#dont reupload pictures without permission




Ok. Look.

@enchantress-of-the-mind, recently you used someone’s likeness without her permission. This is speculation on my part, but based on the nature of your content I’m guessing this is far from the first time you have. Also, when I called that to your attention, you deleted my reply. The only attempt made to rectify it, was to then delete the post when called out by the person whose photo you stole.

Now, we all reblog photos without a perfect track record of seeking permission, adding attribution, or otherwise. I certainly have. I try to be better about it but I look at my recent past and see that my practices have once again slipped. It happens. It is a hard habit to break, just hitting “Reblog” and then forgetting about a post.

However, you aren’t just reblogging someone else’s content. You are making posts, making your own content, and uploading someone else’s photos to do it. Not only that, but you have taken actual hypnokinksters who have Tumblrs of their own and reuploaded their photos without attribution. Not only that, but hypnokinksters who have monetized their likeness in the past. Now, I know that those photos are probably hard to track down via Google or anything like that, and the photos have themselves already been stolen by others and reuploaded so it can be VERY hard to track back the breadcrumbs… so there is a temptation to just say “f*** it” and make the post anyway. But, we all know that is not the right thing to do.

I also know you are not the only one. There are a few Tumblr hypnokink blogs who are SUPER guilty of doing this constantly, shamelessly, and probably providing the raw material - i.e. the reuploaded photos themselves - that then get used by you and others because the sources are impossible to track down. I’ve reblogged from those blogs before so yes, I’m guilty of perpetuating this too. Again, we all need to do better about it. However, that does not erase the problem at issue here.

There is a reason that a lot of people use basic (not super special) spirals or similar content so widely available as to be in the de facto public domain, or just make text posts. There is a reason that people take their own photos, or add attribution, or get permission when using someone’s likeness. There is a reason that reuploading content is frowned upon. And, I would not be writing this if your first response was not to delete my reply. That tells me that (1) you are aware of what I said and (2) you want to sweep it under the rug rather than fix it. Youknow that’s not okay. Stop doing that.

Your content seems to largely consist of captions on photos, many that are of professional models, and none - so far as I can tell - of them attributed to their source at all. You need to stop doing that. I know that “Pretty picture + hypnotic caption” is a reliable formula for capturing the attention of potential subjects, but there are consequences. Take care with your practices around those seemingly small things, show respect to the people in those photos and with how you present your public face… and that will send a message to potential subjects that you respect them. Reuploading someone else’s photos shows you don’t consider their consent in how their likeness is used to be important. That ought to be a chilling thing for anyone who might be sending you naughty pictures. I’m just taking a wild guess here, but I think you might consider making subjects comfortable doing that a priority.

I’ve not tagged the person whose content was stolen here, and that is by design. I know who they are and EotM knows who they are and THEY know who they are, but I want to make it clear that I decided to make this A Thing. If you’re going to be mad about it, be mad at me. The only reason I consider this worth talking about is the deletion of my reply and your lack of a meaningful response (aside from deleting the post), showing awareness of the problem and a desire to sweep it under the rug while that was still an option.

EoftheM has now blocked me and my post is gone. Thank you for bringing awareness to this subject, friend. I appreciate you and the entire hypno community also having my back. Consent is the most important thing to me. ❤️

Mine. Please reblog and share.
