#down payment extra


Downtime on Deployment - Part 2

Part One / Part Two / Masterlist

Pairing: Frankie Morales x OFC Jayme Connor

A/N: Quick update for the second part of Downtime on Deployment. This is not beta-read I have no beta currently (she’s working). Thank you dear reader for your patience and grace you have afforded me. 

Word count: 1.8k

Warnings: Explicit language, making out, some explicit spice, and cliffhanger. 

Frankie nodded eagerly at the thought of getting to share the bed with Jayme, it was preferable to sleeping in the same room as Santiago, when he was there he snored. “I like that, and while I want to have sex with you I would love to just sleep next to you and hold you,” he tells Jayme in all honesty. 

Framing his face and placing a sweet kiss on his lip Jayme loved her Frankie, so sweet, considerate, and even after the ordeal with the General, Tom, and thinking he was long gone he would just be happy to sleep beside her. Making sure to put her shirt on the end table so it’s close at hand should she need it she turned to look at Frankie. Pulling Frankie down to lie beside her she whispered “whatever you want to do, I’m just thankful that you’re here.” 

Before he got too comfortable Frankie peeled off his shorts and laid down gathering Jayme close to him, not there was much need to do that. Twin-sized beds don’t offer a lot of room, but neither Jayme nor Frankie minds. Nuzzling her face into his chest Jayme sighs. While she had been amped up and wanted to have sex with Frankie, laying with him now she was content just to be next to him, chest to chest and breathing each other in. 

Frankie sighs and looks down and was about to tell Jayme he had missed her again when he notices she was asleep. Smiling he presses a kiss to her forehead and then closes his own eyes joining her in sleep. 

Hours later Frankie is woken up by whimpers and cries from Jayme. Rolling her on her back he shakes her gently, “Jayme, Jayme!” he tries to wake her, and she comes to with a gasp and eyes flying open. 

“Frankie!” she cries as she wraps her arms around Frankie’s neck and catches her breath. A few moments later she finally relaxes her hold on his neck, “sorry, go back to sleep.” Trying to brush it off and play off what had happened. She moves to turn around with her back to Frankie.

“Oh no you don’t,” Frankie says and scoops her up pulling her into his lap, “don’t shut me out and don’t play it off. What’s going on?” He had a pretty big idea as to what is going on but he wasn’t going to voice it until she shares it. 

Taking in the warmth of Frankie’s body, Jayme slowly relaxes. Once she’s finally calm she doesn’t share what caused her very obvious nightmare and Frankie doesn’t push, just laid them back down in the bed and they went back to sleep.

This was the pattern for several nights; sleep, wake with Jayme’s nightmares, then back to sleep, work and repeat. Finally by the fourth night Jayme couldn’t take it anymore, she had hoped that she wouldn’t have a nightmare again but if she did she was going to share with Frankie what it was. 

Waking again with the same nightmare Frankie was just getting ready to shift them back to laying down when she grabbed his hand and stopped him. “Hang on,” she says shifting out of his lap so she can look at him in the face, “I can’t keep on like this. I’m having nightmares.” 

Getting that off her chest she felt infinitely better already but she knew she needed to share the rest and as she looked at Frankie’s face he was just patiently awaiting her to share with those beautifully soulful brown eyes watching her. “They are about this last mission, except you didn’t make it back, or you did but one of you is missing, or you missing and gone, or the entire team doesn’t make it back. It kills me a little inside every time it happens, even as much as we don’t seem to be on the same team Tom.

“I can’t do this anymore.” Jayme says as she ducks her head. She’s exhausted and if Frankie was going to be honest he was too, but Jayme needed him more than he needed to admit the exhaustion. The team had four more days of rest and they were spending it the best they could. “I’ve tried to be strong, I’ve tried to be resilient but Francisco,” the use of his full given name causes him to pause and look at her closer, “I love you and I don’t think I want to go home without you so please be safe out there.” 

Frankie smiles and looks at Jayme, he knew he loves her, and knows she loves him, until now it’s been an unspoken thing, now it’s been spoken, its out in the open and Frankie loves to hear it. “Jayme, I love you too and I promise to do everything I can to make it back to you always, I have I have made that down payment and many more to come.” Frankie presses a kiss to Jayme’s lips enjoying the feeling and now that those words had been spoken and shared they brought a new light and weight to the relationship. 

Jayme laced her fingers into Frankie’s hair and pulled him closer to her, it wasn’t close enough she shifted her body, moving to straddle his body while she continued to kiss him. Pulling her closer to him, Frankie’s tongue slipped along her lips seeking admittance and when he gained it he plundered her mouth. 

Moaning as his tongue danced with hers Jayme slid her pelvis against his in slow torturing motions as Frankie’s hands moved to her breast, pinching and pulling on the pebbled nipples. Breaking the kiss he ducks his head to take one into his mouth pulling at it with his lips and laving it with his tongue. While his one hand and mouth are busy with her breast he moves the other between where Jayme is perched above him and adjusts his hard length. 

Moving one hand from his head she buries it between them rubbing on his hard cock while stroking herself too. Batting her hand away from her own pelvis Frankie pulls the shorts barely covering Jayme aside exposing her to the cooler air of the room. Sweeping a finger through her weeping folds Frankie finds her clit and slowly circles it causing Jayme to gasp. 

Palming in through his own shorts Jayme wastes no time in shifting to remove not only hers but also his shorts. Finally, free the weight of Frankie in her palm is heady and stoking her fire and lust more. Bringing her thumb up she swipes it through the pearl of moisture gathering at the tip. Usually, there would be more fun and foreplay involved but tonight it was quick and to the point. Jayme leaned up to line Frankie up when he scooped her up and flipped them over, and as he lined up he continued to play with her secret pearl.

As he breached her center slowly he continued swiping at her, bringing her closer and closer to the edge. Inch by glorious inch Frankie settled in, while there was an urgency in need each other, wanting each other he couldn’t help but go slowly. Weeks without Jayme’s touch paired with the freshly spoken admissions of love, slow was perfect. 

As Frankie continued to sink into Jayme she wrapped one leg around his hips and pulled him back down to her lips, kissing him and running her hands across his shoulders and through his hair. When he finally bottomed out, he rested his forehead against hers and just stayed still enjoying the sensation of Jayme fluttering around him and Jayme enjoying Franking throbbing inside her. 

Beginning to move Frankie slowly withdrew and then sunk back into Jayme, and continued to piston into her slowly with Jayme arching to meet each thrust, enjoying the slow methodical movement all while stroking at her clit every once in a while with no pattern. Continuing Frankie changed the angle of his hips and allowed him to hit that secret spot inside of Jayme causing her to call out and forcing Frankie to kiss her in order to keep her quiet. 

Between Frankie’s finger and the divine feeling of him pistoning in and out of her stroking her deeply it didn’t take long before Jayme was falling over the edge into the blissful orgasm that she had sought and missed for so long with Frankie. 

Feeling Jayme grip him and watching her fall apart with an awe-inspiring beauty Frankie soon followed her over the cusp of orgasmic bliss. Collapsing onto the bed to the side to keep from crushing Jayme they cuddled with each other while sweaty and Frankie still deep inside of her. 

Catching their breath and cooling down Frankie finally gets up and grabs the extra towel that was in Jayme’s room and cleans her up. Once she’s clean and Frankie wipes himself up he tosses the towel onto the floor to be washed later. Getting back in bed and gathering Jayme back up in his arms he savors the feel of her beside him. 

He wouldn’t admit it tonight but there was a time during that week that the team went missing he wondered if he would get to see her again, now he was back and in bed, with her, the next beautiful thing was that they had vocally stated their love. Looking down at her Frankie decided he wanted the next step when they got back to the states.

Tilting her face up Jayme kissed Frankie’s chin, “I love you Frankie” she whispers and closes her eyes as she wraps her arm around him. 

Pressing a kiss to her temple Frankie smiles “I love you too Jayme,” and settled himself down while they both drifted off to sleep. The rest of the night went peacefully, there were no more nightmares that night for Jayme. 

The next night went smoothly as well, there were no nightmares. Finally, by the last night of the team’s downtime, the nightmares had subsided. Smiling at Frankie as they dressed in the morning, Jayme gave him one more kiss on the cheek and they head for the team’s office. Getting there they met up with Will, Benny, and Santiago, but beat Tom into the office. 

Finally, thirty minutes later Tom comes in along with General Watson looking like the cat that had caught the canary. “Pack your shit! You’re done here, you’re getting the hell off my base and even your cousin can’t save you this time Lieutenant!” 

“Can we at least ask why you’re sending us back to the states before our rotation is done, sir?” Will asks ever the diplomat. 

“Oh absolutely, you’re being court-martialed. All of you,” was the response from General Watson. As the team took time looking at each other and took in the weight of the situation hitting them and settling. “You’re out of here by the end of the day!” With that General Watson strode out of the room like nothing was wrong.

As the reality sunk in and just before they sprung into action Benny seemed to sum up the entire situation in two words.

“Well fuck.”

@disgruntledspacedad@kat-r-in@sunrise-river@perropascal@starlight-starwrites@foxilayde@toomanystoriessolittletime@mesmorales@marvelousmermaid@knivesareout@kaqua@mischiefnevermanaged94@general-latino@justanotherblonde23@autumnleaves1991-blog@itspdameronthings@detroitbydark@jedimastergoat@jedimandoscorruption@kesskirata@danniburgh@jitterbugs927@rebelliouscat@cassandras-nest@mstgsmy@anetteaneta@mostly-megan@day-off-inkyoto@brandyllyn@asta-lily@pancakeisreading@its–fandom–darling@fromthedeskoftheraven@salome-c@rosiefridayrogersunday-reads@that-chick212@t3rradactyl@mrsparknuts@dobbyjen@sara-alonso@tanzthompson @a-trial-run-on-paper@amneris21@libariantothejedi@radiowallet@adriiibell@gallowsjoker@waywardimpalawriter@hotspacepilots@dihra-vesa@tintinn16@darnitdraco
