#domestic labor




White women need to go to hell for the constant glorification of unpaid labor (being a housewife) like u seriously ignore millions of women who are under abuse and have to depend on their abusers to survive. These women were quite frankly raised to be wives and mothers and nothing else. “I just don’t want to work”. HOUSEWORK IS WORK.

Seriously not enough talk about how housework includes constantly cleaning, doing laundry, cooking dinner, child care,… when upper class white women fantasize about being housewives they also expect someone else to do these labor for them. And funny enough, poor women who have full time jobs as their maids still have to go home and take care of their own house chores and kids :/ white feminism is frankly a fucking joke like can u get any more ignorant :/

When women say shit like that, I want to shake them and yell STOP MAKING YOURSELF INVISIBLE TO THE MEN YOU LIVE WITH AND WORK FOR

Because the work they are doing is on their husbands’/partners’ behalf, so that their men don’t have to do that shit themselves. Unfortunately, too many men are willing to take advantage of that and pretend that they’re the only ones that actually make a difference to the household because the men are the ones with the paying jobs. Add abuse into that, as OP says, and you get a real shitstorm.

My ex used to accuse me to my face of not contributing to the household when I was the one cleaning the house, doing the laundry and grocery shopping and errands, cooking the meals, and taking care of the pets, so that he didn’t have to. I did this often on top of having full-time employment outside the home. And then add in childcare duties on top of that once we had kids. And this, among other things, is why he is my ex.

Housework is work.

Childcare is work.

Unpaid labor is still labor.

Ladies, stop selling yourselves short.

Men, start paying attention to all your partners do for you, and start pulling your own weight in the home.
