#downtown cincinnati

Check out this selection of unique photographs from the book “Night in Cincinnati,” by TCheck out this selection of unique photographs from the book “Night in Cincinnati,” by TCheck out this selection of unique photographs from the book “Night in Cincinnati,” by TCheck out this selection of unique photographs from the book “Night in Cincinnati,” by TCheck out this selection of unique photographs from the book “Night in Cincinnati,” by T

Check out this selection of unique photographs from the book “Night in Cincinnati,” by Theodore Newcomb, published in 1915.

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Piatt Park, located on Garfield Place between Vine St. and Elm St. in downtown Cincinnati, is one ofPiatt Park, located on Garfield Place between Vine St. and Elm St. in downtown Cincinnati, is one ofPiatt Park, located on Garfield Place between Vine St. and Elm St. in downtown Cincinnati, is one ofPiatt Park, located on Garfield Place between Vine St. and Elm St. in downtown Cincinnati, is one ofPiatt Park, located on Garfield Place between Vine St. and Elm St. in downtown Cincinnati, is one ofPiatt Park, located on Garfield Place between Vine St. and Elm St. in downtown Cincinnati, is one ofPiatt Park, located on Garfield Place between Vine St. and Elm St. in downtown Cincinnati, is one of

Piatt Park, located on Garfield Place between Vine St. and Elm St. in downtown Cincinnati, is one of the city’s oldest parks. The land was donated to the city for public use, for ‘market space’, in 1817 by John H. and Benjamin M. Piatt. It was never developed as a market and within a few years it was being used as a park. On October 21, 1940 it was dedicated as Piatt Park in honor of the donors. 

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