#doll cleaning


Since I started with Andy, I thought I’d share a couple more cloth doll stories (warning, this is a longer post). This is starts as the story of Bedelia.  She’s at least as tall as Andy, over 4 feet, and was handmade by her person’s great grandmother many years ago.  But over the years, Bedelia had a lot of adventures and when her person wrote to me, she looked like this:

We agreed that in Bedelia’s case, a spa was definitely in order, as well new hair (her person opted for all new) and eye repair.

Here she is in her spa (not the best photo, I know, but her person said “Awesome”):

Here’s here heart being made and installed with a bit of her original stuffing:

Here stay was a bit longer than expected, because it took some time to locate just the right color hair yarn, but finally she was ready to fly home!

Her family wrote:

“She almost doesn’t look like the same doll, she looks so good!" 

Now Bedelia’s stay at the hospital had coincided with that of a very small doll, named Rosebud, who is only 6 inches tall.

Rosebud had had many bodies over his life, and it was time, once again, for a new one as a new generation had decided to love him.  Here is Rosebud’s original diagnosis photo:

Rosebud wasn’t being recovered.  He would get a new body, with a heart from his old stuffing and a touch of his old body (you can see the fabric in the inside heart photo).  Here’s the heart being made:

Here’s Rosebud with his new body:

In addition to a new body, Rosebud got a separate, new blue jumper, which wasn’t removable but added an extra layer of protection to his body.  Here he is all better!

Rosebud’s little person was ecstatic when he got home!  I saw the video and as his mom wrote “ He was beyond excited to have his buddy home and in new clothes and no more holes. “

Now some of you may be wondering… why didn’t you split up these two posts?  why are they together?  Well, as I mentioned at the start, they were in the hospital at the same time, and I couldn’t resist a photo of one of my tiniest patients (actually, probably the smallest doll) and one of my larger ones together. :-)  Here it is for you all to enjoy:
