#doohh youre the best



Happy Birthday Rivvid!

You have to be one of the first people I made friends with here and I love our chats so much. Thank you for setting me up with Kees, you can be at our wedding. You are lovely and talented and your art always makes my day <3 happy birthday please enjoy! @rivvd-art

Ace x GN Reader
Word Count: 1,657

Marco was staring out the window idly, watching the clouds drift by in the beautiful blue sky, a smile playing on his lips as he let out a little hum, enjoying the moment of peace. Fresh coffee was poured and waiting for him as he enjoyed a moment to himself.

The door slamming open and hitting the wall had been the rude awakening the phoenix hadn’t needed nor wanted. The man jumped in his seat, letting out a started cry, almost falling back in his seat as his eyes met those of the noisy crew member. Marco tutted and gripped his desk in mild annoyance.

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Gaaahh. OMG THANK YOU FOR THIS ❤️ Aaacceee

Oh and. Of course I’ll be at your wedding. I don’t want to miss the huge fish buffet! As long as Kees doesn’t forget the sauce though
