#donkey girl transformation

There was just something special about this farm, something that made you feel like you never wanted

There was just something special about this farm, something that made you feel like you never wanted to leave. Something about sitting under the tall oak tree by the little red ranch house, watching the chickens pecking at the ground, the cows out grazing in the field, the old donkey standing at the fence. The donkey looked like it was staring at her, and though she tried to break eye contact it was as if her head was being held in place. She struggled a little before going limp, something about it’s eyes was almost… hypnotizing.

“Some…bodyeeeehaaalp me…. Help meeeehaaawww!” She tried to call out for help as a eerie chill gripped her body. Her eyes fluttered for a moment and a sudden and intense drowsiness overtook her.

“N-no… Can’t… stay… awake.. s-something’s nnaaaawwwwt right…” She lost the fight and her eyelids closed, all she saw was darkness as she fell down to the rainbow striped blanket.

Some time later she slowly stirred, she had been dreaming about galloping through a field on a sunny day…. She yawned deeply and rubbed her eyes. It was late afternoon now.

“What hawwwpened?”


"Haaawww? Heeeehaawwww!?”

As hard as she tried she couldn’t manage a full sentence without launching into a loud bray like some sort of ass. She was feeling a bit unsteady and put her hand down to brace herself only to touch something long and furry. She looked to her side and saw a thick tail that seemed to run behind her and under her skirt. she pulled her hand back reflexively and noticed how hairy her arm was. That familiar feeling of never wanting to leave hit her again, and as much as she was frightened by her changes, they didn’t seem all that bad really…. The tail was even kind of cute… She had always wondered what it would be lie to have a tail. Maybe being a donkey wouldn’t be so bad?

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“Just a few for games, I know I can beat you, lets do best 4 out of 5!” She demanded sta

“Just a few for games, I know I can beat you, lets do best 4 out of 5!” She demanded stamping her hoof down and giving a bucktoothed frown.

“Let’s just face it, you never gonna beat Meeeeehhaaaaw!”

The two girls continued to play their game of pool well into the night, oblivious to the changes happening to their bodies. By the time the bar closed and they staggered out into the early hours of the morning they both were sporting tails, big ears, buckteeth, hooves, and a distinctively donkey sounding way of speaking. It wouldn’t be until the following morning that they would notice just how badly an extended game of billiards at Coachman’s bar could be…

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 Those costumes were so cute, she smiled as she walked passed one of the cocktail waitresses. She wa

Those costumes were so cute, she smiled as she walked passed one of the cocktail waitresses. She was actually at the casino to apply for a job as a waitress, and the fact she would get to wear such a cute costume was an added bonus. She was new to town, but she had heard of the ‘Pleasure Island’ casino online, Drinking, smoking cigars, and billiards were a theme of the place, and the girls. She blushed as she thought of the outfit once more. Fishnet leggings, black panties, a white tank top and.. The girls were also tied in to the pleasure island theme and had fluffy tails and ears that looked like they belonged on a jenny, Hell some of them even went all out and wore buckteeth prosthetics. She didn’t know why, but… the moment she had seen the outfits she was so enamored by them she just had to see if they were hiring.

After a interview with the man in charge of hiring she was hired on the spot, she had worked as a waitress before when she lived out east and they were understaffed tonight and needed her on the floor within the hour if possible. He sent her to the elevators to head down to 'costumes’ which was on basement level 2. The elevator played some upbeat jazz and she spent the ride down staring at her potential paycheck, she hadn’t expected to make this much, especially not on her first night. The doors to the elevator opened and a woman in her early forties was waiting for her.

“You the new girl? Coach said you would be coming.”

“U-uhm yeah, that’s me.” She stammered awkwardly. “So is this.. is there where I get one of those costumes?”

“What? Oh… yeah, costumes.. Yep just follow me.” The woman seemed a bit off, but friendly enough, she lead the new girl to a room at the end of the hall and opened the door for her. The room was pretty sparse, a few folding chairs, a end table with what looked to be a couple of bottles of beer, and a single fluorescent lamp overhead. “Soo… I’ll be back with the… costume… You just wait here until your changed. Oh, and please try one of the beers, the casino is also a licensed brewery and the boss likes us to have a first hand knowledge of what the casino offers.”

The older woman left as the new girl sat down. The door swung shut and she was left alone in the room. She felt nervous, maybe it was the new job, maybe it was being in the dingy hot room in the basement, all she knew was that she could use a drink. At least a taste anyhow. She took one of the bottle from the stand and was surprised at how cool it was despite the heat of the room, the cap came free after a moment of effort and she eagerly took a sip. It tasted… good, not just because the room was extremely hot and the beer was ice cold, but it really tasted good. It was thick, almost bready, a subtle taste, almost grassy, but sweet… She drank another sip. This was some damn good beer, no wonder the casino did such great business, with all it’s cute waitresses and cheap good tasting beer.

She drank the bottle absently as she waited, it had been a while now and she was beginning to worry they had forgotten her. She scratched at her head and shifted in her seat, this heat was being to be bothersome, it was… it was making her really itchy. She breathed heavily as her ears felt like every nerve in them was set on fire. She clutched at her head and fell off her folding chair onto the floor below. She couldn’t breathe… something was… something was happening, was she having an allergic reaction to the beer!?

“Hhh… H-help” She croaked pitifully. “Someone… help meeeeee-haaww!. Heee–heelp meeeee-haaaw!?” It was hard to hear anything do to the ringing in her ears but she could swear her cries sounded more like… brays? She groaned loudly as she felt her lower back twitch and cramp. It felt like her spine was moving, and she grit her teeth as it contorted and pushed outwards. She could feel it lengthen as additional vertebrae formed, skin stretching, hairs pushing through. What was in that beer, what was happening to her, what did they do to her!?

Her body throbbed, her head hurt, and she felt dizzy. She staggered as she got back to her chair and fell onto it. She jerked back as she landed painfully on her tail and…. wait.. She reached down and grabbed hold of a tail, a tail that looked just like those the other waitresses had. That must mean, she let go and grabbed a pair of long fluffy ears sticking out of the sides of her head, it stung to pull them so roughly.

The door handle jiggled and the door opened, the woman from before stuck her head in and smiled. “Ah, you’re nearly done, I’ve got the outfit for you right here, take your time getting acclimated and I’ll be  in the room to the left of the elevator when you are ready. She sat an outfit down by the door and went to leave.

The new girl groaned hoarsely "W-wait… nearly done?”

“You don’t think were letting you out on the floor with those B cups, do you? Don’t worry it won’t be long now.” She closed the door and left.

The new girl breathed heavily, the costumes… they weren’t costumes at all, she… she really had a tail.. and ears.. She felt her ears again… they were… soft… they actually felt… nice.. and as she gave were tail a experimental twitch to the side she actually smiled. She could feel the hot stinging warmth in her chest start to focus in on her pert breasts and she was actually looking forward to this part now that she new what was going on. The feeling was so strange, it was nearly unpleasant, the hot prickly pressure, but… but it felt good too, she cupped her breasts as they began to swell beneath her shirt.

Cup after cup of sensitive flesh filled her palms as her tits grew, and while she was initially worried about the sheer weight of them, whatever had happened to her muscles and spine had made her back strong enough that the weight didn’t seem that bad actually. She felt her breasts surged with a final swelling of size then the sensation faded away. The new girl stood up and took stock of herself. Her breasts were about the same size as her head, she felt… stronger, like she had the stamina of a… well a donkey. She certainly had the ears and tail of one, and she had to admit, they looked just as great as she thought they would. While she turned to look at her tail she noticed her ass and hips seemed a little fuller too, no doubt another change brought on by the beer she hadn’t noticed during her tail’s growth. She let out a sigh of relief that the only change she had left was the tank top and fishnets.

In a few minutes the girl left the room and started walking down the hall toward the elevator, the older woman from before met her halfway and flashed a quick smile. “Niiice, Coach outdid himself this time. So… how are you taking to the.. eheh… changes?”

“I…” The new girl blushed. “This is Heeee-haaawesome!” She slapped her hand over her mouth as she brayed.

The older woman laughed. “Ahh don’t worry about that, the new girls always have trouble with that when they start. They usually get the braying under control after a week or two…Usually.”

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