#doyoung oneshots


Y/n is sick and Doyoung comes to take care of them. 

Part of the long term couples series

           Leaning over the toilet you empty your stomach once again you wonder how much could possibly be left in your stomach. This was your fourth time puking there couldn’t still be food in your stomach could there. Once you finished and flushed the toilet you close the lid and rest your head on top of the toilet seat. You need to get up and at least brush your teeth, but you are so tired, and the cool surface of the toilet seat feels like heaven against your hot skin. In the distance you hear your phone going off and you groan from the sound. Everything in you hurts and you just want to be in your bed.

           Eventually your phone stops ringing, and you let out a sigh of relief. Now you just have to convince yourself to get up off the floor. You couldn’t remember the last time that you had felt this sick and hoped that it past quickly. In the distance you hear your door being opened and closed followed by the sound of Doyoung calling out for you.

           “No! Go away,” you whine. The two of you had only been dating for two months and you were not ready for him to see you sick and miserable. Your relationship was too fresh, to young, him seeing you sick was something he couldn’t see until at least month six.

           “Y/n did you forget that we’re supposed to be meeting up with Taeil and his girlfriend?” Doyoung calls as he makes his way towards you. Groaning you hear his footsteps approaching and wish that the floor would swallow you up. You hear a gasp from Doyoung and then his hands are on your shoulders and he’s gently turning you to face him.

           “Y/n,” Doyoung gentles his voice and as you look at him you see the concern in his eyes as his one hand reaches up to touch your forehead. “How long have you been sick?”

           “I don’t know. A while.” You admit before closing your eyes again and slumping forward into Doyoung. You’re tired and weak and holding your head up was to much work.

           Doyoung doesn’t hesitate and soon has you up off the floor and cradle safely against his chest. As he starts to walk out of the bathroom and back into your bedroom. You find yourself snuggling in closer to him. While you are not happy about him seeing you like this you can admit that you like him carrying you and the warmth that you are receiving from his body. Doyoung lays you down on the bed and pulls the covers up over you. You turn onto your side facing him and curl up into a ball.

           Running his fingers through your hair you wonder just how greasy it is and if you should stop him. But he doesn’t say anything about the state of your hair and the feeling of his fingers feels good. When Doyoung stops and starts to pull his hand away you let out a whine. A soft chuckle comes from Doyoung before his fingers go back to brushing through your hair.

           “Have you eaten at all today?” Doyoung whispers to you.

           “I can’t keep anything down,” which reminds you that you still need to brush your teeth. “I need to brush my teeth my mouth feels gross.”

           “Okay,” Doyoung pulls back the covers and carries you back into the bathroom. He set you down in front of the sink. Keeping you pinned between him and the counter Doyoung reaches around you to grab your toothbrush and toothpaste. If you weren’t feeling like death warmed over, you would make a comment about how you are capable of putting toothpaste on your own toothbrush. But you don’t and are grateful for how caring he, is being.

           Doyoung places the toothbrush in your hand and rest both his hands on your waist while you brush your teeth. As you brush you look into the mirror at him. Doyoung stands a good foot taller than you, his hair has grown out and is going to need a cut soon. His eyes are watching you with a softness to them that you are starting to realize he only gives to you.

           “Finish up Y/n so I can get you back to bed,” Doyoung pulls you out of your thoughts and leans down to place a kiss to the top of your head. You rinse your mouth out and let Doyoung carry you back to bed. “I’m going to let Taeil know that we won’t be making it today and then I’m going to see what you have in your place for you to eat that won’t upset your stomach.”

           “I told you I can’t keep anything down.”

           “You should try to eat a little something, but you don’t have to eat until later. Right now, just try to get some sleep.” You nod your head as you curl up onto your side once again. Before Doyoung has a chance to leave you tug on his arm, “Stay with me until I fall asleep.”

           Nodding in agreement you slide closer to Doyoung. Grabbing his hand, you place it on your head hoping he’ll understand what you’re asking for. He does and soon his fingers are carding through your hair. As Doyoung watches you he starts to hum softly. With his other hand he pulls out his phone and messages Taeil to let him know that you two will not be joining them today. When Doyoung thinks you have fallen asleep he stands and starts to walk away only for you to call out to him.

           “I was worried about you seeing me sick,” turning back towards you Doyoung tilts his head to the side in confusion, “we haven’t been together that long, and I was worried that we weren’t to the stage of seeing each other at one of our worst yet.”

           Shaking his head at you Doyoung makes his way back to the bed and sits back down on the edge of the bed. There’s an amused smile on his face as he leans down to kiss the top of your head, “I like you no matter what. Always have, always will.”

           You smile at that and give Doyoung’s hand a squeeze before closing your eyes and letting yourself get the rest that you need. Still smiling down at you Doyoung gives you another kiss and tucks the blanket around you before he heads into the kitchen to see if you have everything he needs to make you some soup.

It’s Y/n and Doyoung’s first christmas together and while Y/n isn’t a huge fan of Christmas they still want to make it speical for Doyoung. 

Part of the Long Term Couples Series. Can be read as a stand alone. 

Sitting on your living room floor you looked over the piles of tangled lights that were scattered over the floor. You knew that trying to untangle them all was going to take hours and this mess was your own fault. You were not the biggest Christmas fan meaning that decorating and undecorating for the holiday felt like a chore to you. And when it was time to take all the decorations down you had ripped them all down without a care in the world and tossed them into the bins to be stored until next year. Which brings you to your current mess of lights. You probably wouldn’t be having such a struggle if you had just tossed the lights in the bin instead of rolling them into balls and smashing them together.

           You were about ready to just forget it all and not even bother decorating this year but the thought of yours and Doyoung’s first Christmas together came filtering through your mind. Were you really going to spend your first Christmas together with no decorations? The answer was no, you may not care for the holiday, but you did care about Doyoung, and you had started to become a romantic thanks to him and you wanted your first holiday’s together to be memorable and special. Which was why you were sitting on the floor untangling lights. You could go buy new ones, but you weren’t so lost in being romantic and making the holiday special for your boyfriend to go out and buy all new decorations.

           Pulling on the lights you let out a groan of frustration and fall back onto the floor taking the pile of lights with you. In the distance you hear your door open and Doyoung calling out for you. You don’t bother to move; your apartment isn’t that big, and he would find you in a matter of seconds. Instead, you continue to lay under your pile of lights and look up at the ceiling. Soon Doyoung’s smiling face is looking down at you and his eyebrows are raised up in question about the pile of lights.

           “Do I even want to ask what is going on here?” You can hear the laughter in Doyoung’s voice. You pout up at him causing him to chuckle before he sits down next to you and leans over to kiss you on the forehead.

           “What are you doing Y/n?” He gently asks.

           “I’m trying to decorate for Christmas,” you slightly whine as you move yourself into an upright position and scoot yourself over towards Doyoung so you can rest your head on his shoulder. “It’s not going well all the lights are tangled and I haven’t even gotten a tree yet and to be honest I don’t think I even have ornaments for a tree.”

           You feel your throat starting to get tight and start to blink your eyes rapidly. Decorating shouldn’t be causing you to almost cry but you wanted to give Doyoung a good first Christmas together and as much as you wanted to act like you didn’t care and that it isn’t a big deal to you it is. You want him to know that you care that he is different from all the other people that you dated. Because if it were anyone else you wouldn’t have even bothered with the stupid lights.

           Doyoung must have heard you sniffle or could hear it in your voice that you were close to tears because he quickly pulls you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you and starts to gently sway the two of you back and forth. You hide your face in his chest and try to calm yourself down.

           “Why are you crying over Christmas lights? I thought you didn’t even like this holiday that much?” Doyoung gently asks you.

           “I don’t like this holiday but it’s our first Christmas together and I wanted to do it right. I wanted us to have the decorations and the stupid tree. I want us to have a good first Christmas together and for you to know that I care.” That gets you a squeeze and another head kiss from Doyoung. He pulls you away from his chest and wipes away the few tears that managed to escape your eyes.

           “Y/n thank you for wanting to give us a good first Christmas together, but you don’t have to put in all this effort. As long as you are here with me to celebrate, I don’t care about the lights, the tree, or even gifts.”

           “Really?” You question as you search Doyoung’s face for any signs that he is just telling you what you want to hear.

           “Really, if you want to decorate for our first Christmas, I’ll help you but, if you want to just forget it and not bother with any decorations that’s fine with me too.”

           “You have to stop being sweet or I’m going to start crying even more,” you demand, there’s no heat behind your statement and Doyoung knows that you don’t mean it.

           “Alright I’ll stop being sweet in a moment. But before I stop, I want you to know that I know you care and that this relationship means something to you.” You pull in a breath and bite your lip. You’re going to cry again you can feel it. “I also want you to know that I care and that our first Christmas together is already perfect because it’s with you.”

           “You need to stop talking and kiss me now. Otherwise, I’m going to start crying and there is going to be no stopping it,” you warn Doyoung. He smiles at you before leaning in and touching his lips to yours. Your wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in closer to you. Doyoung tightens is hold around you and the two of you don’t break apart until the need for air becomes too much.

           Pulling slightly apart Doyoung rubs his nose against yours and normally you would make a comment about him being cheesy and how you hate all those corny romantic gestures. But this time you don’t say anything and instead lean in to give Doyoung’s lips a quick kiss.

           “I don’t want to bother with the lights but let’s at least get a tree. I need somewhere to put your present.”  You look up at Doyoung and can tell that he is trying to keep his laughter in.

           “Okay let’s go get a tree.” Doyoung slides you off his lap and stands, he pulls you up with him. Before he lets you go, he pulls you in close to him and leans down to kiss you before he kisses you though he whispers into your ear, “Best Christmas I’ve had so far.”
