods with no way to leave. Hailey started to drift off to sleep when the lights started to flicker.

“Babe I need to get up,” Grayson said.
“Go,” she said as she moved slightly, allowing him to get up.
“If the lights go out we need to get the generator going,” he said.
“Ok” she nodded as she snuggled to the pillow.
“I’ll be back” he leaned down and kissed her cheek.

He left the room and Grayson and Ethan went outside to work on the generator. Making sure it had gas and no snow around it so it would kick in if they did lose power. Once they finished they came back inside, Grayson rejoined Hailey in their room. He laid back in the bed and snuggled up to her. She was already fast asleep when he returned. He wrapped a blanket around them, wrapping his arms around her. Making sure she felt safe before drifting off to sleep. Sometimes during the night, the lights did go out.

“Where am I?” Hailey mumbled in her sleep. “I can stay in here until the wind dies down,” she said.
“Babe?” Grayson groaned as he pulled her closer. “Shhh,” he said.
“Who’s there?” she asked.
“Babe wakes up” he rubbed her back, gently waking her up.
“Uh? What?” she rubbed her eyes.
“You were having a bad dream,” he said.
“It’s freezing in here” she snuggled closer to him.
“The power is out, I’ll start a fire,” he said as he got up out of bed.
“Hurry back,” she said as she snuggled under the blankets.

He smiled at her before starting a fire. He made sure it was going well before he returned to bed. Wrapping his arms around her as she pulled the blanket over him. She snuggled back to his chest. falling back to sleep. In the morning she woke up without Grayson in the bed. She shuffled in the sheets before getting out of the bed. Slipping her robe on before making her way into the living room.

“What do you mean you don’t know where he is?” Grayson asked.
“He said he was going into town to get some more supplies,” Ethan said.
“And when was this?” Grayson crossed his arms.
“Over three hours ago,” Ethan said.
“Wait, who’s missing?” Hailey asked.
“Nate,” Anna said.
“None of the cars are working so he went by foot?” Grayson asked.
“Yes,” Christina said.
“After yesterday, how could anyone let him go?” Hailey asked.
“Sorry to disappoint you but no one believes you” Ethan rolls his eyes.
“Uh-huh,” Hailey crossed her arms. “Now Nate is missing,” she said.
“Doesn’t mean what you said is true,” Tyler said.
“Fine, don’t believe me,” Hailey said.
“Take it easy on her” Grayson moved in front of Hailey. “We need to find Nate,” he said.
“I’ll go and see if I can find him,” Tyler said. “I’m the one whose cell phone is still working,” Tyler said.
“Be careful,” Ethan said.

Tyler got ready and left the cabin. Ethan stayed at the door until Tyler disappeared in the distance. As he closed the door the generator went out.

“Do we have any more gas? Wood?” Christina asked.
“Yes we have enough wood to keep us warm but not enough gas,” Ethan said.
“So we are all dead,” Hailey sighed. “How are we getting out of here?” she questioned.
“Until the snow melts or the roads get better,” Grayson said.
“Great” Hailey rolled her eyes and went back into their room.
“This isn’t the first time we have been trapped in the storm, ” Grayson said as he followed her.
“I know that Grayson but there is no way out,” she said. “And with a killer in the woods, we are sitting ducks,” she said.
“Just calm down” he sat on the bed, pulling her onto his lap.
“I’m scared Grayson” she placed her hand on the back of his neck, messing with his hair.
“I know but you are safe with me” he looked up at her, wrapping his arms around her.
“I feel safe when I’m in your arms” she leaned down and kissed him softly.
“HELPPPPPPP” Someone screamed.
“What was that?” Grayson said as both Hailey and he got up off the bed.
“Who was that? Ethan asked.
"Grayson” Hailey said as she pulled him to the window.

Everyone watched Tyler getting dragged into the woods. It was clear he wasn’t awake since he wasn’t fighting or screaming anymore. They watched until the guy disappeared with Tyler.

“Now believe me?” Hailey asked.
“What do we do?” Grayson said as he tried to catch his breath.
“No one leaves this cabin,” Ethan said.
“Why is that guy doing this?” Christina asked.
“What’s going on guys?” Sam asked as he walked out of his room.
“Tyler and Nate are missing,” Ethan said.
“And we just watched Tyler being dragged into the woods,” Grayson said.
“We have to go help them,” Sam said.
“And do what exactly?” Hailey asked.
“I don’t know, they are our friends. We have to help” Sam said.
“We have to come up with a plan before we go out there,” Grayson said.
“You aren’t going anywhere!” Hailey said.
“He’s right, we can’t just let our friends get killed,” Grayson turned to face her.
“But you could get hurt,” Hailey said.
“We will be careful,” Grayson said.
“If one goes we all go,” Anna said.
“Yea we aren’t staying here,” Christina said.

Everyone that was left in the house got ready to go out in the snow. They left the cabin and Hailey led them to where the barn is. They stayed in the woods as they could see the guy tying up Tyler. They could also see Nate tied up but Nate looked like he had been through hell. Once the guy disappeared into the house they ran to the barn. Splitting up so they wouldn’t get caught. Grayson went to get Nate as Ethan went to go get Tyler.

“HELPPPPP” Tyler yelled as he came too.
“Shhh, I’m here,” Ethan said.
“Get me out of here,” Tyler said.
“I am” Ethan nodded as he undid the ties, Tyler falling into Ethan’s arms.
“Nate?” Grayson asked as he tried to undo the tie.
“Uh?” Nate said as he opened his eyes.
“I got you,” Grayson said as he finished undoing the tie. Dropping Nate into his arms. Sam rushed over to help.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?” The guy asked as he walked into the barn.
“Getting my friends!” Grayson said. Sam picked up Nate and ran back into the woods.
“GRAYSON COME ON” Hailey yelled from the woods.
“You messed with the wrong ones,” Grayson said
“Oh really?” The guy asked.

As Grayson turned to run away from the barn. The guy grabbed him, pulling him back. Grayson tried to struggle but the guy was stronger. Grayson could feel the knife stabbing him in the stomach. He yelled out before dropping to the ground. Everyone thought Grayson was with them but they turned to see Grayson laying on the barn floor. They all rushed back attacking the guy. Tyler was finally able to call for help. Hailey rushed to where Grayson was lying. Placing her jacket over the stab wound.

'I got you,“ Hailey said. "Stay with me Grayson,” she said as she propped his head upon her leg.
“Hailey” Grayson looked at her.
“I’m here baby” she ran her hand through his hair.
“I love you” he placed his hand on her cheek.
“I love you” she leaned into his touch. “You will be ok,” she said as she fought back tears.
“GRAYSON” Ethan rushed to his side after tying up the guy.
“Ethan” Grayson looked at him. “I love you brother,” Grayson said.
“Help is on their way, hang on,” Ethan said as he grabbed Grayson’s hand.
“It’s cold,” Grayson said as he started to close his eyes.
“No no no focus on me,” Hailey said.
“Take care of her,” Grayson whispered.

His hand dropped from her face, his grip loosened on Ethan’s hand. Hailey started to cry as Grayson was slipping away. Finally, the police and an ambulance showed up. Taking Hailey, Grayson, and Nate to the hospital. She never left his side until they arrived at the hospital. She was in the waiting room, pacing back and forth when everyone else got there.

“Hailey!” Ethan rushed to her. “Any word?” he asked.
“Not yet,” she said as she had tears running down her face.
“He will be ok,” Ethan said as he pulled her to his chest, hugging her tightly.
“I hope so,” she said as she pulled away, rubbing her eyes.
“He will be,” Christina said as she hugged Hailey.
“Are you Ethan? Hailey?” the doctor asked as he walked over to them.
“Yea I’m Ethan,” Ethan said.
“Hailey,” Hailey said.
“He’s asking for you two,” the doctor said.
“Really?” Ethan said.
“He’s ok?” Hailey asked.
“Yes room 208” the doctor nodded as they rushed down the hallway.

They walked into the room and Grayson was laying in the bed awake. His face lit up when he saw Hailey and Ethan walking in.

“Grayson” Ethan smiled.
“Hey brother,” Grayson smiled. “Come here,” Grayson said. Ethan walked over and hugged Grayson.
“We were so worried,” Ethan said. “Nate is doing fine,” Ethan said.
“That’s good,” Grayson nodded and looked at Hailey. “Come here,” Grayson said.
“You’re ok,” Hailey said.
“Come here baby,” Grayson said. “You can breathe, I’m ok” he said

She walked over to him and hugged him. He pulled her onto the bed, knowing she was worried about him. She buried her face into his neck as she cried. She couldn’t believe that he was ok. He rubbed her back, calming her down as she lay against him. Grayson and Nate had to stay overnight at the hospital. Once they were released they went back home to L.A. It wasn’t the vacation that they were expecting, nor would they ever forget.

Type: One shot | Imagine about Ethan Dolan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2767

This would be their first Christmas together as a couple. Emily and Ethan knew each other since they were old enough to talk. They were always best friends but never more, until one night of truth or dare with their friends. Let’s just say the night got more serious than they realized. They finally admitted they both had feelings for each other and ever since then they were together. That was nearly 8 months ago but they were super excited to spend Christmas together.

“Babe can you believe it’s December,” Emily said as she wrapped her arms around him. He was sitting at the computer desk trying to get some work done. He smiled and placed his hands over hers and looked at her.
“No I can’t, honestly where has the time gone this year?” he questioned.
“Spending it with me of course” she smiled, leaning down kissing his forehead.
“True but truly this year has flown by,” he said.
“Yea I  know it has,” she said,
“Come here,” he said as he pulled her onto his lap.
“What babe?” she looked at him.
“I’m excited to spend our first Christmas together,” he said.
“I am too” she kissed him softly.
“We get to do all the fun things together,” she said.
“Like?” He raised an eyebrow.
“We’ll pick out a tree, decorate the tree. Then making a gingerbread house. Baking cookies for Santa” she said.
“Oh interesting,” he smiled.
“Oh there is so much more” she chuckled slightly.
“And I can’t wait to do them all with you” he kissed her cheek softly.
“So come on we have got to go to the tree farm,” she said as she got up from his lap,
“Today?” he questioned.
“If you want to get the best Christmas tree then yes,” she said.
“Alright,” he said as he stood up.

They both went upstairs and got ready to go to the Christmas tree farm. They left their apartment and headed downtown. Stopping at Starbucks to get some hot chocolate.

“Got to have hot chocolate to help pick out the right tree,” He said.
“Yes you do” she smiled as she took a sip from the cup.

They finally made it down to the Christmas tree farm. He got out of his side of the car and walked around to her side. Opening the door for her, reaching for her hand. She grabbed his hand as she got out of the car. They walked around the Christmas tree farm for a little while. Trying to find the perfect Christmas tree, he didn’t care that much but he wanted the perfect one for her. “What about this one?” he asked as he pointed out a tree.

“Ethan” she looked at him. “It’s perfect,” she said.
“Only the best for you” he smiled before walking away to get the guy.

They cut down the tree and loaded it up on the car. Ethan and Emily left the Christmas tree farm and took the tree home. Sitting it up in the apartment, right in front of the living room window.

“Where are the decorations?” Ethan asked.
“Oh silly you” she chuckled slightly. “We can’t decorate the tree until tomorrow, it has to rest and warm-up,” she said.
“Oh, I normally have fake trees so this is the first live one I’ve had,” he said.
“It’s ok, you will learn,” she said as she walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and looked at the tree.
“It’s beautiful,” he whispered.
“Yea it is” she smiled and rested her head against his shoulder.
“Just like you” he whispered into her ear. Kissing her cheek softly as he held her close to him.
“Do you have a theme in mind?” he asked.
“Not really,” she said.
“I was just wondering, I know some people who have a theme,” he said as he rubbed his hand up and down her back.
“Yea I know that but I don’t, just whatever feels right,” she said as she looked up at him.
“Ok babe” he leaned down slightly, kissing her softly.

They ordered take-out and cuddled up in bed for the rest of the night. The next morning he woke up and Emily was already downstairs decorating.

“Babe?” he groaned as he rubbed his eyes, making his way downstairs.
“I’m here,” She replied.
“What are you doing?” he questioned.
“Getting started on the Christmas tree,” she said.
“Oh,” he said as he leaned against the wall.
“Well don’t just stand there, help me,” she said.
“Ok babe,” he said as he started to help decorate the Christmas tree.

She went into the kitchen and started to make breakfast for them while he continued to decorate the tree.

“It’s smelling good there babe,” he said.
“Making waffles with sausage and strawberries,” she replied.
“Sounds amazing,” he said.
“And hot chocolate of course,” she said.
“Even better,” he said as he started making his way to the kitchen. Leaning against the wall as he watched her cooking.
“What are you doing?” She questioned as she could see him from the corner of her eye.
“Just watching you,” he smirked.
“Why?” she looked at him.
“Because I can” he walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her.

Resting his head on her shoulders, she leaned back against him. Placing her hand on his. The waffle maker dinged and she pulled away from him. She finished cooking and made him and her a plate before sitting down. Once they finished eating he cleaned up while she went back to decorating the tree.

“Babe comes here,” she said.
“What babe?” he asked as he walked into the living room.
“Do you think it needs anything else?” she questioned as she stood back from the tree.
“I think it looks amazing,” he said.
“Just the star” she looked at him.
“Just the star,” he said.
“Here you go,” she said as she handed him the star. “The star my family always used,” she said.
“And they passed it down to you” He kissed her forehead.
“My mom wanted me to have it for our first Christmas,” she said.
“Our first Christmas” he smiled. He placed the star onto the tree and stood back with her, just looking at the tree. He placed his arm around her shoulders, she grabbed his hand and leaned against him.
“It’s perfect,” she said.
“Yea it is” he replied.  

A few weeks went by and they continued to do Christmas theme stuff. Making sure to get all the presents and wrap them, Emily did mainly all the wrapping. Ethan couldn’t figure it out so he left that up to her.

“Babe I have a surprise for you,” he said.
“What is it?” she questioned.
“Well you have to open it to find out,” he said as he handed her a box.
“Who wrapped this box?” she raised an eyebrow. “The person at the store did” he chuckled slightly as he sat next to her.
“Oh I thought you were playing me, so you would get out of wrapping presents,” she said.
“No never” he kissed her cheek softly.
She opened the present and there was snow gear. “What is this?” she looked at him. “We live in L.A, It never snows here,” she said.
“Because we are going to New Jersey,” he said. “I rented out a cabin in the woods” he looked at her.
“Are we going to have a white Christmas?” she looked at him.
“If you say yes,” he said.
“What about the tree here and all?” She questioned.
“We will have it sorted out, but will you come with me?” he asked.
“I’ll always go home with you” she kissed him softly.
“I love you” he whispered against her lips before kissing her.
“I love you” she gently pulled away and rested her forehead against his.
“Our flight is in the morning,” he said as he pulled the tickets out of the box.
“Tomorrow?” she asked.
“Yes in the morning so go pack now,” he said.
“On it,” she said as she got up and rushed upstairs. He went upstairs as well so he could also start packing.
“So you do know we are going to be staying up until our flight right?” she looked at him.
“And why would we do that?” he questioned.
“So we can sleep on the flight and not be tired when we arrive,” she said.
“That’s a smart plan but you know me,” he said.
“Which is why you are staying up because you NEVER want to wake up on time” she gave him a look.
“Ok true” he rolled his eyes playfully.
“Exactly” she smiled slightly as she walked over to where he was standing.
“I love you but you are a serious pain to wake up,” she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“I know but you still love me” he looked down at her.
“I do” she leaned up and kissed him softly. He smiled against her lips before kissing her back.  
“Fine, I’ll try my best to stay awake,” he said.
“I’m going to hold you to that,” she said.

The rest of the night she tried to do things with him to make sure he wouldn’t fall asleep. Finally, it was time to leave for the flight, they called an uber and went to the airport. Once they were on the airplane he fell asleep, before the plane took off. She kissed his cheek softly before cuddling up to him, falling asleep herself. They slept for the majority of the flight and woke upright when it was landing.

“Babe wakes up” she rubbed his chest.
“Uh?” he groaned as he rubbed his eyes.
“It’s landing, time to get up” she whispered.
“oh ok,” he said.

They got off the plane, got their bags, and left the airport. Grayson was there waiting for them so they could have a ride.

“Hey Gray,” Emily said.
“Hey Em” Grayson smiled slightly as he hugged her.
“So you are our ride?” Ethan said.
“Yea I am, hello to you too” Gray chuckled slightly.
“Yeah whatever,” Ethan said.

They all got into the car and Grayson drove them up to the cabin. Dropping them off so official they were trapped in the cabin for the next two weeks. Ethan grabbed their bags from the trunk and led Emily to the cabin. Opening the door for her, it was already decorated with a Christmas tree and all different kinds of decorations.

“You did this?” she questioned.
“I had someone else do it but yea I set it up,” Ethan said as he placed the bags inside.
“You are amazing,” She said as she entered the cabin.
“I know,” he smirked slightly.
“Yea cocky too” she rolled her eyes playfully.
“Only for you” he grabbed her hips, pulling her to him.
“Only for me?” she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Yea only for you” he kissed her softly. She smiled against his lips before kissing him back.
“I have the fridge and cabinets stocked for us, enough for our stay,” he said.
“Glad you prepared for two weeks because it’s snowing,” she said as she looked out the window.
“We got here at the perfect time,” he smiled.
“Yea” she stayed close to him as they watched the snowfall.

He pulled away from her gently and went to start a fire. He grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders until the fire was ready.
“Don’t want you to get cold” he whispered in her ear.
“You would keep me warm” she looked at him.
“Oh you know it” he kissed her cheek softly.
“So I have a question,” she said.
“What babe?” he asked.
“Do you have the stuff to make a gingerbread house?” she looked at him.
“Yes I do,” he smiled.
“Perfect,” she said.

She placed the blanket on the couch and made her way into the kitchen. Pulling out the kits that he bought to make a gingerbread house. Gathering the icing and candy, placing it all on the table. He came and sat next to her, opening up the boxes. They both started making the house but Ethan was struggling.

“How do you get it to do that?” he said.
“Easy, icing” she chuckled slightly.
“I’ve tried, mine won’t stick,” he said.
“Aw it’s ok babe” she got up and stood beside him, helping him.
“Thank you,” he said as he placed some icing on her nose. “Opps” he smiled.
“Oh, funny right?” she laughed and placed icing all over his face.
“Whoa,” he laughed. “At least it tastes good,” he said.
“Yea it does” she smiled.
“Plus you look cute” he kissed her cheek.
“You would be the perfect gingerbread man,” she said.
“Why thank you?” he chuckled.

She went back to where she was sitting and started to work on her gingerbread house. He finally figured out how to get the icing to stick. They both finished making the gingerbread house and set them off to the side to set. She got up and started making the cookie dough for the actual gingerbread men. She made the dough and rolled it out, he took the cookie cutters and made the gingerbread men. She placed them into the oven. They sat by the fireplace while the gingerbread was cooking.

“So do you know how to decorate gingerbread men?” she asked as she leaned back against him.
“Yes I do,” he said as he placed his arm around her shoulder. She grabbed his hand and played with his fingers.
“Good,” she smiled.
“Do you?” he asked.
“Not really but I guess I’ll learn,” she said.
“I’ll show you,” he said.
“Looking forward to it,” she said.

She took the cookies out of the oven when they were finished. They let them cool before decorating the cookies. He stood behind her, placing his arm around her waist. Resting his head against her shoulder. Guiding her hand with the icing, decorating the gingerbread cookies.

“There you go,” he said.
“This is all you,” she said.
“Nah you got this” he kissed her cheek. He moved away from her and started decorating the other cookies.

The cookies turned out pretty good, his cookies looked better than hers. The only thing that mattered to her was how they tasted, not how they looked. They stayed in the cabin for the full two weeks. Of course, they went outside making snowmen and snow angels, having the snowball fight as well. On Christmas morning he was sitting by the tree, watching the fire in the fireplace. Just the crackle of the firewood filled the air. She woke up and shuffled into the living room, making her way over to where he was at. Sitting on his lap, resting her head against his shoulder.

“Merry Christmas” she whispered.
“Merry Christmas” he looked at her.
“Our first” she kissed him softly.
“Our first” he smiled gently.
“I forgot to do something when we got here,” he said.
“What?” she questioned.
“Well this is our first Christmas and your mom wanted us to have this star,” he said.
“Oh the star, we forgot back at home,” she said.
“I bought it with us, just forgot to place it on the tree,” he said.
“Go get it,” she said as she stood up.

He got up and went into the room and got the star, bringing it back to the living room. He placed the star on the top of the tree, standing back so he could see it.

“Perfect,” she said.
“Yea now it is,” he said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.  
“Well it was already perfect” she looked at him.
“What?” he asked.
“Because we are together, Christmas was already perfect,” she said. “The star is just an extra piece,” she said.
“Babe” he smiled and pulled her to him. “I know it was already perfect, I’m just happy I get to spend it with you,” he said.
“I’m happy to spend it with you” she leaned up and kissed him softly.

They spent Christmas morning in the cabin. Grayson came back and picked them up so they could spend the rest of Christmas with the rest of the family. They went to Ethan’s family’s house first and later on, they went to her parent’s house. It was good to spend time alone that morning but they loved spending time with their loved ones as well. It wasn’t always about the presents but who you got to spend the holiday with.

Type: One shot | Imagine about Grayson
Rating: Rated PG
Word Count: 3600+
Pairing: Grayson + Skylar

“Who are we to each other?” he questioned.
“You tell me,” she asked as her voice cracked.
“Clearly nothing” he crossed his arms.
“Nothing” She swallowed hard.
“Yea nothing,” he said as he leaned against the counter.
“Nothing,” she nodded as she turned away from him. Trying not to cry but the tears were burning her eyes.

She went upstairs to finish getting dressed. Grabbing her things and putting them in her bag. He came upstairs and leaned against the door frame, just watching her. He chuckled slightly as she was packing her bags.

“We do this at least once a week,” he said.
“I’m done” she looked at him.
“Another thing you say” he rolled his eyes.
“I mean it this time” she pushed past him and went downstairs.
“Alright see you later,” he said.
“I’m nothing to you, right? Then that means not seeing each other” she slipped her shoes on.
“Yeah sure,” he made his way downstairs.
“What is your problem?” she questioned.
“I don’t have one,” he said. “Alright stop” he grabbed her arm before she could get out the door.
“Get off of me,” she said.
“Stop” he pulled her back to him. “You know you are my everything,” he said.
“Let me go,” she said.
“Come on don’t do this,” he said.
“No, you gaslight me all the time then say what you THINK I want to hear so I’ll stay but not this time,” she said.
“Fine go,” he said as he let her go.
“I will!” She grabbed her bag and left the house.

She got into her car and pulled out of the driveway. Once she was down the street she pulled over and started crying. The last two years were just a waste of time. She took a deep breath in and got her mind straight before driving. She made it to her best friend’s house and he was already outside waiting for her.

“Come here,” he said as she got out of the car.
“Grayson,” she said as she walked to him.
“It’s ok” he hugged her. “Finally done with that asshole,” he said.
“Yea I am,” she said as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
“Come on in,” he said as he kept his arm around her shoulders, leading her inside.

They went inside and Grayson went back to the car to get her things. She sat on the couch trying not to get upset. Grayson placed her things in his room and grabbed a box of tissues. He sat next to her and allowed her to just cry it out, allowing her to feel whatever she needed to feel.

“Skylar just breath,” Grayson said as he rubbed her back.
“I’m just nothing to him,” Skylar said.
“You are too good for him,” Grayson said.
“I hate him” she started to cry.
“Come on, he’s not worth your tears” he hugged her to his chest.

She cried against his chest until she felt that she didn’t have anything left to cry about. She sat up and Grayson wiped her tears away from her cheeks. She looked at him and she knew she would be ok. Grayson and Skylar have always been friends since forever. She always had him and he always had her.

“Thanks for allowing me to cry it out,” she said.
“I’m always here for you,” he said.
“I know,” she smiled slightly.
“We are having a little get-together later tonight, If you aren’t up for it I’ll cancel it,” he said.
“I think I need people around me. It will be good” she said.
“Alright,” he smiled slightly as he looked at her.
“I’m going to lay down for a little bit, but let me know when they are coming,” she said as she got up.
“I will,” he nodded.

She grabbed her bag and went into his room. She laid down and ended up falling asleep. Later on, Grayson entered the room and gently woke her up. Sitting on the bed next to her as she opened her eyes.

“They are about 20 minutes out,” he said.
“How long was I asleep for?” she questioned.
“About two hours,” he said.
“Oh,” she nodded and sat up in bed.
“Are you ok?” he questioned.
“Yea I’m fine. I’m going to get into the shower, keep them out of here?” She looked at her.
“It’s just Ethan and his girlfriend, a few other friends,” he said.
“Still I don’t want them seeing me naked,” she said.
“True,” he smiled. “I’ll make sure you won’t be bothered,” he said.
“Thank you” she kissed his cheek before getting up, going to the bathroom.

She started the shower when Ethan walked into the house. Grayson went out of the bedroom to make sure they wouldn’t bother Skylar.

“Uh-huh Grayson got laid last night” Ethan jokes.
“No, I didn’t” Grayson rolled his eyes.
“Then who is in the shower?” Ethan asked.
“Skylar,” Grayson said.
“Oh finally,” Ethan said.
“No, not finally, she just broke up with her boyfriend,” Grayson said.
“So take your chance, you know you are in love with her” Ethan said.
“It’s not the right time,” Grayson said.
“So when are you going to tell her?” Ethan asked.
“I don’t know,” Grayson said as he sat down on the couch.

Skylar got out of the shower and started to get dressed when she could hear Ethan and Grayson talking.

“Tell her that you are in love with her,” Ethan said.
“And what if she doesn’t feel the same way?” Grayson said. “I’ll be crushed and the friendship would never be the same,” he said
“You’ll never know until you tell her,” Ethan said as he sat down next to Grayson.
“Maybe one day,” Grayson said.
“Hey Ethan,” Skylar said as she entered the room.
“Hey Skylar,” Ethan said.
“So what are we talking about?” She asked.
“Just random stuff,” Ethan said as he shot Grayson a look.
“Cool,” She said as she sat down in the chair.
“Yea, just messing around,” Grayson said.
“I’m going to a party tonight, you guys in?” Ethan asked.
“I am,” Skylar said.
“Sure” Grayson nodded.

They all left Grayson’s apartment and headed downtown to where the party was. Once they arrived Grayson offered to take Skylar’s jacket and helped her take it off. He placed it into the room where the coats were. Skylar went and grabbed two drinks for Grayson and herself. Handing him the drink once he caught up with her.

“Here you go,” she smiled.
“Thank you,” he smiled.
“So what were you and Ethan truly talking about?” she questioned.
“Just stuff,” Grayson said.
“Ok,” she nodded. “Anything I need to know about?” she looked at him.
“Not really,” he said.
“Ok” she took a sip from her drink.

The night went on and the drinks started flowing, music was going and Skylar was enjoying herself. She kept an eye on Grayson though, because she knew what they were talking about. She didn’t realize that she had feelings for Grayson until she overheard them talking.

“Ok so we are going to play a game,” Ethan said. “Well, it never has I” Ethan chuckled.
“Should be interesting,” Sklyar said.
“Yea should be,” Grayson said.
“Never have I ever hid my feelings for someone,” Ethan said.
“Ethan!” Grayson said. He placed his drink down and left the apartment. Skylar rushed behind him, making sure he was ok.
“Grayson, stop,” She said as she tried to catch up with him.
“Go enjoy yourself,” Grayson said.
“No, stop,” she said as she finally caught up with him, grabbing his arm.
“What Skylar?” he asked as he turned to face him.
“I heard you two talking today so I know what that was about. Now talk to me” she said.
“I’m in love with you,” he admitted.
“I heard that part,” she said.
“And I don’t want to lose this between us so I didn’t say anything,” he said.
“I have feelings for you,” she said. “But it’s complicated, because of what happened today but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to be with you” she looked at him.
“So now what?” he asked.
“We take it slow” she grabbed his hand.
“Wait so you want this between us?” he questioned.
“Yea I do” she admitted. “Just no rush,” she said.
“Ok,” he nodded and laced their fingers together. “No rush,” he said.
“No rush” she looked at him.
“WE DID IT!” Ethan said as he was out in the hallway.
“Oh hush it,” Grayson said. “Don’t mind him,” he smiled.
“I never do,” Skylar laughed.

Grayson placed his arm around Skylar’s shoulders as they walked back to the party. They stayed for a few more hours before leaving and heading back to Grayson’s apartment.

“I’ll sleep on the couch,” he said.
“No you won’t,” she said as she pulled him to the bedroom with her.
“Oh,” he said.
“Sleep in the same bed with me,” she said.
“Ok,” he nodded.

She grabbed one of his oversized shirts and went into the bathroom to change. She came back with his tee-shirt on and her panties, and she got into bed. He was already in bed with just his boxers on, she snuggled to his chest. Pulling the blanket around them as he wrapped his arm around her. Kissing the top of her head as she started to drift off to sleep. He also fell asleep holding her close to him. In the morning she shuffled in the bed to realize that she was alone. She groaned as she opened her eyes and her head was pounding. She sighed and sat up in bed, stretching before getting herself out of bed. She slipped on her slippers and made her way to the bathroom. Brushing her teeth and her hair before making her way into the living room. Grayson wasn’t to be found in the apartment. She grabbed a glass and got herself some water before sitting on the couch. She grabbed her phone that she left on the coffee table and checked her messages.

“Oh you are awake,” Grayson said as he walked through the door.
“Yea, where have you been?” she questioned.
“Down to the coffee shop to get coffee and donuts,” he said as he sat next to her. “best hangover medicine around,” he said.
“Yea I need it,” she said.
“I have aspirin if you need it,” he said.
“No, the coffee and donuts are enough,” she said as she took the cup from his hand.
“Good” he kissed her forehead before pulling out the donuts. “Do you remember last night?” he questioned.
“Last night?” she asked.
“Yea last night” he looked at her. “Were you that drunk?” he questioned.
“Of course I remember last night” she smiled as she looked at him.
“Oh,” he took a deep breath in. “I thought I was going to have to tell you again,” he said.
“You can” she leaned her head against his shoulder.
“I love you,” he said.
“I love you,” she said as she played with his hand.

They sat on the couch and ate their donuts. They decided to take it easy that day, just stay on the couch and watch whatever tv show they wanted. She finally got up after a few hours and stretched. Going to the kitchen to make something to eat. Grayson got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen where she was. Wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head against her shoulder. Softly kissed her cheek as she placed her hands over his.

“Let’s go out to eat,” he whispered.
“Sounds good,” she said. “Or order in?” she asked.
“I want to take you out,” he said.
“Ok” she nodded as she leaned back against him.
“Where do you want to go?” he asked.
“You know me, I like anything,” she smiled.
“I know that but I want you to choose,” he said.
“Let’s go down to the restaurant down by the beach,” she said.
“That’s a good idea,” he said as he kissed her cheek again.
“Yea I love their food” she admitted.
“I know you do,” he smiled.
“So it’s a date,” she said.
“A date,” he nodded. “Do you have anything to wear?” he asked.
“Yes  I did grab my clothes, well mainly all my clothes,” she said.
“Ok,” he smiled as he held her close to him.

She pulled away from his grip and went into the bedroom. She changed into something a little bit nicer as he also got ready. He grabbed her hand as she entered the living room. Kissing her cheek softly before grabbing his jacket. She also grabbed her jacket and phone before heading out the door. They left the apartment and got into the car, making their way down towards the beach.

“Stay there,” Grayson said as he got out of the car. He smiled as he made his way over to the passenger side and opened the door for her. “After you,” he said as he held his hand out for her.
“Thank you” she smiled and grabbed his hand, getting out of the car.

He laced their fingers together as they walked up to the restaurant. They got a table and he sat next to her, placing his arm around her shoulders. They looked over the menu but they both knew what they wanted. They ordered their food and started talking.

“Can I ask you a question?” she asked as she turned to him.
“Sure,” he said as he looked at her.
“How long?” she asked.
“What?” He responded.
“How long have you been in love with me?” she questioned.
“It’s hard to know when I started to truly catch feelings for you,” he said.
“Oh,” she nodded. “Are you sure that’s the answer?” she looked at him,
“I’ve always had feelings for you but they just deepened every day I’m around you” he smiled.
“Aw, that’s sweet,” she said.
“It’s true,” he said as he tucked her hair behind her ear. Placing his hand against her chin.

She leaned in toward him, placing her lips against his. He smiled against her lips and kissed her softly. Brushing his thumb against her cheek as he kept the kiss. She rested her hand on his leg as she moved closer to him. Skylar pulled away when the food arrived at the table.

“Opps” he smiled.
“No oops” she kissed his cheek.

They started eating their food and once they finished he paid for dinner. Walking back to the table reaching for her hand as she got up, She grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together as they walked out of the restaurant. She pulled him towards the beach. He followed her down to the shore, watching the waves crash into the shore. He moved behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. Leaning his head against her shoulder as they watched the sun finish setting, the darkness falling around them. The moon shining on the water, she leaned back against him.

“Perfect” she whispered.
“You are,” he whispered in her ear.
FInally spending these moments with the right person" she placed her hand over his.
“These moments are priceless,” he said before kissing her cheek.
“Yea they are” she turned to face him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked up at him. He placed his hands on her hips and looked at her. Leaning down, kissing her softly, gently tugging at her bottom lip. She smiled against his lips before softly pulling away, resting her forehead against his. He pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her as she rested her head against his chest.

“I knew you were trouble when I met you,” Jackson said.
“Jackson?” Skylar said as she pulled away from Grayson.
“Slut 101 right,” Jackson smirked. “I thought three years meant something to you,” Jackson said.
“You are an asshole, Leave,” Grayson said.
“Three years meant so much to me but not to you,” Skylar said.
“Because you jump in bed with any guy you see,” Jackson said.
“Fuck off,” Grayson said.
“Oh, the pretty boy has something to say,” Jackson said as he stepped closer.
“Pretty boy will knock you on your ass,” Grayson said.
“OK stop,” Skylar said as she got between the two.
“Pretty boy is just a rebound and he needs to know his place,” Jackson said.
“You wish,” Grayson said.
“Yet did it not take her but what a day or two before getting with you after we break up?” Jackson said. “What does that say?” he crossed his arms.
“Grayson isn’t a rebound, ” Skylar said.
“If you say so sweetheart” Jackson rolled his eyes and walked away.
“Don’t listen to him,” Skylar said as she grabbed Grayson’s hand.
“Don’t” Grayson said as he pulled away from her and walked back to the car.

She followed Grayson back to the car and got inside. The ride home was awkward and silent, Grayson pulled into the driveway. He got out of the car and went straight into the apartment. She sighed and got out of the car as well, making it inside the apartment. She sat on the couch as he was sitting in the chair. She didn’t know what to say but she wanted him to know that he wasn’t a rebound. She also knew right now he wouldn’t believe a word she said. She laid back on the couch and stared at the ceiling, allowing the tears to fall from her eyes. He went into the bedroom and locked the door behind him as she cried on the couch. She finally fell asleep on the couch, later on, that night he came out of the room. He placed a blanket around her and turned off the lights before going back to the bedroom. In the morning she woke up when the sun started to peek through the windows. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, stretching and looking around to see if she saw Grayson.

“Grayson?” she said as she stood up. He wasn’t in the apartment but she didn’t find a note from him.
‘We can talk later but just not right now, you can still stay I just need space xo Grayson’

She sighed and went into the bedroom to get her clothes. She got ready for the day and decided to go looking for apartments. She didn’t want to bother Grayson or make him feel like he couldn’t come back to his apartment. She found one closer to her job and it was perfect. She signed the lease and put her bags inside the apartment. She locked up and went to work, trying to get Grayson off her mind but she felt awful about what happened. After work, she returned to Grayson’s apartment and left him a note as well as his key.

'I love you and will always love you. I know you feel like you are a rebound but the truth be told I’ve been in love with you before Jackson came along. He was a distraction because I didn’t want to lose you. Seems like I have lost you now and that hurts and I will never forgive myself. I’ve moved out and left space for you. You have my number if you want to talk. Please just know I love you and would love to be with you. Xo Skylar’

She left the apartment and went to her apartment. She ordered take-out and just ate on the floor. She looked out her window just staring at the moon. Remember how the moment was so perfect before Jackson ruined it. She grabbed her blanket and laid on the floor, staring at the ceiling before falling asleep. All Skylar could do was give Grayson space and hope that he could see that he wasn’t a rebound. She went to work each day and came back home, living her mundane life. There was a storm coming in that weekend and she just wanted to get home before it started. Skylar’s friend needed her to work her shift so Skylar was stuck at work for a few more hours. Once she got off of work it was raining, she left her job. Stopping to get her something to eat before going back to her apartment. She sat at the table she just bought and watched the rainfall from the window. It was getting pretty bad outside. The thunder was loud and the lighting would light up her whole apartment. The lights flicked a few times before turning off.

“Ugh, it’s going to be a long night” she sighed.

She got up from the table and cleaned up her mess. She heard someone knocking on the door. She walked to the door and opened it up. Grayson was standing there soaking wet.

“I love you,” he said as he looked at her.
“Grayson,” She said. “Come inside, you are soaking wet,” she said.
“I don’t care,” he said as he pulled her to him and kissed her softly. Placing his hands against her cheeks keeping the kiss.

She smiled against his lips and kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. She pulled him inside of the apartment and closed the door behind them. She pulled away from him and went into the bathroom to turn on the shower. He followed her into the bathroom. She started to take his wet clothes off of him.

“You are going to get sick,” she said. “Get in the shower, I’ll throw these in the dryer,” she said.
“Thanks,” he said as he kissed her.
“Of course now go,” she said.

From that moment on nothing could separate them. Grayson was never the rebound, he was always the one that she wanted.

Type: One Shot about Grayson Dolan
Rating: Rated PG
Word Count: 3600+
Pairing: Grayson and Riley

Her 18th birthday was coming up and she was dreading it. Turning 18 here just meant that she would have to marry the guy her father picked for her. A guy she never met before but she hated that thought of having to marry someone. She didn’t even know if she truly wanted to get married. She wanted a life where she just depended on herself, not some guy she barely even knew. She was walking home from school when her best friend caught up with her.

“Riley, wait up,” Joshua said.
“What Josh?” Riley said as she waited for him to catch up.
“Just wanted to walk with you” he smiled softly.
“Thank you but honestly don’t want to go home,” she said.
“Wedding dress fitting?” Josh said.
“Yea, I don’t want to get married,” she said.
“Why can’t you stop it?” Josh said.
“It’s tradition,” Riley sighed.
“I’m sure you can get out of it,” Josh said.
“I’m trying my best,” Riley said.
“Come on,” he said as he grabbed her hand.

He led her to the path behind the school. Going down towards the lake. She placed her bag on the table and went down towards the water. She loved being by the water, the sound of nature was peaceful. The peace was disrupted by her phone going off, she sighed and walked back up the shore. Grabbing her bag and hugging Josh before leaving. She was making her way towards her house when these guys ran past her. Knocking her over, scraping her knee on the sidewalk.

“WATCH IT!” She yelled out.
“I’m sorry for them,” Someone said as they held out their hand.
“Thanks,” She said as she grabbed his hand getting up.
“I am sorry. Are you ok?” He asked.
“Just scraps but I’ll live,” she said as she looked at him.
“Good” he smiled slightly as their eyes met.
“Are you new in town?” she questioned.
“Something like that,” he responded.
“I’m Riley” she looked at him.
“I’m Grayson,” he smiled.
“Nice to meet you. Will I see you around town?” she questioned.
“Leaving town as quickly as I can but I’ll be around for a few days” he responded.
“See you” She smiled as she walked away.

A small notebook fell from her book bag without her noticing. She walked away and disappeared around the corner as he picked up the book. He rushed behind her but couldn’t seem to find her. He caught up with his friends as she made it home. Walking in the apartment and it seemed like the wedding dress fairy threw up in the living room.

“You are late,” her mother said.
“I know, trying to avoid this, ” Riley said as she rolled her eyes.
“Oh come on you will love it,” Her mother said.
“I’m sure I won’t,” She responded.
“Just go try some dressing on” her mother pushed her into the other room.

Riley tried a few dresses on and she hated every single one of them. The last dress she tried on was her dream wedding dress. She came out and her mother knew it was the one. Putting the veil on Riley as Riley looked at herself in the mirror.

“This one is perfect,” Riley said.
“Yea it is,” her mother said.
“Perfect for the moment I decide to get married,” Riley said.
“Two more days’ her mother responded.
"No, not in two days! I want it on my terms with a guy I love” Riley said.
“Honey this is what it is meant to be,” Her mother said.
“No, it’s not!” Riley said as she stormed off back into the other room.

She slammed the door making sure it was locked. Leaning against the wall as the tears slipped from her eyes onto her cheeks. This dress was the perfect one but it should be for the perfect guy. She wiped her eyes and took the dress off, placing it back in the bag it came out of. Getting dressed and leaving the room, without speaking a word she went straight to her room. She searched through her bag looking for her notebook realizing she must have dropped it.

“This day just gets better,” she said to herself.

She grabbed another notebook and started to write. Putting her headphones in listening to music, just being in her little world for a while.  She didn’t realize what time it was until her father barged into her room and pulled her headphones out of her ear.

“Get downstairs for dinner,” he said.
“Excuse you,” she said as she stood up.
“You heard me, now go,” he said as he grabbed her arm.
‘Alright let go" She said as she pulled away and went downstairs.

She sat down next to her brother as her mother already made her plate. She sat in silence as they started to eat. She finally started to eat.

“So your mother told me you found a dress,” her father said.
“That I’m not wearing,” Riley said.
“You will wear it in two days,” her father said.
“Why can’t I get a say?” she questioned.
“Because girls don’t get a say in our tradition,” he said.
“It’s time to change that tradition,” she said.
“You don’t get to make that choice,” he said. “It will be perfect, you just have to wait,” he said.
“I’m not going!” She said,
“You will,” he said.
“I can’t believe this family,” she said as she got up from the table.
“Don’t be rude, ask if you can be excused” he said.
“Can I be?” she crossed her arms.
“Yes, now do your school work and then onto getting ready for bed,” he said.
“Whatever,” she said as she went back upstairs.

She laid down on the bed and just stared at the ceiling. She ended up falling asleep. She awoke in the morning when the sun peeked through the window. She got out of bed and quickly got ready for school, wanting to get out of the house as quickly as possible. She grabbed a bottle of water and left the house, heading towards school.

“Slow down,” Someone said behind her.
“What Josh?” She said as she turned but it wasn’t Josh. “Oh hey,” she smiled as she saw Grayson.
“You dropped this yesterday and I didn’t know how to get it to you,” he said as he handed her notebook.
“That’s where it went,” she grabbed the book. “Thank you,” she said.
“I didn’t read it, ” he said as he walked with her.
“You would only read how much I hate my family,” she said.
“Well then make your own” he suggested.
What do you mean?“ she questioned.
"Leave them and just do it on your own, find friends that make you happy,” he said.
“Wish it was that easy,” she said.
“It is, you just can’t be scared to jump,” he said.
“Fear always holds us back from living our lives,” she said.
“Yea so don’t be scared,” he said. “Anyway I’m leaving tonight, meet me at the station?” he asked.
“The train station?” she questioned.
“Yea the train station” he nodded as he stopped walking. “When night falls before the train leaves, I’ll wait,” he said.
“I’ll think about it,” she said.
“See you tonight,” he said as he walked away.

She watched him walk away until she couldn’t see him anymore. She turned and started to walk towards school. All-day she just couldn’t get him off her mind. She knew that tomorrow would be the day her life would forever be changed. A change she didn’t want nor was she ready for it. Tomorrow was the day she would have to say I do or tonight was the night to break free. She didn’t know what to do but she couldn’t focus all day. She was in the courtyard when Josh caught up with her.

“Hey, you,” he said as he sat next to her.
“Hey,” she said.
“What’s wrong?” he asked her.
“The wedding is tomorrow,” she said.
“I know. What are you going to do?” he asked.
“I was thinking about something,” she said.
“What Riley?” he questioned.
“I’m leaving,” she said.
“What do you mean?” He looked at her.
“I’m going to buy a ticket and leave. I’m of age and there’s nothing they can do” she said.
“Sounds like a plan but please stay safe,” Josh said as he hugged her. “Please text me so I know you are safe,” he said.
“I will,” she said as she hugged him back.

She left school and went back to the house, once again there was a bunch of wedding stuff in the living room. She walked by and went straight to her room, thinking about what Grayson said. Was it silly to want to go with him? She just met him but in some way, she felt safe with him. She sat on her balcony and wrote in her notebook. She had everything any girl would die for but it’s not what she wanted. She was comfortable but maybe it was time to start fresh and get a new start. As the sun started to set she started to pack a few things in her bag. Making her way to her father’s office, opening the safe. She only took the money that was meant for her and the wedding. She sneaked out the back door and started making her way to the train station. She finally made it to the station, she looked around for him but she couldn’t find him. She bought a ticket anyway, no matter if he was there or not she wanted to leave.

“Guess I’ll start fresh by myself,” she said.
“All by yourself?” a stranger said.
“What?” She responded as she faced him.
“You are a pretty little thing,” the guy said as he got closer to her.
“I’m not interested,” she said as she backed away from him.
'Oh come on sweetheart" the guy grabbed her hand.
“Please don’t touch me,” she said as she pulled away from him.
“Come on,” he said. “You won’t regret it,” he said.
“She said no so back off,” Grayson said as he pulled the guy back.
“I wasn’t talking to you, ” the guy said.
“Well I’m talking to you, leave her alone ” Grayson said.
“Back off dude,” the guy said.

With those words, it angered Grayson. He pulled the guy away from Riley and punched him. Knocking him to the ground, hitting him a few more times. Grayson then turned to Riley to make sure she was ok.

“Are you ok?” he asked.
“Yea I’m ok, but are you?” she asked as she grabbed his hand. His knuckles were bruised and bleeding.
“Yea I’ll be alright,” he said.
“I thought you left,” she said.
“And I thought you weren’t coming,” he said.
“Well here I am,” she nodded.
“Let’s go,” he said as he reached for his hand.
“Let’s go” she grabbed his hand and went onto the train with him.

The train left the station as her father walked into her room. She left a note on the bed and he realized that she was gone. He grabbed the note and went downstairs where her mother was at.

“Where is Riley?” Her mother asked.
“She left this note but I don’t see her,” he responded.
“Are you serious? We have to call the police” her mother said.
“She’s of age after midnight so there’s not much they could do,” he said.
“There has to be something,” her mother said.
“Unfortunately no” her father sighed as he sat down.

Her mother started to panic and started calling Riley’s phone. Riley was sat next to Grayson, not knowing what to do. It was her first time on a train so she had no clue what to expect. She looked down at her phone realizing that her mom was calling her. She kept ignoring the calls and ended up turning off her phone.

“Guess they noticed I was gone,” she said.
“You left a note?” Grayson asked.
“Yea I did” she nodded.
“I know it’s hard leaving but I’m sure you have a good reason,” he said.
“Yea I do” She looked at Grayson. “Just want to be free,” she said.
“Freedom from our parents,” he said.
“You are on the run too?” she questioned.
“Something like that” he laid back in the seat.
“How old are you?” she asked.
“I’m 19, you?” he asked.
“I’m turning 18 in about an hour,” she said.
“Oh so tomorrow is your birthday,” he smiled. “Well let me do the honors and be the first to say Happy Birthday,” he said.
“Thanks” She smiled.
“To new adventures,” he said as he grabbed two drinks from the drink cart.
“To new adventures,” she said as she grabbed the drink. Clinking them together as they both took a sip.

Grayson sat back down next to her. They started talking and time just seemed to melt away. She laid her head down on his shoulder as they talked. She started to drift off to sleep, he wrapped his jacket around her. Allowing her to sleep against him as he leaned back, starting to drift off himself. Around 7 am the train stopped and it was time to get off, he gently woke her up.

“Morning sleepyhead, time to get off,” he said.
“Morning” she yawned as she got up.

They got off the train, she didn’t know where they were. He did because this was a town that he would normally visit once or twice a year. Plus he grew up here during the summers so he knew his way around. He grabbed her hand and led her out of the station. Taking her to one of his favorite spots, where he would always go when he was younger.

“How do you know your way around? she asked as he held the door open for her.
"Because we would come here once or twice a year, plus like every summer,” he said as he followed her.
“Oh nice” she nodded as she sat down.
“Yea never been here during the fall though,” he said as he sat next to her.
“It’s so pretty here,” she said. 'What’s good here?“ she questioned as she looked at the menu.
"Anything really,”  he said. “I normally get the soup,” he said.
“The cheddar soup?” she asked. “Think I’ll get that plus some breadsticks,” she said.
“That’s a good combo,” he said.

They ordered what they wanted. He turned to her and they picked up where they left off last night. They were laughing and carrying on like they knew each other forever. The food arrived at the table and things got quiet.  Once he finished eating he went to the counter. Ordering a few milkshakes before paying the bill. She was still eating when he returned with the shakes.

“Milkshakes?” she smiled.
“Of course,” he said as he placed them on the table. “No rush though,” he said as he sat next to her.
“I’m a slow eater,” she said.
“That’s fine,” he smiled softly.
“Did you pay already?” she asked. “I have money,” she said.
“I got it,” he nodded.
“Thanks,” she said as she finished eating.

They left the restaurant and he showed her around town for a few hours. The wind started to pick up as they started to walk. He offered her his hoodie and she gladly took it. Putting it on as they continued to walk around town. He yelled for a taxi and opened the door for her. They got in and he gave the driver an address and they were off. They arrived at the house right around when it started to get dark. He reached for her hand to help her get out of the car. She grabbed it and got out, following him inside the dark house.

“What are we doing here?” she whispered.
“We are staying here,” he said as he flipped on a light.
“Wait what?” she asked.
“Well at least for a few days,” he said.
“Oh, do you know the owners?” she looked at him.
“You are looking at him,” he said.
“Oh,” she nodded.
“Come on,” he said as he grabbed her hand.

He led her out towards the backyard, the view was breathtaking. The mountains in the distance, the sky full of stars. The moon was so bright it was like the universe was telling her that everything was going to be ok. She sat on the deck and looked up at the sky. He sat next to her and watched the stars with her.

“Why would you run away from this place?” she asked.
“I wasn’t running from this place but my home,” he said.
“This is beautiful” she looked at him.
“You are beautiful,” he said as he looked at her.
“Stop”  She started blushing as she looked back up.
“It’s true,” he said as he placed his hand on her cheek.

She looked at him, their eyes met once more. He brushed his thumb against her cheek. She moved a little closer to him. He leaned in towards her, placing his lips against hers. Kissing her slowly as she placed her hand against his chest. She kept the kiss between them as she placed her hand on his cheek. He gently pulled at her bottom lip, placing his hands on her hips pulling her closer. He slowly pulled away as his phone started to ring. He got up from the deck and went inside quickly to answer the phone. Only seconds later he came out with a cupcake with a candle on it. Knowing today was her birthday, he smiled as he sat down next to her.

“Happy birthday,” he said.
“Aw thank you,” she said as she took the cupcake.
“Make a wish,” he said.
“Um,” She closed her eyes and blew out the candle.
“I know it’s not much,” he said.
“It’s enough” she looked at him.
“Today was the day that was supposed to change my life,” he said.
“Same” she responded.
“Same?” he questioned.
“Today was my wedding day,” she said.
“Whoa what?” he moved from her. “You have a fiance?” he said.
“No, I don’t have a fiance. It’s an arrangement but I left” she said.
“An arranged marriage?” he moved closer to her.
“Yea it’s tradition,” she said.
“Oh,” he nodded.
“Why was today supposed to change your life?” she questioned.
“Not important,” he said.

She nodded and decided to go back into the house. She went upstairs looking around, she found the bedroom. He followed her upstairs and leaned against the door frame. Just watching her look around the room. She sat on the bed and laid back, looking up at the ceiling. To her surprise, she was staring right at herself in a mirror.

“I didn’t put that there,” Grayson said with a chuckle.
“It’s kinda cute but really weird,” she laughed.
“Yea it is,” he said as he laid next to her. “What are you thinking about?” he asked as placed his arm around her.
“Just stuff” she looked at him.
“I’m sorry your family put you through that,” he said.
“At least I got out of that situation,” she said as she turned on her side facing him.
“Yea but if I never came along would you have gotten married?” he asked, brushing the hair out of her face.
“I would have still left because I didn’t want to get married,” she said.
“You should stick up for what you believe in,” he said.
“Thank you” she leaned over and kissed him softly.

He smiled against her lips before kissing her back. She cuddled close to his chest and started to fall asleep. He wasn’t too far behind her as he fell asleep holding her in his arms. In the morning she woke up alone in the bed, sitting up stretching as she turned her phone back on. Her father and mother had sent plenty of messages. She sighed and opened the ones from her father’s. She read through them and he just told her that she lost a chance of marrying a prince. She kept scrolling down, she gasped and her phone dropped to the floor. Her father sent a picture of the guy she was meant to marry and it was a picture of Grayson.  Funny how the universe works out. Grayson walked upstairs with breakfast on a tray. He put it on the bed as he kneeled in front of her. It was like she was frozen in time not knowing what to do.

“Babe?” he said as he shook her arm gently. “Are you ok?” he asked.
“It’s you,” she said as she looked at him.
“What?” He looked at her confused.
“It’s you,” she said once again.
“Me what?” He grabbed her phone and saw the message. “I had no idea,” he said.

She stayed quiet not knowing what to say. How was it just a few days short of her wedding day when he arrived in town. It should have clicked sooner for her but it didn’t. Now she didn’t know what to do, plus he was a prince. What did he have to run away from or was he running to find her? Did he know that she didn’t want to get married to him so he had to find her to change her mind? There were so many questions running through her mind and she didn’t even know where to start.

Type: One Shot about Ethan Dolan
Rating: Rated PG
Word Count: 2500+
Paring: Ethan + Meghan 

“What are you doing here?” she asked as she pushed him away. “It’s against the rules,” she said.
“Well shit rules are meant to be broken” he smiled. “Now can I get that kiss I came for?” he asked.

She smiled as she moved closer to him. He placed his hands against her hips to keep her close. Leaning down kissing her softly, she placed her arms around his neck. Keeping the kiss between them as she gently pulled on his bottom lip. She knew how it drove him crazy when she did that. He moved his hands to her ass and squeezed as he kissed her. She smiled against his lips as she pulled away. Resting her forehead against his, just taking at the moment.

“If we get caught” she whispered.
“So what if we do?” he asked.
“You know what will happen,” she said.
“I know babe” he sighed as he held her close.
“I have to go, but later?” she asked.
“Of course,” he said as he let her go.

She left the locker room, making sure no one saw her. Making her way to the field with her team. She was a cheerleader for her school. Ethan was a football player for the team that Meghan’s school hated. There was a big rivalry between teams and if she was caught with him she would never hear the end of it. Plus she probably would get kicked off the cheer team and be disowned by her friends. She didn’t want high school to be more difficult than what it already was.

“Where were you?” Rebecca asked.
“Just getting ready for the game,” Meghan said.
“Interesting,” Rebecca said.
“Leave her alone,” Sarah said.
“Thanks,” Meghan said as she sat on the bleachers.

The game started and they cheered on their team but unfortunately, Meghan’s school lost. She knew Ethan would be excited but she had to stay in character. The other team left before anything could be started because everyone knew how both teams felt about each other. Meghan grabbed her stuff and headed to the locker room, changing out of her uniform.

“Be careful,” Sarah said.
“What?” Meghan asked.
“Just be careful,” Sarah said.
“Ok stop being weird Sarah, what’s going on?” she asked.
“Rebecca is on to you so be careful,” Sarah said.
“OK thank you” Meghan nodded and left the locker room.

Meghan’s parents came to pick her up before Rebecca could question her. They finally got home and she saw Ethan’s car in the driveway. She rushed inside and placed her bags down before making her way to the backyard. He was standing by the pool as she walked out. She went over to him and hugged him, congratulated him on the game-winner.

“We have to be more careful,” she said.
“Why?” Ethan asked.
“Because Rebecca is onto us,” she said.
“Alright,” Ethan nodded. “But I thought we could have dinner by the pool” he nodded to the setup.
“Aw babe” she smiled as she sat down. “I should have made dinner, you guys won,” she said.
“Oh I didn’t make this, you know me” He smirked as he sat down next to her.
“True” she looked at him.
“I wish we went to the same school,” he said.
“I know,” she pouted. “Make it so much easier,” she admitted.
“Yes, unfortunately, I don’t live in the district,” he said.
“It sucks that you live an hour away,” she said.
“But I still make time to see you” he leaned over and kissed her softly.

She smiled against his lips before kissing him back. She pulled away gently and started to eat. He also started to eat and they talked about their days. They were always close because they grew up together, it was just this past year when his family moved out of town. Still close enough for them to be ok but far enough to make things complicated. They finished eating and decided to sit on the edge of the pool, just putting their feet in.

“It’s getting late guys, is Ethan staying?” Meghan’s mom asked.
“I would like that since tomorrow is Saturday, ” Ethan responded.
“Alright dear,” She said as she went back into the house.
“But you don’t have any clothes,” Meghan said.
“I have my overnight bag in the truck,” Ethan said.
“Always prepared,” she said as she rested her head on his shoulder.
“Always” he smiled as he wrapped his arm around her.
“Such a beautiful night,” she said.
“Not as beautiful as you,” he whispered.
“Stop it,” she said as she started to blush.
“You are beautiful, ” he said as he tilted her chin up.
“In your eyes,” she said.
“I love you” he leaned down and peeked at her lips.
“I love you more,” she smiled.
“I love you to the moon and back” he whispered against her lips.

She laid her head down against his shoulder, watching the stars. The wind shifted and it started to get cooler, he held her close trying to keep her warm. She started to shiver so he got up from the pool and helped her up. She went up to her room while he went to go get his things. He came back inside and made his way upstairs to her room. He knew the rules and kept the door open so her parents wouldn’t get mad. He sat on her bed beside her, she placed her legs across his lap. He leaned in and kissed her softly, placing his hand against her neck. She pulled his shirt to pull him closer as the kiss began to get more intense. He shifted on the bed as she laid back, he moved over top of her. Moving his hands up her sides, under her shirt as he moved his lips down to her neck. She let out a few moans as he moved his hands to her back, undoing her bra with just one snap. She giggled slightly as he pulled up her shirt.

“Are you ok?” he questioned.
“Yea I’m fine” she smiled.
“Are you sure?” He looked at her.
“Yes you are good at that,” he said.
“I know,” he smirked before kissing her softly.
“Excuse me,” Meghan’s dad said as he leaned against the door frame.
“Sorry,” Ethan said as he sat up in bed.
“Uh-huh, you two know the rules,” Meghan’s dad said.
“Yes sir, won’t happen again,” Ethan said.
“Good, we are off to bed,” Meghans’ father said. “Good night,” he said before walking back to their room.
“Oops,” Meghan said, trying not to laugh.
“Oh, hush” Ethan said as he looked at her.
“I’m sorry,” she said as she started to laugh.
“I hate rules,” Ethan said as he moved back over her.
“Oh I know you do,” she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Oh really now?” He leaned down and kissed her softly.
“Yea my bad boy” she whispered against his lips.
“Only for you” he smiled as he looked down at her.

She raised her hips and pushed him down onto the bed, moving over the top of him. He placed his hands under his head as he looked up at her. She leaned down and kissed him softly, moving her lips to his neck. Nibbling against his ear before sucking against his neck, leaving a love mark. He left out a few moans as he gripped her hips.

“We should go to sleep” she whispered against his lips.
“Yea we should” he looked at her.
“I’m sorry if you thought we would have sex,” she said as she got off of him.
“I know we can’t,” he said as he watched her.

She laid next to him on her side as he shifted onto his side. Resting his hand on her side as he looked at her. She leaned in and kissed him softly. He pushed her hair behind her ear and kissed her. She pulled the blankets over them as she snuggled into his chest. He wrapped his arm around her and held her close to him. In the morning she woke up in the bed alone, she sighed as she sat up. Looking at her phone before putting her feet on the floor. She slipped on her slippers and made her way downstairs. As she got closer to the kitchen she could smell breakfast. She leaned against the wall as she saw Ethan cooking with her father. Ethan smiled as he saw her watching them, he walked over to her.

“Morning beautiful,” he said, kissing her softly.
“Morning babe,” she said.
“Didn’t mean to steal your boyfriend,” her dad said with a chuckle.
“You know I love cooking with your father” Ethan smiled as he went back to cooking.
“Oh I know” she smiled as she sat down at the table.

Once they finished cooking Ethan made Meghan her plate and sat it in front of her. Kissing her forehead softly before making his plate. Her father did the same for her mother before sitting down. They all ate together and since the guys cooked the girls cleaned up. Meghan helped with the dishes as Ethan went upstairs to get ready. Once she was finished she went upstairs and got dressed for the day. Ethan came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, leaning his head against her shoulder.

“What are we doing today?” She asked.
“I thought I could take you back to my town and we could just hang out,” he said.
“Sounds fun,” she said.
“So none of your friends would see us,” he said.
“I’m sorry” she sighed.
“I understand but sometimes it’s frustrating. Especially at the games because I just want to be with you” he said.
“I know and I do too but I don’t want to lose my friends,” she said.
“If they have a problem with who you date, are they your friends?” he asked.
“High school is hard enough for us girls, so no, I don’t want to risk losing my friends,” she said.
“I get it” he kissed her cheek softly.
“You know If you played for our team we could be together,” she said.
“Not happening,” he said as he sat on the bed.
“I know that but it would make it easier,” she said as she looked at him.

He rolled his eyes as she sat on his lap. She leaned down and kissed him softly, resting her hand against his chest. He smiled against her lips before pulling away. She stood up and went to get her shoes as he got up. She slipped her shoes on and grabbed her things before making her way downstairs. She told her parents where she was going so they wouldn’t worry. They went to his car and left her house. It was at least an hour’s drive to get to his town so she turned the radio on. Singing with the windows down, he just smiled and held her hand.  They finally made it to his town, their first stop was a little diner.

“We always come here after games,” he said as he parked the car.
“Interesting,” she smiled as she got out.
“Yea even if we lost, this is our spot,” he said as he grabbed her hand.
“Well I would love to see where you eat,” she said.
“After you,” he said as he opened the door.
“Thank you, sir,” she said as she walked into the diner.

He led her to the table where his team would normally sit. Sitting next to her as they looked over the menu. He placed his arm around her shoulder as the waiter came to the table. They order their food and drinks. She leaned against him as she looked around, it was a cute diner.

“This is so cute” she looked at him.
“I thought you would like it,” he said.
“So every game? Even if you lose?” she asked.
“Yeah pretty much” he smiled as the food came to the table.

They started to eat once they finished he quickly paid. Grabbing her hand as they left the diner but they didn’t get back into the car. He walked her down the street, just showing her his favorite spots in the town. They stayed in town mainly all day, there was one more spot that he wanted to take her to. They got back into the car and he headed down to the beach. It was a small beach and it seemed like not many people knew about it. It was like their own personal beach, he led her down to the water. They took off their shoes and allowed the water to wash over their feet. He got behind her and held her close to him, she leaned back against him.

“This is perfect,” she whispered.
“Yea I love it here,” he said as he rested his head against her shoulder.
“I see why” she smiled as she rested her hand on his.

They watched the sunset before heading back to the car. They finally made it to his house, they said hello to his parents before heading off to his room. She got ready for the night as he laid in bed. She came to his room and snuggled with him, as they watched a few shows on Netflix. She fell asleep against him so he turned off the tv and gently covered her up. He kissed her forehead before cuddling her. He turned off the light and fell asleep. She woke up to some crashing noises, she turned the light on and realized she was alone. She got out of bed and started to head downstairs. She could hear Ethan yelling and fighting someone but she really couldn’t see.

“Ethan?” she called out.
“GET OUT!” Ethan yelled out.

There was a sound of someone crashing into the wall. All of a sudden she heard a gunshot and someone rushing out of the house. She turned the light in the kitchen and saw Ethan on the floor. His hand was covering his chest as blood started to seep out. She screamed for help before grabbing a towel and the phone. She added pressure against the wound and called 911.

“Please hurry,” She said into the phone.
“They are on their way, keep the pressure on the wound,” the dispatcher said.
“I love you,” Ethan said as he closed his eyes.
“No baby keep your eyes open,” she said as she placed her hand against his cheek. “ETHAN!” she yelled.
“What’s going on?” Ethan’s mom asked as she walked into the kitchen. “Oh my god,” she said as she rushed to Ethan’s side.
“Baby, come on, wake up, please,” Meghan said.

Finally, the ambulance got there and tried to make him stable. They put him on the stretcher and took him in the ambulance. Meghan rode in the ambulance with Ethan while his parents drove behind it. Meghan held his hand making sure he knew she was still with him. All of a sudden he let go of her hand and started to crash. The paramedic got over the top of him and started CPR, it was the longest two minutes of her life. They finally arrived at the hospital and took him straight back while she was left in the waiting room with his parents. She sat in the chair and just started to cry, praying that he would be ok. His mother was pacing back and forth in the waiting room. His father was trying to calm Meghan down but there was nothing he could do for her. Minutes turned into hours and the sun peeked up before they got any news. She even started to pace back and forth.

“All he said was I love you, those can’t be the last words,” she said as she fought back tears.
“He will be fine,” Lisa said.
“I know he will be,” Meghan said as she took a deep breath in.

At this point, she didn’t care rather her friends knew or their opinion. All she cared about was if he was ok because she didn’t want to lose him. It took this moment for her to realize what was truly important. She finally called her parents telling them what was going on. They came up to the hospital with clothes and food for her. She changed but she really couldn’t eat because her nerves were shot. They continued to wait and wait, there was still no word on his condition.

  • Grayson:  Grayson and I were always friends, well it seemed that way until I moved away. My family moved across the country during my junior year of high school. We would still talk to each other but it just wasn’t the same. I fell in love with him a while ago but he had no idea. Being so far away from him was killing me. The summer before the senior year we flew back to California. Once I got off the plane I was looking for him because I knew he would be there. I got my bag and continued to look for him and I finally spotted him. I ran towards him as he opened his arms for me. I hugged him and held onto him as he squeezed me into his arms. “I’ve missed you” he whispered in my ear. “I’ve missed you,” I said as I looked up at him. “how long are you here for?” he asked. “Just a few short weeks, unfortunately,” I said as he took my bags from me. “We will make it seem like it’s forever” he smiled back at me. “I know we will” I smiled as I walked with him. We got into the car my family rented and headed towards the hotel. He put my bag into my room and grabbed my hand. “Come on, let’s go to our hangout spot,” he said. “Just let me tell them where I’m going and then we have all day,” I said. “Ok,” he said as he waited at the door. I told my parents where I was going. I grabbed Grayson’s hand as I left the room. He followed me and we went to our favorite spot. We got out of the taxi and started walking towards the Clift. He followed behind me as we finally made it to the edge. The sun was starting to set and the view was breathtaking. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head against my shoulder.  I leaned back against him and rested my hands on his. “This is always the perfect time to come up here” he whispered in my ear. “We are always good on timing,” I smiled. I noticed that he had a blanket laid out for us. As well as a basket full of finger foods that we both loved. I gently turned in his arms so that I was facing him. I placed my hand against his cheek as our eyes met, he wrapped his arms around my waist. Pulling me in closer to him, I rested my hand against his chest as I stared into his eyes. I leaned up slightly moving closer to him. Allowing my lips to barely touch his, just to see what his reaction would be. He smiled slightly as he placed his lips against mine. I smiled against his lips as I kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He kept the kiss between us as he grabbed my hips pulling me closer to him. I slightly pulled away and looked at him. “Wow,” he said as he looked at me. “What?” I questioned. “Just always wanted to do that” he smiled slightly. “Wait what?” I looked at him. “I’ve always wanted to kiss you,” he admitted. “I’ve always wanted to kiss you,” I said. “Well we finally did,” he said as he kept his hands against my hips. I leaned back up and kissed him softly again, running my hand along the back of his neck. He gently pulled at my bottom lip as he kissed me back, driving me insane. I pulled away biting my lip as I moved from his touch. I didn’t want to rush into anything and I just wanted to take things slow. Even though my body wanted his touch, I knew we didn’t need to rush. We sat down on the blankets and started to eat. The conversation was just about how we both wanted this yet were too scared to make it happen. I didn’t expect that kissing my best friend would be one of the best choices that I could make. It turned into way more than a friendship, and I loved every second with him.
  • Ethan:I was always around Ethan ever since I could remember. He was just always a part of my life. He was the guy that always made things better, he was the one I would always cry to. My best friend and I wouldn’t know what to do without him. I didn’t start realizing that I had feelings for him until I saw him with other girls. I couldn’t explain the feeling that I had, I guess you could say I was jealous. I didn’t know what to do or even if these feelings were real. I didn’t want to ruin the friendship that we had but I couldn’t stay silent forever. I knew our other friend was having a party so I decided that I should make my move. “Hey, you,” Britney said as I walked in. “Hey” I smiled as she closed the door behind me. I slipped off my shoes at the door and made my way towards the backyard. I said hey to everyone in the backyard, grabbed a drink before sitting down beside Ethan. “How are you doing?” he asked. “I’m doing good” I smiled slightly before taking a sip from my drink. “That’s good” he nodded as he looked at me. “Can’t believe we are going into our senior year” I looked at him. “I know, it’s crazy,” he said. “Yea especially since we have known each other forever,” I said. “Crazy right,” he said. “Yea it is” I nodded. I laid back against the chair, just enjoying the sun. My friend started playing music and I could hear everyone playing around in the pool. I could hear someone running towards me, grabbing my arm. Ethan pulled me up from the chair and picked me up. I screamed telling him to put me down but of course, he didn’t listen. He jumped in the pool with me in his arms. He let me go the moment we hit the water so we could both resurface on our own. He broke the surface first and reached under grabbing my hand. Pulling me up to the surface, I caught my breath before splashing him. He chuckled slightly before splashing water back in my direction. I turned my head so he didn’t splash me fully. He swam over to where I was, grabbing my hips. Pulling me closer to him as I rested my hands against his chest. “Aw you two are so cute,” Ashlee said. “Hush” I rolled my eyes as I looked towards her. He placed his hand against my chin, gently turning my face towards him. He placed his hand against my cheek brushing his thumb against my skin. I looked at him as he pulled me closer to him. He slightly placed his lips against mine to see my reaction. I gently smiled against his lips before kissing him softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kept the kiss between us. “See I was correct,” Ashlee said. Ethan flicked her off but he didn’t break the kiss. I pulled on his bottom lip before pulling away from him. He wouldn’t let me leave his arms as he kept me close. He moved us to the steps and I sat on his lap. “I hope I didn’t overstep,” he said. “What do you mean?” I looked at him. “Kissing you,” he said. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while” I admitted. “You have?” he questioned. “Yea” I nodded. “Well now we have and now I don’t want to be without you” he placed his hand against my cheek. “I want you to be mine” I looked at him. “I am now” he smiled. “Good” I leaned towards him and kissed him softly. We stayed in the pool for a while until it got dark. Then we went back to my house and we stayed up all night just talking. I never knew that he had feelings for me until he decided to kiss me, but I was glad to finally say how I felt.
  • Grayson: Even after years of dating Grayson always made me feel special. Always sending flowers to my work, or leaving little notes around the house. I always sent him random things as well, it was easy showing our love. Unfortunately, since COVID came into America, our lives had been turned upside down. Just like everyone else, we had to work from home. It seemed that we were always in each other’s way. Either he was trying to film with Ethan, which by the way had to move in with us. Or he was trying to build something. It seemed like I was connected to my computer which I hated. I always tried to make it a point to leave work at work and focus on my personal life at home. With these stay at home orders, work came home and it was putting a strain on our relationship. “Babe? You busy?” he asked as he leaned against the door frame. “I just finished for now,” I said as I turned to face him. “Is it possible that we could do something tonight?” he asked. “Everything is closed,” I said. “I know that, at home. I just wanted to have a date night” he moved closer to me. Placing his hand against my hip as he looked down. “Date night?” I asked as I looked up at him. “Yea date night, I have something in mind” he said. “I would love to” I said. “But?” he said. “No, but, I would love too” I smiled as I looked up at him. “Good” he leaned down and kissed me softly. I smiled against his lips before kissing him. “Stay up here, no peaking outside,” he said. “Alright deal” I said. “Love you” he kissed my forehead before heading downstairs. It was hard not to peak but I kept my word and waited for his return. He soon came back upstairs with a blindfold. “Put this on,” he said. “Only because I trust you,” I said as I placed the blindfold over my eyes. He guided me downstairs and into the backyard, we stopped moving and he got in front of me. He lifted off the blindfold and I just smiled as I looked around. He had sat up a picnic spot with plenty of pillows and blankets, a screen so we could watch a movie. “Grayson,” I said. “I wanted to reset things and get back to us,” he said. “This is perfect,” I said. “Come on” he grabbed my hand leading me towards the picnic. We sat down on the blanket as the movie started. It was perfect timing because the sun was just setting, it was beautiful. He pulled out some chocolate covered strawberries and other fruits. He picked up one of the strawberries and held it to my lips. I took a bite and smiled at him. He finished the strawberry as I leaned back. He moved closer to me wrapping his arm around me, pulling the blanket around us. I rested my head against his chest, tracing his tattoos on his leg. By the time the movie was finished the stars were out. I moved the pillow so I could fully lay back, looking up at the stars. “There’s so many tonight” he whispered. “Yea it’s a beautiful night,” I said. “Just as beautiful as you,” he said as he played with my fingers. “I love you,” I said as I looked at him. “I love you” he slightly moved over me, kissing my lips softly. I placed my hand against his chest as I kept the kiss between us. He pulled away softly as he got up from the blanket. I watched him as he went inside for a quick second. Music started playing as well as a light show on the screen. He returned back outside and reached for my hand. I took his hand and got up, he placed my arms around my neck. He placed his arms around my waist as we started dancing to the music. It was a perfect ending to a date night that we both needed.
  • Ethan: It was always an adventure with Ethan, he never likes sitting in one place for too long. That meant a lot of long nights, and sleeping in until noon. I loved every moment with him, he was the one for me. Since we had to be staying home it was kinda hard for both of us. We would make forts, stay in the pool until the sunrise. We both started working from home so our schedule started to clash. I needed to wake up at a certain hour to get the work done but he always wanted to stay up late. Somehow we started getting back on the right path between us and started having fun again. This whole thing felt like a big vacation from the real world. “Babe?” Ethan called out. “Yeah?” I walked into the bedroom. “There you are” he smiled as he saw me. “Here I am,” I said. “What you up too?” he said as he moved towards me, kissing my cheek softly. “I’m done with work for today,” I said. “Really?” he said. “Yeah, what are you up too?” I questioned. “We just finished the video, you want to do something?” he asked. “Like?” I asked.  “Beach?” he looked at me. “Anything with you is worth the risk” I smiled. “Let’s go,” he said. I nodded and went to get ready as he did. We left the house and started to make our way to the beach. Of course, we had a mask on until we were in public, away from everyone else. The beach was pretty empty though, the sun setting was always a sight to see. Especially at the beach because the water just made it that much more beautiful. I sat down on the sand as he sat down behind me, wrapping his arms around me. I leaned back against him as we watched the sunset. “I love simple date nights with you,” I said. “Grayson is sitting up a bonfire” he whispered in my ear. “Sounds fun,” I said. “I’m going to go get the 4-wheeler,” he said as he got up. “Ok babe,” I said. He left and soon returned on the 4-wheeler. I got up and got on the back of the 4-wheeler, putting my helmet on as well. I wrapped my arms around him. We rode down by the water, trying not to get the 4-wheeler too wet. I rested my head against his shoulder as I enjoyed the ride. We finally made it back to the house and Grayson had the fire pit going. Once Gray saw us he went inside and allowed our alone time together. “I have marshmallows, chocolate and stuff for s'mores,” he said. “You know the way to my heart” I said as I sat down by the fire. He sat next to me handing me a stick for the marshmallows. I started to roast mine as he did his. We made a few s'mores before we laid back in the chairs, he pulled me closer to him. “I’m so lucky to call you mine,” he said. “I’m the lucky one” I looked up at him. “Hush it” he rolled his eyes. “I love you” I kissed his lips softly. “I love you,” he said against my lips. “I can’t wait for everything to be back open” I said. “I know right, going stir crazy,” he said. “Same” I admitted. “But you help a lot” he brushed the hair from my face. “You help” I looked at him. “Let’s go watch the sunrise,” he said. “We have a few more hours, let’s just stay here” I rubbed his chest. “Ok babe” he snuggled closer to me. We both didn’t get to watch the sunrise because we both fell asleep in each other’s arms. I couldn’t wait to actually got out again for our date nights, but I loved his ideas for date night inside.

Grayson: I wasn’t really looking for a relationship when I meet Grayson. I guess we find things that we didn’t think we wanted when we aren’t looking. I could honestly say the last few weeks were amazing and I started to fall for him. I had no idea if he had started falling for me or not. Sometimes he was hard to read but I knew he cared but did he love me? I rolled over so that I was facing the wall as Grayson got out of bed. He was always the early bird and sometimes I just didn’t feel like getting up that early. I heard him make his way downstairs so I covered my head and tried to go back sleep. I drifted off back to sleep until he decided to wake me up. He got over top of me kissing my cheek softly. “Wake up babe” he whispered. “Why?” I groaned as I peeked at him. “Because you need to get up,” he said. “Fine I’m up,” I said as I looked at him. “Good” he smiled as he leaned down and kissed me softly. “Can you go make me breakfast?” I asked. “Of course,” he said as he got off of me. Before he left the bedroom he made sure I was getting out of bed. I rolled my eyes at him and got out of bed. I made my way to the bathroom and did my morning routine before making my way downstairs. I sat up on the counter as I watched him cook. He moved towards me, standing between my legs. He leaned over and kissed me softly. I was at the perfect height where I could kiss him and play with his hair without standing on my tippy toes. I ran my hand through his hair as I kept the kiss between us. He pulled away and focused his attention back on cooking. “You sure love cooking,” I said. “Of course I do, I like cooking for you” he smiled. He finished cooking and plated it, placing it on the table. He walked back to where I was, moving between my legs. He placed his hands against my hips and lifted me off the counter. I placed my legs around him as he kissed me, I smiled against his lips. He placed me down on the chair and sat next to me. We started to eat and the room fell quiet, as soon as we finished eating he cleaned up the kitchen. I made my way over to the sink to help him, he moved behind me wrapping his arms around me. I leaned back against him as I washed the dishes. “I love you” he whispered into my ear. I turned to face him in disbelief that he actually said those words. “Did I say something wrong?” he asked. “No, you didn’t,” I said as I took a deep breath in. “I love you” he smiled slightly. “I love you Gray” I looked up at him. “You do?” he asked. “Yea I do just didn’t know how you felt,” I said. “I’ve fallen for you, I know it’s early but we have this crazy bond,” he said. “Yea I know” I leaned up and kissed him softly. He smiled against my lips before deepening the kiss. Sometimes life has a crazy way of showing you exactly what you need.

Ethan: It was crazy how I meet Ethan but I could say I was glad that I meet him. We both loved to do wild and crazy things which made for a perfect relationship. I loved being outside and getting my hands dirty while he loved doing crazy stunts and crazy adventures. I was coming in from my morning jog and I could tell Ethan just woke up. “Morning” I smiled. “Morning, where have you been?” he asked. “Out for my morning jog” I nodded as I grabbed a bottle of water. “Oh yea I always forget you like to get up early,” he said as he sat at the kitchen table. “What you want for breakfast?” I asked. “Whatever you’re making for yourself” he looked at me. “Alright” I nodded as I started to make breakfast. I finished making breakfast and placed it on the table. We both sat at the table and ate our breakfast after he finished he cleaned up the mess. I went upstairs and jumped into the shower as he got ready for the day. “hey what do you want to do for the day?” he asked. “I’m down for whatever you want to do” I responded as I got off the shower. I wrapped a towel around me and made my way to the room. I took my clothes out of my bag and got dressed. “Let’s go down to the lake and chill,” he said. “Sounds fun” I nodded as I changed into my bikini and put my shorts back on. We went down to the lake, I placed my bag down with my towel. Ethan placed his stuff down and ran towards the water. He jumped in and I just watched as I slipped my shorts off. “Come on babe” he yelled. “I’m coming,” I said as I made my way down to the water. He swam over to where I was, grasping my hips pulling me towards him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled us deeper into the water. “It’s so peaceful out here,” he said. “Yea unlike our life most of the time” I smiled. “True but it’s nice to just be quiet for a while,” he said. “I know” I kissed him softly. I leaned back into the water as I had my legs wrapped around him. Just floating enjoying the peaceful quiet, it was nice to get away from the crazy world we live in. “Isn’t it crazy how we just fit together?” he asked. “Yea like we were meant for each other” I pulled my self back up. “Never thought I would find someone that understood me” he placed his hand against my cheek. “I know” I moved closer to him. “Never thought I could feel this way about someone” he looked at me. “What you mean?” I questioned. “I love you,” he said. “I love you, Ethan,” I said. “You do?” he asked. “Of course I do, I really care about you,” I said. “Same” he leaned in and kissed me softly. It was the first time we said I love you but it just felt right. Our relationship was anything but normal but it just worked for us. We were both crazy and when we were crazy about each other.

Type: One-Shot | Imagine about Grayson 
Word Count: 3,442
Rating: Rated PG

It was such a nice day in LA that I actually wanted to go out for a run. I normally would work out inside because it was so hot outside. I guess you could say I was used to the cold but wanted to change. I pulled my hair back as I made my way downstairs. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my phone and headphones. I made my way outside making sure my apartment was a lock before turning on my music. I started jogging down the sidewalk making my way to the park. It was good to get out and get some fresh air. I started making laps on the trails, just minding my own business. I finally stopped and looked out towards the lake.

“Nice view isn’t it,” someone said.

“Yea it is” I nodded as I looked towards where the voice was coming from.

“I come here all the time, get away from the city scene” he admitted.

“Its nice and peaceful” I said.

“I’m sorry, I should have introduced myself. I’m Grayson” he said.

“I’m y/n” I said.

“Its nice to meet you” he smiled.

“You too” I nodded.

I walked further up the trail and started going off course. He followed me into the woods, grabbing my arm leading me down the hill. Once we were at the bottom of the hill he let me go, I followed him down to the water. I placed my bag down by the tree, slipping my shoes off. Walking down to the shore allowing the water to flow against my feet.

“I should go” he said.

“Oh yeah sure,” I looked back towards him.

“But I don’t want too” he said as he walked towards me.

“Something is pulling us together and I can’t explain it” I said.

“I don’t want to explain it, I just want to enjoy it” he said.

“Then enjoy it” I said as I leaned down and splashed him with water.

He was shocked at first but he smiled as he leaned down splashing water. I laughed as I ran from him, he ran after me grabbing my arm. Pulling me towards him I rested my hand against his chest as I looked up at him. He rested his hand against my cheek, brushing his thumb against my skin. I slightly pulled away but not from his touch, I bite my lip as I looked back at him. He pulled me closer to him gripping my hip as I gazed into his eyes. I leaned in towards him moving my body closer to his. He leaned in towards me brushing his lips against mine slightly. I leaned into him slowly kissing him as we were interrupted.

“This is a public place for kids” someone yelled.

“We aren’t doing anything wrong” Gray said as he turned his attention to the guy.

“Sorry” I said as I rushed to get my bag and slip my shoes back on.

“Wait” Grayson said as he rushed after me.

I finally made it back onto the trail and Grayson was right behind me. He grabbed my arm pulling me towards him. I pulled away from him as I looked up at him.

“Please don’t leave” he said.

“I should, maybe we can hang out again?” I asked.

“I would love that” he said as he handed me his phone.

I took his phone and put my number in his phone before making my way back to the park. I knew he was behind me because that was the only way off the trail. We parted ways and I made my way back to the apartment. I went upstairs and started the shower. I allowed the water to heat up before getting into the shower. By the time I got out of the shower, I had a text from Grayson. He wanted to meet up later tonight at some restaurant. He made sure to imply that I enter the restaurant through the back door. I placed my phone back on the sink as I wrapped a towel around me. Now I had to decide what to wear but not look like I’m trying too hard. I put a few curls in my hair, did a little bit of makeup. Once I was finished with my makeup I went into my closet. I picked out a pair of jeans that fit me perfectly, and a crop top. I slipped on a pair of shoes and made my way out of my apartment. Unfortunately, it wasn’t within walking distance so I had to get into my car. I finally made my way to the address that he sent me, I made sure to park around back. I saw him standing in the doorway as I pulled up. He smiled as he saw me, making his way to my car. He opened my door and offered his hand. I grabbed his hand and got out of the car.

“You made it” he smiled.

“Of course” I nodded.

“you look beautiful” he gently kissed my cheek.

“Thank you” I smiled.

He grabbed my hand and lead me into the building. There were music blasting and people enjoying their evening. I smiled as I followed him. He pulled me to one of the back rooms so that we were alone. I sat down on the couch as he went to get us drinks. He returned handing me a drink before sitting next to me. We started talking and we both lost track of time, it was so easy to talk to him.

“Hey Gray?” someone said as they walked in.

“What bro?” Grayson said as he got up.

“Didn’t know you had company, sorry” Ethan said.

“Its fine, honestly what time is it?” Gray asked.

“Its almost 3 am” Ethan said.

“Wait there’s two of you?” I asked as I got up/

“Yeah there is, he’s my twin brother” Grayson said.

“Wow that’s so cool”  I smiled as I looked at Grayson.

“Come out of this room and party with us,” Ethan said as he playfully punched Grayson.

“You down?” Gray said as he looked at me.

“Sure” I nodded.

We went down to the club part, it was just a few people. I guess it was an invite-only club, I had no idea. I ordered another drink as I sat at the bar. I took a few sips from my drink before dragging Grayson to the dance floor. I placed my arms around his neck as I swayed to the beat. He placed his hand against my hip as he moved our bodies closer together. I turned around grinding against him, his hands still placed against my hips. He leaned in towards me, I could feel his breath against my neck. I turned to face him resting my forehead against his, placing my hand against his chest. He leaned down slightly his lips lightly touching mine. I leaned into him, kissing him softly. His grip against my hips tightens as the kiss started to get intense. I slightly pulled away allowing my lips to linger against his. I opened my eyes and looked up at him, he smiled slightly. He leaned down slightly placing his hand against my cheek. Brushing his thumb against my skin before kissing me softly. I kept the kiss between us until I heard someone yell Grayson. I smiled as I pulled away I made my way back to the bar. Grayson came behind me placing his arm around my shoulders. I looked at his watch and realize what time it was. I got up and grabbed his hand leading him out of the bar. We made our way to the beach right before the sun started to rise. He moved behind me and wrapped his arms around me, resting his head against my shoulder.

“Its beautiful” he whispered.

“Breath taking” I said as I leaned back against him.

“Only way to catch the sunrise is to stay up all night” he smiled.

“Totally worth it” I said as I turned to face him.

“Totally” he placed his hand under my chin.

He leaned in and kissed me softly, I smiled against his lips. He slightly pulled away when his phone started to ring. He sighed as he picked it up, moving away from me. I watched the sunrise as he finished up on the phone. He made his way over to me, grabbing my hand.

“Come on” he said as he pulled me towards him.

“Alright” I nodded as I followed him.

He lead me back to my car and opened my door for me.

“Thank you, when will I see you again?” I asked.

“Soon” he said as he cupped my cheeks kissing me softly.

“I’m going to hold you to that” I said as I pulled away from the kiss.

“Good” he smiled.

I got into my car and left the parking lot, that’s when I saw a line of people ]around the building. I didn’t think much of it and just made my way back home. I crashed the moment my head hit the pillow. I didn’t wake up until I heard my phone going off and realize that it was nearly 2pm. I sat up in bed and reached for my phone, it was just Grayson texting me. He was asking if I wanted to come over to his place later. I sent a message back saying of course and got out of bed. I made my way downstairs and fixed me something to eat. I sat down at the table eating my sandwich, scrolling on social media. I wasn’t big on social media nor dd I really pay attention to it. It was just something to kill the time. Once I finished eating I went upstairs and took a shower. I took my time getting ready, just dancing around my room with a towel wrapped around me. I finally got dressed and left my apartment, I stopped to get a few things before heading over to Grayson’s place. I pulled up into the driveway and before I could get out of the car Grayson came out. He opened my door and offered his hand, I grabbed his hand and got out of the car.

“Hey” he smiled as he hugged me.

“Hey” I said.

“I’m glad you could come over” he said.

“I got a few movies and popcorn, I didn’t know what we were going to do” I grabbed the bag out of my car.

“Sounds fun, we have some board games” he said.

We went inside and went down to the den. We first started off with a few movies and popcorn then we moved to play board games. Of course, I beat him at monopoly and he beat me in snacks and ladders. He got up from the floor and stretched before reaching for my hand. I grabbed his hand and got up off the floor. He leads me down to their game room.

“A pool table, never played” I said.

“I can show you” he smiled.

“You can?” I looked at him.

He racked the ball and handed me a stick, he showed me how to hold it. I bite my lip as he moved behind me, placing his hand against my hip. He guided my hand to shot the cue against the ball, I leaned back against him slightly. He smiled as he felt me press against him. I made the shot and the ball scattered, I got a few into the pockets. Little did he know I already knew how to play, I just wanted him close. I took a few more shots with his guidance before showing my true colors.

“Hey you’re good at this” he raised his eyebrow.

“I know” I started to blush slightly.

“What happen to you not knowing how to play?” he asked.

“Just wanted you close” I admitted.

“You could have just asked” he said as he moved closer to me.

Placing his hand against my hips as he pulled me closer to him. I rested my hand against his chest as I looked up at him. He smiled he leaned down allowing his lips to touch mine slightly. I leaned up slightly kissing him softly, placing my hand against the back of his neck. He lifted me up placing me onto the pool table, moving between my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck keeping the kiss between us. He slightly pulled away resting his forehead against mine, I smiled as I looked at him.

“What time is it” he asked.

“I have no clue” I said.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, it was nearly 3 am.  “Well once again we’ve stayed up” he smiled.

“Oh well,” I bite my lip as I looked at him.

He grabbed my hand and lead me to his bedroom. He took his shirt off, I slipped my shoes off and sat on the bed. He laid back on the bed, I moved so I was next to him. Laying my head against his chest, tracing patterns against his stomach. He placed his arm around me, tracing his fingers against my arm. We both started to drift off to sleep and before we knew it we were both fast asleep. I was waken up by Grayson the next morning, he had breakfast. I sat up and stretched as he sat down on the bed. He handed me a drink and a bag of food, I took it from him seeing what he had gotten me.

“Thank you, what is this” I nodded towards the cup.

“Its orange juice, I didn’t know if you were a coffee person or not” he said.

“I’m not and I love orange juice” I smiled.

“I’m glad I got it right, its a vegan breakfast sandwich” he said.

“I never hand one but would love to try it” I said as I took it out of the bag.

We just sat on his bed and ate our breakfast, for something I never had before I really liked the sandwich. He cleaned up after we finished eat and I finally got out of his bed. He came back in and pulled me close to him, brushing the hair from my face. I smiled as I looked up at him, he leaned down and kissed me softly.

“Hey Gray” Ethan said as he walked into the room. “Sorry,” he said as he saw us together.

“What E?” Grayson said as he pulled away from me.

“Just wondering what you were doing, but ill leave you two alone” Ethan said.

“Thanks” Grayson said as he turned back to face me.

“I need to go home, I got work to do” I said.

“See you soon?” he asked.

“Of course” I smiled as I slipped my shoes back on.

I grabbed my bag and made my way out of the house. He was following me opening my door as we got to my car. I turned to face him and kissed him softly. He smiled against my lips before pulling away, I got into my car. He shut my door as I started the car. I went back to my apartment and sat at the kitchen table with my laptop. It seemed like the moment I started to work the hours just flew by. I didn’t realize what time it was until I heard my stomach growl. I decided to call Grayson to see if he wanted to go get something to eat.

“Hey” I said.

“Hey babe, what’s up?” he asked.

“You want to go grab something to eat?” I asked.

“What where you thinking?” he said.

“Probably some restaurant downtown” I said.

“I cant babe, maybe another time” he said.

“Oh” I said as I was confused as to why he didn’t want to come.

“Sorry, see you soon” he said.

“See you soon” I said as I hung up the phone.

Over the next few months, we would always hang together but never in public. It was always a dark club, at his place or even my place. I couldn’t figure out why he never wanted to be in a public place. Well, that was until I did a google search on Grayson and that’s when I found out who he was. That didn’t explain why he didn’t want to go out in public unless he didn’t want to be seen with me. Was he ashamed of me? What was he doing with me? I had so many questions but no answers and I didn’t know if I wanted to know the answers. I left my apartment and went over to his house, as always he was ready when I pulled up.

“Hey babe, get in” I said.

“I already made dinner, come in” he opened my door.

“Oh I thought we would go out” I said as I got out of the car.

“Maybe next time” he said.

I nodded as I walked behind him, hanging up my jacket by the door. I followed him to the backyard, he had fairy lights up and sat up a picnic.

“This is pretty” I said.

“I wanted to do something special” he said.

“Whats the occasion?” I asked.

“Because I just wanted too” he kissed my cheek before sitting down.

I sat down beside him as he pulled out the food. There was a lot of fruit, which we both loved and he made little sandwiches. We both sat and ate together as the sun started to set. As soon as we finished he got up and reached for my hand. I grabbed his hand and got up from the ground. He pulled me close to him placing my arms around his neck. Placing his hands against my hips, he nodded towards Ethan. Music started to play and I turned to look at Ethan before focusing back on Grayson. I moved closer to him and placed my head against his shoulder as we danced to the music.

“I wanted to say something” he whispered.

“I need to talk to you” I said.

“You can go first” he said.

“Are you ashamed of me?” I questioned.

“What? Where is that coming from?” he looked at me.

“I know who you are and you never want to be seen in public. Is it me?” I asked.

“Of course not. I just don’t want you to deal with the backlash from the fans” he said.

“What?” I asked.

“They won’t like that I have a girlfriend and they will attack you. I don’t want that to happen, so I’m keeping you to myself” he said.

“Oh” I nodded as I looked at him.

“I’m not ashamed of you. I love you” he said, which was the first time he’s said those words.

“You do?” I said.

“Yeah, that’s what I wanted to say” he said.

“I love you too” I moved closer to him.

“you do” he smiled as he placed his hand against my chin.

“Yeah I do” I leaned up and kissed him softly.

“Please just know that I’m protecting you” he rested his forehead against mine.

“I trust you” I said.

“Good” he smiled, placing his hand against my neck before kissing my lips again.

We spent the rest of the night sitting in the yard watching the stars. After he explained why he didn’t want to go in public I understood. He always made sure that I knew he wasn’t ashamed of me. I enjoyed the time we spent more when it was just us. I hated the fact that he thought his fans wouldn’t understand that he was happy but I trusted him. I normally never went on a walk in that park but I was glad I did that day months ago. It lead me to my knight in shining armor and I wasn’t planning on letting go anytime soon.

  • Grayson: It seemed like I had everything figured out. Well I was still in high school but I knew what I wanted out of my life. Of course Grayson was apart of that. I couldn’t believe it will be nearly 5 years since we go together. Our love just grows with each passing day. It was hard to explain it but it was just us. He was also my best friend, plus my first everything. I was his first as well, it just deepened our connection. The school year was coming to a closing and we would be graduating. I just fished shopping for my prom dress. I was just waiting for Grayson to ask me to prom, he needed to do it quick though. Prom was just three days away, I started to think he had forgotten about prom. I was running late to school, I finally made it into school. I sighed and made my way to my locker, there was a note on it. ‘Rose for a beautiful queen, may your dreams come true……meet me in the cafeteria at lunch xo Gray’ the note said. I smiled as I grabbed the rose that was left in my locker. I made my way to class but I couldn’t focus on anything besides what Grayson was up too. It was finally lunch time and I made my way to the cafeteria. I sat at the table Grayson and I normally sat at but he was no where in sight. Everything went silent and our song started to play. I couldn’t help but smile, I turned to see where he was at. He got up on the table, reaching for my hand. I grabbed his hand getting on the table with him. He wrapped his arm around me and started to sway us to the music. “What are you doing?” I whispered in his ear. “You will know soon” he smiled. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I swayed with him. The music stopped and everyone started holding up signs. With all the signs it spelled out 'Will you come to prom with me?’ I smiled as I looked at him, I nodded my head. He picked me up spinning me around. I laughed as he placed me down on the table, he got down helping me down. “I was wondering when you was going to ask” I said. “I just had a few things to plan out first” he smirked. He placed his arm around my shoulder as we walked out of the cafeteria. I wrapped my arm around his waist, I never expected him to do this. I guess I finally had my answer.
  • Ethan: Everyday it was something new with Ethan. Even though we were still in high school we did so many crazy things. Ethan always loved going out a night, just to get away from everything. We ran into the building as we were going to be late. “ill see you later” he kissed my cheek before running off. I laughed as I watched him, finally making it to my class. I knew we had a prep rally later but I didn’t know if Ethan was going or not. It was our last period of the day before going to the gym for the prep rally. The bell rung, I made my way to my locker putting my stuff inside. I started to make my way to the gym when Ethan walked behind me. Grabbing my hand as we walked together, I smiled as I looked at him. We finally made it to the gym. We finally found our seats as we waited for it to start. “I didn’t think you would want to come,” I said. “I’m with you so whatever I can do with you, I like” he smiled as he grabbed my hand. “I love you” I kissed his cheek softly. The prep rally started and it was alright, I laid against Ethan for most of it. He got up from his seat and grabbed my hand pulling me up. “What?” I asked. “I have something to ask you” he smiled as he pulled me down from the bleachers. People started bringing out roses as Ethan pulled me to the middle of the floor. They started to come around us, a shape of a heart. Ethan nodded and the lights went out, the crowd had glow in the dark signs. I looked around and smiled as I read the signs. The lights came back on, Ethan was down on one knee with a rose in his hand. “Will you?” he asked. “Yes, ill come to prom with you” I smiled. He got up and hugged me, the crowd went insane. I held onto him as he spun us around. He placed my feet back onto the floor. He grabbed all the roses and handed them to me. I grabbed his shirt and kissed him softly. Now I wondered how we would make prom special.

Type: One Shot | Imagine about Grayson Dolan
Rating: Rated PG-13
Word Count: 2,424

I could never seem to catch a break. All throughout high school, I was always bullied. I didn’t have many friends but I did cherish the friends that I did have. I guess it taught me how to be strong and never back down no matter what. I moved out of my parent’s house when I was 17. I had a job ever since I was 16, I knew I could make it so why not try. I hit the gas pedal as I took off from the red light. The wind in my hair as the music was blasting, a Friday night to myself. I was heading to my friend’s house just to have a chill night. We didn’t have anything planned but it was nice to spend time with them. I knocked on the door waiting for them to answer was like waiting for paint to dry. Grayson finally opened the door, his smile grew as he saw me standing there.

“Y/N you made it,” Gray said.

“Yea I did,” I said as I walked into the apartment.

“Ethan made popcorn, we thought we would just watch movies,” he said.

“Sounds good” I nodded as I walked towards the movie theater.

“Hey Y/N” Ethan said as he hugged me.

“Hey E” I wrapped my arms around him as I hugged him back.

“Told you she would be here” Gray spoke as he enters the room.

“Yea so you can do nothing again,” Ethan said as he rolled his eyes.

“What does he mean?” I asked Grayson.

“Nothing” Gray looked down.

“We are friends here, you can tell me anything” I looked at Gray.

“Its nothing” Gray shot Ethan a look.

I shrugged it off because I knew Gray could never keep a secret. Well not from me anyway, I sat down next to him. Ethan turned on the movie before sitting down in his chair. I leaned back against the couch putting my feet up on the table. Gray rested his arm on the couch kinda draping it around my shoulders. I took a deep breath in as I could smell him, I wanted him but I didn’t want to ruin the friendship. Plus it was hard to read Gray so I didn’t know how he felt if he even felt that way. I started to lean against him, resting my head against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat as I rested my hand against his leg. He wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer to him. Ethan threw a blanket towards Gray, Gray placed it over us keeping me close. I ended up falling asleep against his chest, with his arm around me. I felt safe, I felt as if we were the only two people in the world. He picked me up taking me up to his room, laying me down in bed covering me up. He turned off the light and got into bed as well. I found his warm body cuddling up to him, resting my head against his chest again. Hearing his heartbeat put me back to sleep. In the morning I could feel him moving as he grabbed his phone, I didn’t want to let go. Not just yet I just wanted to snuggle a little bit longer before reality kicked back in.

“Morning” he groaned as he felt me move.

“Morning” I whispered.

“Have a good sleep?” he asked.

“Yea, sorry,” I said as I sat up in bed.

“Don’t be” he looked at me.

“I didn’t mean to cuddle with you,” I said.

“I enjoyed last night” he smiled softly.

“You did?” I looked at him.

“Look I know we are friends but I really like you” he swallowed as those words left his lips.

“I like you Gray” I spoke softly.

“You do? You want more than friendship?” he questioned.

“Yea I do” I nodded.

He placed his hand against my jaw, brushing his thumb against my cheek. I looked into his eyes as I placed my hand against his chest. He leaned towards me placing his lips against mine softly. I closed my eyes leaning into the kiss, the moment was ours. As if the clocks stopped, the world stopped it was just us. He pulled away slightly resting his forehead against mine. I kept my hand resting against his chest as our eyes met once again.

“I’ve wanted to do that for a while” he whispered.

“Why did you wait?” I asked.

“I have no idea” he smiled slightly.

“FINALLY,” Ethan said as he leaned against the door frame.

“ETHAN!” both Grayson and myself yelled.

We could hear Ethan laughing as he walked away from the room. I looked back at Gray as he got out of the bed. Putting a shirt on before reaching for my hand. I smiled as I grabbed his hand getting out of bed. I followed him down to the kitchen, I sat down at the table. We all knew Gray wasn’t the best cook but it was cute how he tried his best. I personally didn’t have an issue with his cooking. It was always Ethan, extra Ethan never liked anything. That was because Ethan was picky and didn’t want to give Gray credit.

“What are you making?” I asked.

“Waffles,” Gray said as he looked at me.

“That really sounds good” I smiled as I got up from the table.

“You always believe in me,” he said.

“That’s because you are an amazing person” I placed my hand on the back of his neck as I moved in front of him.

“Thank you” he smiled as he watched me.

I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him softly. I guess he saw I was having trouble reaching him so he picked me up. Placing me on the counter moving between my legs, keeping the kiss between us. I rested my hand against his side as he grabbed my hips. I smiled against his lips before pulling away slightly.

“You should get back to your waffles,” I said.

“Yea I don’t want to burn them,” he said as he walked away from me.

“True” I smiled as I got down from the counter.

He finally finished making the waffles and placed them on the table. I got the drinks before sitting down next to him. I placed some blueberries on my waffle before putting syrup on it. He smiled as he watched me, I finally caught that he was watching me. I couldn’t help but smile, I started to eat as he did as well. We finally finished eating and he grabbed both plates and took them to the sink.

“What are you doing today?” he asked.

“I really don’t have plans today” I nodded.

“So you are mine?” he said.

“Maybe, that’s if you want me to stay here” I looked at him.

“Of course I do” he smiled as he walked towards me.

“Good, then ill stay,” I said.

He placed his hands on my hips pulling me to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I looked up at him. He smiled as he looked down at me. He leaned down slightly kissing me softly, I smiled against his lips. We finally decided to get out of the apartment. We went to the mall and went shopping, we saw a few fans but Gray tried not to get noticed.

“I just wanted today to be perfect,” he said.

“It is, its ok Gray” I held his hand.

“I’m sorry” He looked at me.

“Don’t be sorry Gray, its ok honestly” I nodded.

“Ok thank you” he brushed his thumb against my hand.

We went into a few stores and got Gray a few new clothes. The fans finally saw us and decided to come up to us. It was fine at first but then it was getting too much. I could tell Gray was getting overwhelmed and his anxiety was getting worse. I grabbed Grays hand as we said goodbye. I pulled Gray away and we decided to leave the mall. We were walking to the car as I started to notice someone following us. I stayed close to Gray as we finally got to the car, the guy came up to us. He started to yell and accuse Gray of something stupid. I rolled my eyes and watched the guy but then I had enough of his bullshit. I stood up for Gray and went head to head with this guy. He finally left after I told him off and we got into the car. I could see that Gray was stressed and having a mini panic attack.

“Hey breath Gray,” I said as I grabbed his hand.

“I just can’t catch a break” he breathed in.

“Just breath, don’t worry about him,” I said.

“I don’t even know that guy,” he said.

“He’s just an asshole, nobody” I looked at Gray.

“Thank you” he looked at me.

“Just breath” I placed my hand against his cheek.

He finally calmed down and started the car. We finally made it back to their apartment and we took everything in the apartment. He sat down on the couch trying to relax, I sat on his lap leaning down kissing him. I felt him smile against my lips as he kissed me back. He placed his hand on my neck making the kiss more intense. I pulled on his bottom lip, running my hand down his chest. I started to play with his button on his pants as he ran his down my side. Gripping my ass pulling me closer to him, I smiled as I looked at him. He brushed the hair from my face, cupping my cheek in his hand. Kissing me softly as he moved his hips up moving me onto the couch. He laid me back on the couch as he moved between my legs. Moving his lips against my neck sucking gently, I placed my hand on the back of his neck. I let out a soft moan as I gently pulled against his hair. He slowly started to move down my body, sucking against my collarbone. I arched my back as I moaned, running my hand down his back.

“Let’s go to my bedroom” he whispered.

“Sure” I smiled as I watched him.

He picked me up taking me upstairs, laying me on his bed. He moved over me again, moving between my legs. Placing his lips back on my neck, slowly moving down. Over the next hour or so we were tangled up with each other and it was the best night I’ve had. I fell asleep in his arms as he wrapped a blanket around us, falling asleep himself. In the morning I felt him get out of bed. I opened my eyes as I watched his naked ass disappear into the bathroom. I sat up smiling to myself keeping the covers over me. I finally got up out of the bed and got dressed as he came out of the bathroom.

“Did I wake you?” he questioned.

“No, you didn't” I walked towards him.

“Good, how did you sleep?” he asked as he wrapped his arm around me.

“I slept good, how about you?” I looked up at him.

“I slept like a baby” he smirked slightly.

“Oh, you did?” I leaned up kissing him softly.

“Yeah I did” he whispered against my lips.

“That’s good” I ran my finger down his chest.

“Let’s go get breakfast,” he said.

“Why don’t we make breakfast?” I asked.

“That could be interesting” he chuckled slightly as he grabbed his boxers.

We went downstairs to the kitchen. I took out the flour and other ingredients so we could try to make pancakes. I started to mix the batter as he was behind me. He rested his head on my shoulder as he watched me. I smiled as I felt his arms tighten around me. He reached down getting some flour on his hand and smearing it on my face.

“GRAY!” I said.

“Oops,” he chuckled.

“Oh, so you want to play that game” I smirked as I grabbed flour putting it all over him.

We started throwing flour all over the place. The room was filled with our laughter as flour was going everywhere. I grabbed an egg and cracked it over his head. I think that’s when things got more serious. He grabbed the batter and poured it all over me. I went to get water but slipped on the egg, landing on the floor. I couldn’t stop laughing as I looked up at him. He reached down grabbing my hand but he slipped in the egg as well. He fell over top of me and we were both on the floor laughing.

“We have to clean this up,” he said.

“Yea we do, what a mess” I laughed.

“You go shower, ill clean this up,” he said.

“Alright,” I said as I managed to get off the floor.

I made my way upstairs and got into the shower. I tried my best not to get flour everywhere but that was impossible. I finally finished the shower wrapping a towel around me. Grayson came upstairs and went into the bathroom getting into the shower. I slipped his shirt on and my panties, plus a pair of his shorts. I didn’t have clothes at his house but I enjoyed being in his. I sat on the bed waiting for him to get out of the shower. He made his way into the bedroom and got dressed. He grabbed my hand as we left the apartment, we went to get breakfast. We went to the warehouse afterward so they could film together. I stayed out of the way and watched them film, I couldn’t help but fall in love with Gray. He was my best friend but now he was more than just a friend. I could admit that he was my first love and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Type: One shot | short fanfic about Ethan Dolan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2,597
Warning: -

I felt as if I was caught in the middle. Could I end this mission before things go to dangerous? I didn’t have any answers but I knew I needed to stay focus. I slipped my jacket over my shoulders as I went downstairs. I grabbed my bag opening the door seeing Ethan leaning against his car. I smiled slightly as I locked the door before making my way to him. He grabbed my hand pulling me close to him, I rested my hand against his chest as I looked at him. He leaned in slightly allowing his lips to touch mine slightly. I smiled against his lips before kissing him softly, his hand gripping my hip. I moved my hand from his chest to against his neck, keeping him close to me. He slightly pulled away smirking slightly as he rested his forehead against mine. I bite my lip slightly as he pulled away, he was good at making me want him. He opened the car door for me allowing me to get in, shutting the door making sure I was fully in. I watched him get into the car, starting the car so the heat would turn on.

“So where are we going?” I asked.

“Skate park” he said as he put the car in drive.

“Sounds fun” I looked at him.

I studied him while we drove to the skate park. I was mainly focused on how to actually go through with the kill plan. Even thought I wanted to be in the moment with him, I knew I needed to focus. I sat on the benched and watched him skate, from time to time I would take pictures. Of course there were times that he would fall. He came over to me reaching for my hand, I smiled as I took his hand following him. He helped me onto the skateboard, holding my hands to make sure I wouldn’t fall. I kept my grip on his hands as we started to move. I trusted him so I wasn’t afraid to fall, I knew that he would always be there to catch me.

“You are getting better” he smiled as he looked up at me.

“Because of you” I leaned over wanting to kiss him but I ended up falling against him.

He wrapped his arms around me keeping me standing up so we both wouldn’t fall. I giggled slightly as I looked up at him, finally standing on my own. I leaned back over placing my lips against his softly kissing him. I could feel him smile against my lips as he tighten his grip on me. I slowly pulled away from the kiss looking at him. I brushed the hair from his face as he opened his eyes, our eyes meeting. Once again as I looked into his eyes the whole mission vanished from my mind and all that mattered was him. I stepped off the skateboard as he kept his arms around me. I leaned up slightly peeling his lips softly before pulling away.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing, Can we catch up later? I have work to get too” I looked at him.

“Sure, I’ll drop you off, ” he took my hand in his.

“Thank you, ” I smiled as I walked with him.

He opened the car door allowing me to get inside. He entered the other side, pulling me closer to him. I loved that he had a truck which allowed us to get closer. I played with his free hand as we drove towards my apartment. I rested my head against his shoulders, breathing in his scent. I closed my eyes just enjoying our time together before I knew it, we were at my apartment. I pulled away from him, kissing his cheek softly. Of course he turned his head, placing his lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss, pulling on his bottom lip before getting out of the truck. I watched him pull off as my phone started to go off. I looked down and saw who was calling, I could feel my heart rate pick up. I answered it expecting to get yelled out and the conversation was full of that. I got into my car and drove to the office, I knew things wouldn’t end well.

“Where are your notes?” my commander asked.

“A-at home” I swallowed hard.

“Solider 89 are you forgetting the mission?” he questioned.

“No, of course not, ” I looked down at the floor.

“Then where is his blood, notes? Have you done anything?” He demanded.

“It’s complicated” I closed my eyes not wanting to admit my feelings.

“Do we need to show you what we do?” he crossed his arms.

“No, ” I looked up.

I felt the soldiers grab me, pulling me into another room. I screamed for help but it was pointless, as the chains weighted me down. I tried to get free, but of course that was impossible. I closed my eyes, trying to prepare myself for the worst, I knew when people came into the room it didn’t end well. If it had to be my life besides Ethan than I was ok with that. I guess that I blacked out because I don’t remember anything, I woke up in a dark room. The chains were gone and what was left was cut and bruised. I felt the pain in my arm as I tried to stand up, my knees were weak. I opened the door and walked out with my head held high. I was determined that wouldn’t break me, I finally got to my car. The tears were building up in my eyes, but I just drove off. I finally pulled up to my apartment, trying to gather myself before getting out of the car. I finally got out of the car, walking up to the door when I heard a car door close. I jumped not really wanting to turn around to see who it was. I took a deep breath in as I got my keys out of my purse.

“Hey” Ethan said.

“E-Ethan?” I kept my back turned to him.

“I didn’t know when you were getting off, I thought we could see a movie or something,” he said.

“I’m sorry Ethan, I cant tonight” I took a deep breath in.

“Are you ok?” he questioned.

“Yeah​ just tired” I sighed.

“Look at me,” he said.

“Ethan please stop,” I said.

“You are not ok” he grabbed my arm, I yelped out in pain as he turned me to face him.

“Please stop” I closed my eyes.

“What happen?” He placed his hand against my cheek.

As I felt the warmth from his hand I let the tears go. He pulled me close to his chest as I cried against him. He kept his grip on me as I finally started to calm down. He titled my chin up looking over the bruises, his eyes made his way to my arm. He grabbed my wrist but I pulled back from the pain.

“We need to get you to a hospital” he spoke softly.

“Ill be fine” I didn’t want to admit that I needed help.

“No you wont be, you have lost too much blood” he said.

“Ethan” I looked up at him meeting his concerned eyes.

“Please just come with me, I wont leave you” he said.

“Ok” I finally agreed.

He lead me to the car grabbing a blanket from his trunk. He wrapped it around my arm trying to get the bleeding to stop. I held the towel around my arm as he drove us to the hospital. With my injuries they didn’t wait and just rushed me straight back to the emergency room. Ethan was outside in the waiting room waiting. I didnt want to file a report so after they stich my arm up I left the hospital. Ethan ran after me as I made my way to his car, I just wanted to go home and let this night be over with.

“Everything ok?” he finally caught up with me.

“Yea, just want to go home” I said.

“Alright, Ill take you home” he opened the door.

The ride home was silent, I guess we both didnt know what to say. We finally got back to my apartment, I invited him to stay the night. I just didnt want to be alone, right now he was my safe place. I grabbed his hand leading him up to my room, turning the lights off as he sat on the bed. He slipped his shirt off as well as his pants leaving him in his boxers. I bite my lip slightly as I looked over his body, I switched into something more comfortable. I loved the veiw of him laying back on my bed. I knew I could get used to this but will it last? I finally made my way to the bed laying next to him, resting my head against his chest. Tracing little patterns against his stomach as he pulled the blanket around us. I soon drifted off to sleep but nothing could prepare me for what was going to happen in the morning. I woke up without Ethan in the bed, I sat up looking around the room. His clothes were still on the floor so i guess he didn’t go far.

“Ethan?” I asked as I got up from the bed.

I made my way downstairs, the front door was wide open allowing the cold air in. I peeped outside and saw someone dragging Ethan away. His mouth was tapped but he was struggling to get away. I ran after them trying to get to them before they got to the car. I grabbed Ethan’s foot pulling as hard as I could. Well, at least I got the guys attention and made him stop dragging Ethan.

“STOP!” I yelled out.

“Solider 89 you knew this was going to happen” Solider 76 said.

“This is my mission, let me carry it out” I demanded.

“The boss has gotten tired of your games” 76 said.

“Please last night was a mistake, I’ll focus just let him go” I said.

“Fine, but don’t be surprised if they come after you” 76 finally let Ethan go.

“I’ll handle it” I stood up.

He finally left and I helped Ethan get back into the house. I removed the tape from his lips and I knew I had to explain but how could I turn this around? He sat in silence for a while, I guess he was trying to get his thoughts together. I sat there with him in silence with a million thoughts running through my mind. I didn’t know what he was going to ask first or what he was going to say. I sank into my seat as my stomach was doing flips, my nerves started to pick up as the room was still silent.

“What just happened?” Ethan finally broke the silence.

“It’s complicated” I sighed.

“Solider 89?” He looked at me.

“It’s my job” I looked at him.

“Why am I being kidnapped?” he questioned.

“It’s a misunderstanding, I’ll get it straight” I  answered.

“Is that who hurt you?” he asked.

“Like I said its complicated” I responded.

“Ok I trust you” he grabbed my hand.

“Thank you” I smiled slightly.

“But are they trying to kill me?” He asked.

“Of course not” I laughed slightly.

Only if he knew that I was supposed to be the one that was going to kill him. I rested my head against his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me. I looked down at my arm seeing the stitches, I started to wonder what actually happened. He finally moved off the couch and went into the kitchen, I followed him. I sat at the kitchen table as he started to cook, I found myself just watching him. I wasn’t studying how he moved, but just how cute he was when he was cooking.

“Like what you see?” he looked over at me.

“Maybe, ” I smirked.

I got up from the table and made my way over to where he was at. I wrapped my arms around his waist, placing my head against his shoulders. He grabbed my hand as he leaned back towards me slightly. I kissed his shoulder softly moving slightly up his neck. He grabbed my arm pulling me in front of him. Placing his hand against my cheek leaning down slightly kissing me softly. I smiled against his lips wrapping my arms around his neck. He grabbed my hips picking me up placing me onto the counter top. He moved between my legs keeping his hands on my hips as he deepened the kiss. I placed my hand against his chest as I pulled away from the kiss slightly.

“Too fast?” he asked.

“Little bit” I nodded.

“Ok we take this at your pace” he peeked my lips slightly.

“Thank you” I placed my hand against his cheek.

After he fixed breakfast and we ate, he left to go back to the warehouse. I cracked down writing my notes and I pretty much knew his weakness. I knew I needed to delay this as long as I could. I knew I had at least a year to finish the mission so somehow I knew I needed to get out of it. Maybe we could disappear, maybe I could fake my death. There was just something that I needed to do so Ethan wouldn’t lose his life. We hung out mainly every day unless he was busy with his brother making videos. I didn’t want to be in any videos and he respected that, I just loved being with him. After about a month we made it official. I never had a person that made me question my job, my missions. I loved getting blood on my hand, taking the life of someone else was something I couldn’t explain. Ethan was different, I guess somehow I needed to change and he was the one to do it.

“You just want to watch? Your sure you don’t want to be in it?” he asked.

“Yes Im sure E” I smiled as I sat down.

“Alright babe” he kissed me softly before going to make a video.

I watched them make the video and I couldn’t stop laughing. The door to the warehouse flew open and a solider was there. Before I could get up they grabbed Grayson thinking it was Ethan. They dragged him out of the warehouse as Ethan was coming back into the room. Of course Ethan ran after them and I ran outside with them. By the time we got outside the van was gone and so was Grayson.

“WHAT JUST HAPPEN?” Ethan said.

“They took Grayson” I said.


“I-I” I started to say.


“I could tell you where they are taking him” I said.

“Put it in my phone NOW and then get out of my face” he said.

I put the address into his phone, he took the phone and left. I stood there watching the car disappear in the distance. It was like I was frozen and couldn’t move. I couldn’t believe everything that was happening, I needed to end this but would it be too late for Grayson?
