#dont reblog if you arent asian american


Dear Asian Americans who do not support ‪#‎blacklivesmatter‬, or the protests and demonstrations in Baltimore and other parts of the country, or are condemning the protesters for being violent,

You are wrong, and you are being racist.

If you think the deaths of these victims are justified, then you you need to reexamine your humanity, and ask yourself why you have no empathy for these victims.

If you think this has nothing to do with you, then you need to reexamine the history of racism in this country, because I promise you white supremacy hates you too.

And if you think violence is not the answer, then you need to reexamine your own history, because your ancestors did not become free from colonization through peaceful protests. They waged a violent and bloody war against their oppressors, so you could have the privileges you do today. Do not dishonor that struggle by saying that Black Americans today have less of a right to fight back than your ancestors did then. Black people are being murdered in the streets. And you can stand with them, or against them.

Choose wisely.
