#don carlo


king filippo makes me think of the doofenschmirtz backstory where his dad bought a dog and named it only son when he was sitting literally right there

Jussi Björling and Robert Merrill sing Don Carlo(1951)

I am struggling to articulate a response to the Orlando shooting. In the European country where I live, and where gun control is not an issue, the response of many public officials has been to ignore or deny the homophobic nature of the murders, and some still seem to regard the adjective “gay” as a dirty word not to be used in polite company. A particularly shocking incident occurred on British television when a gay journalist from the Guardian stormed off a TV set after being shouted down by two straight presenters who accused him of claiming “ownership” of the Orlando horror, simply because he insisted on pointing out that LGBT people were the murderer’s main target. The level of anger I feel as a gay man is at an all-time high, and it takes this wonderful music to calm me down a bit.

#björling    #merrill    #don carlo    

Unexpectedly, I was at the Opera tonight, because apparently one of the perks of plants-sitting is getting an opera ticket out of the blue! ^___________^

Oh boy. I really liked this one. 
