

Image © @tredlocity

[Commissioned by @crazytrain48​. Arduin loves its hell-animals, and was early enough in the development of RPGs that it invented some before D&D got around to it. So in the original Arduin Trilogy, this is a hellcat, released two years before D&D got around to their own version in the Fiend Folio. “Doomtiqer”is given as an alternate name. Arduin’s hellcat is ridiculously lethal: its claws deal 1 point of level drain each and its bite 2, in an edition where level drain meant literally losing a level, permanently and irreversibly. The Compleat Arduin edition changed that to no-save Con drain, which is only marginally better.]

CR 9 NE Outsider (extraplanar)

This creature resembles an exaggeration of a house cat, stretched to the size of a tiger. Its eyes and claws glow a sickly green, and its fangs have an opalescent sheen. Its fur is a solid black, seeming to drink in the light around it.

Doomtiqers are sometimes called “hellcats” by laymen, but they are a different breed of monster entirely. Native to Abaddon, they act as top predators in ecosystems of fiendish animals, although they do not actually eat their kills. Instead, they play with them, keeping their victims alive but suffering before mutilating their corpses. The scavengers that are attracted to their kills serve as a new stock of victims.

A doomtiqer attacks from ambush, entering battle with a deadly pounce. If prey is not killed outright, the doomtiqer makes hit and run attacks in order to draw out their enjoyment of the hunt. A doomtiqer’s claws cause supernaturally intense pain, and its saber teeth drain life force. If they are outnumbered, they even the odds with a fearful yowl, hoping to leave some of their enemies cowering in fear. Doomtiqers are confident and sadistic enough that they often fight to the death, but they flee from either real or magically evoked sunlight.

Doomtiqers play into negative feline stereotypes, in that they are aloof and cruel. Conjurers value their abilities in battle, but find them stubborn and difficult to control. A doomtiqer rarely stays in one place for long, and so becomes restless and destructive if limited to a small area. A doomtiqer can move via shadows, breaching seemingly impenetrable barriers in order to sate its curiosity. They hate anything that looks like a dog, and go out of their way to kill blink dogs, moon dogs, hound archons, and other good aligned canines.

Doomtiqer          CR 9
XP 6,400

NE Large outsider (evil, extraplanar)
+7;Sensesdarkvision 120 ft., Perception +17, true seeing
23, touch 17, flat-footed 23 (-1 size, +7 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 natural)
115 (11d10+55); fast healing 5
+8,Ref+14,Will+12; +4 vs. poison
acid, cold, confusion and insanity, fear, paralysis
susceptible to daylight
50 ft., sprint
2 claws +15 (1d8+6 plus pain), bite +15 (1d10+6 plus energy drain)
10 ft.; Reach5 ft.
Special Attacks
energy drain (2 levels, DC 17), pounce, yowl
Spell-like Abilities
CL 11th, concentration +13
Constant—true seeing
3/day—shadow step
Base Atk
Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility, Nimble Moves, Spring Attack, Step Up
Acrobatics +21 (+29 when jumping), Climb +20, Perception +17, Stealth +25; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth
any land (Abaddon)
solitary or pair
Special Abilities
Pain (Su)
A creature struck by a doomtiqer’s claw attack must succeed a DC 17 Fortitude save or suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls and AC for 1d4+1 rounds. Additional failed saves do not increase the penalty, but do increase the duration. This is a pain effect, and the save DC is Charisma based.
Sprint (Ex)
Once per hour, a doomtiqer may move up to ten times its speed with a charge or run action.
Susceptible to Daylight (Ex)
Sunlight burns away a doomtiqer’s flesh, suppressing its fast healing and dealing 5 points of damage per round to the creature. A daylightspell harms a doomtiqer in a similar fashion, except that the creature gets a Fortitude save every round (based on the caster’s spell DC) to avoid the damage.
Yowl (Su)
As a standard action, a doomtiqer can give off a horrible screech. All creatures in a 60 foot radius must succeed a DC 17 Will save or cower in fear for 1d4+1 rounds. On a successful save, the creature is shaken for 1 round and immune to the yowl of that doomtiqer for the next 24 hours. This is a mind-influencing fear effect, and the save DC is Charisma based.
