#dont be a creep


Also, let me rant one time.

Guys, if you’re super horny and want to be naughty all the time like I am, I need you to remember one thing. One very important thing for the sake of being a fucking respectful human being: STOP. BEING. A. CREEP.

We (at least I am) are all here to have a good time, share ourselves to others, and just all around enjoy ourselves and make sure others do as well! If I had a dollar for every friend of mine who said “ugh, why do all guys just fill my messages with their cock the second I start to show some interest”, if have quite a few bucks. Obviously we are horny people and if a girl is going to let you be apart of her intimate side and do dirty stuff with you, you need to respect the fact that she is doing so and not be a huge creep about it. Does that make sense?

For example, a good friend of mine who I sleep with on the regular for fun is a huge nympho like me, she’s been one of my best friends since junior high, and she has a very popular NSFW tumblr. She loves meeting cool guys and doing naughty things with them. But do you know what the funny thing is? Almost every guy she sleeps with or does naughty shit with over the phone is not someone who sent her a picture of their cock immediately. You have to make that connection with them, talk about each other and get to know them. You can still have sex or phone stuff with them and not have to be super close or in a relationship, but you still have to build that connection and that trust. Otherwise you are just some another creep from tumblr.

Excuse my rant, but I enjoy tumblr, I like showing you guys my cock and hearing your feedback or sending me submissions of you and how you like my blog. But we have to respect everyone and be kind. Otherwise this site is going to turn into the world largest creep hang out. No one has time for that.

I just started this blog and I intend for it to be naughty and great. I want to show everyone myself, what I do, and what I like. But do you know what’s funny? I’m not going to message every girl a picture of my cock because she liked something of mine. Girls can be just as horny as me and some are even hornier! But ladies (from my experience) don’t just send you a nice picture of their wet pussy just because you liked something of theirs. It gives all of the great and decent dude a bad name.

Anyways, be cool to each other. Be nice to each other. Don’t be a creep to others.

Whatever, I’m done ranting. I’m done hearing my friends talk about this shit and I’m done being treated like I’m some creepy dude because others ruined it for both guys and girls.

Keep on being sexy, you beautiful people.
