#doom aspect



Fanventure ramblings under the cut!

Fun fact! Our session is bugged as hell and the aspect wheel GLITCHED for the players! Imagine being so fucking glitchy that a basic life concept fucks up for you.

The change? Light and Life swapped places! Now Life is opposite of Void and Light is opposite of Doom!
This reflects in the players- Our Heir of Light, Retris, has some really deep Doom ties. Our Seer of Life, Kausat, has deep Void ties.

An unfaltering adherence to the concept of necessity and sacrifice, knowing the rules and how to bend them. He’d do anything if it was for the greater good, taking great risks to ensure the best outcomes for his players using the knowledge he has. This is an important part of Retris’s character- and it’s a Light-based mirroring of Doom.
His Heir of Light outfit bears slight resemblance to that of a Muse in structure. Our Muse is a Muse of Doom. Two out of three of his quadrantmates are Doom players.

And Kausat, who has a major part of his character arc being helping foster the Void, assisting in holding secrets, making sure what needs to stay hidden remains hidden. Part of his story as a Seer of Life manifests in the fact that in order to help others grow, you must expect the unknown. It is a Life-based mirroring of Void.

This fanventure is fun.

Kausat (not pictured, but spoken about at length here,) is made and ran by @mon-tarts!
