
She had been a little alarmed when she realized the pendant wouldn’t come off. She could move

She had been a little alarmed when she realized the pendant wouldn’t come off. She could move it around, but as soon as she tried to lift it off of her, it became so heavy it fell from her hands. This was mildly concerning, she had heard tales of magic curses and spells from her grandmother, not that she had ever really believed in them before.

She sure believed in them now though. She had awoken a few days after donning the cursed jewelry to find her ears were larger, stretching upright in a more… animal like way. Also her front teeth seemed bulky and more squared off. She was really starting to worry now, who knows what else was going to happen to her.

She found out later that night as an odd sensation followed by a cramped squished feeling struck her. It was like her pants were pinching down on a…. on… She held a thin fur tufted tail in her hands. She could only stare as it slowly grew out into a rather large donkey tail, a donkey’s tail attached to her. Did that mean she was…

She ran to the mirror and saw her ears now matched her tail, and fur was starting to grow on her arms and legs. She could feel her hands and feet getting stiffer, and knew that she would most likely having four hooves by morning. She had a sense that her transformation was nearly complete, that once she was walking on hooves the changes would stop. At least she hadn’t turned all the way into a donkey. She went to let out a sigh of relief but a loud donkey’s bray came out instead. After a few panicked moments and many failed attempts she was able to speak again, though her speech was peppered with brays and took extra effort on her part. As if looking like a ass wasn’t enough now she sounded like one too.

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