#doyoung reaction


Y/n has a thing for tattoos and when they show up to watch the Punch photoshoot they are having a hard time with how good everyone looks. Causing Doyoung’s jealous side to appear.

Part of the long term couples series 

When Doyoung invited you to come watch their photoshoot you weren’t sure what to expect. You knew that they were all going to look gorgeous, they were good looking when they weren’t all done up, but there was no way that you could have possibly prepared yourself for what you were walking into. Following one of their managers you looked around the set taking everything in. You didn’t realize just how much went into a photo shoot. There were props everywhere. Staff running around to get everything prepared.

             “You can wait here they are just finishing up their makeup and they’ll be right out,” the manager tells you pointing to an area of couches and chairs that are set up. You take a seat on the couch and give the manager a nod of understanding. You continue to look around when you hear your name being called out.

             Looking towards the voice that called your name your mouth drops open. Doyoung is making his way towards you dressed in all black. He has on a leather jacket and underneath it is an assortment of chains and straps.  Doyoung smiles as he approaches you and leans in to peck you on the cheek. When he pulls away a smirk appears on his face as you continue to stare at him with your mouth hanging open.

             “Are you trying to catch flies?” He questions, closing your mouth you glare up at him.

             “I don’t like you anymore. How could you invite me here knowing that you were going to look like that!” Waving your arm up and down at him. He should have warned you as your boyfriend it was his job to warn you of any possibly harm that you come your way.

             Rolling his eyes Doyoung takes a seat next to you and pulls you into his side. You try to squirm away. Shoving at his side and lightly kicking him. Doyoung doesn’t let you go and just pulls you in closer to him.

“Seriously Doyoung you should have warned me that you were going to look like this,” you complain giving up on escaping him and letting him pull you in close to his side. You already thought he was hot but seeing him dressed in all black with that leather jacket and chains and belts you weren’t sure if you were going to make it out of this photoshoot alive.

“I think you’re a little dramatic here. This isn’t the first time that you’ve seen me done up for a photoshoot.”

“This is different. I’ve only ever seen you in photo’s not in person. It’s completely different,” you argue. How could he not know the effect that he would have on you.

“Can’t you just say that I look good!” Doyoung protest giving your waist a squeeze. Rolling your eyes at him you soften towards him. If it was anyone else demanding a compliment you wouldn’t give it. But since it was Doyoung you knew that he wasn’t asking for it to be vain. He was asking because he needed the assurance from you that he looked good.

He had been nervous when he invited you to the photoshoot and you were sure that he was still nervous. Doyoung liked to act like things didn’t bother him and that he didn’t care what others thought but you knew differently. You knew that he cared and that he genuinely cared about what you thought of him.

“You look amazing. In fact, you look so good I’m worried I’m going to have to fight off hordes of people wanting to get at you,” leaning into you Doyoung is about to kiss you when another body comes slamming into yours.

“Y/n!” Yuta sings as the two of you fall back onto the couch, Yuta wrapping his arms around you. You hear Doyoung huffing in protest but ignore him for the time being. Instead, you focus your attention on Yuta who is smiling down at you.

“Yuta! You look hot!” The exclamation falls out of your mouth as you take in his bleach blonde hair, tattoos, and black outfit. Doyoung’s ‘hey’ can be heard and the two of you roll your eyes before you sit up.

“Doyoung of course you are the hottest.” You tell him leaning over Yuta to kiss the tip of his nose. Causing Yuta to gag at the display of affection.

“Shut up I’ve seen you being sweet with your girlfriend thousands of times.” You scold Yuta while giving him a small shove. Jaehyun and Johnny arrive next, and your eyes widen at the sight of them causing Doyoung to slump back into the couch, arms crossed over his chest, and a glare firmly in place.

“Hi Y/n glad you could join us.” Johnny smiles at you as you take in him and Jaehyun. Jaehyun has a small smile that graces his face that only widens when he sees the murderous expression that sits on Doyoung’s face.

“I’m just going to say this now whoever came up with this concept is a saint and deserves a raise,” you look around at all the men unable to handle all the black, leather, chains, and tattoos. You always had a thing for men with tattoo’s and seeing all of them done up like this was really making it hard for you to focus. Thankfully Doyoung didn’t have any tattoos on him, or you don’t think you would be breathing.

Johnny and Yuta laugh causing Doyoung to scowl more. Yuta bumps into Doyoung and you smile over at him, “I still like you the best.”

“Y/n don’t lie to Doyoung we saw you checking out our tattoos,” Jaehyun teases and you feel a blush spread across your face.

“Y/n!” Doyoung shouts as you throw up your hands in exasperation.

“What I’m sorry okay! You know that I have a thing for tattoos. The artist who did their tattoos did an amazing job and they look good. You can’t be mad at me for appreciating art. If you had tattoos on you as well, I would be drooling over you more than I already am. So, thank god you don’t have any on you.” You babble as everyone around you but Doyoung smirks.

“So, you’re drooling over them more than me because they have tattoos.” The men around you snicker, and you shoot them all a glare.

“No! I just like them, but I like your look the most okay.” You get up from your spot on the couch to move onto Doyoung’s lap wrapping your arms around him. Doyoung’s arms settle around your waist. “You will always be the hottest person in the room to me.”

“Y/n you’re here!” Taeyong smiles as he walks towards your group, and you try to keep your face neutral you really do but seeing Taeyong with an arm tattoo and that leather vest it’s hard not to react to how good he looks.

“That’s it,” Doyoung stands making you fall off his lap and almost onto the floor if it wasn’t for Yuta catching you, “I want a tattoo.”

You all watch as Doyoung storms off back towards the make up artist. The group of men laugh and shake their heads as you fidget beside Yuta. You didn’t want Doyoung to think that you found his members more attractive than him. Because you didn’t you just really liked the tattoos that were drawn onto them, and you couldn’t help but stare. Like you had told Doyoung if he had any on him you wouldn’t be able to look away from him.

“Don’t worry Y/n he’s fine. You know how Doyoung is he can be touchy and sometimes he let’s his emotions get the better of him,” Yuta assures you. You nod and watch as Doyoung makes his way back towards your group. Everyone disappears as Doyoung nears you and you don’t know if you should thank them or be mad at them for abandoning you.

“Are you getting a tattoo put on you?”

“No,” Doyoung snaps as he looks down at you. Taking a deep breath, you stand so you are level with Doyoung and reach out for his hand. He doesn’t pull away from you and you take that as a good sign.

“Doyoung, I know we haven’t been together long and that we are still figuring each other out but you need to know that just because I like your members look for this photoshoot doesn’t mean that I like them more than you.”

Doyoung hangs his head, and you notice a slight blush that spreads across his cheeks, “I know I just got jealous and not because I think you like them more than me but because you liked their tattoos, and I don’t have any and I guess I just didn’t like them getting any of your attention.”

Stepping into Doyoung’s face you tilt his chin up towards your face so he’s looking into your eyes. You give him a reassuring smile before you give him a gentle kiss on the lips.

“We’ll work on it and if we’re going to be honest with each other I’m glad that you don’t have any tattoos on you. I don’t think I would be able to keep my hands off of you.” Doyoung smiles at that and the two of you relax into one another.

“Now I really want to get a tattoo,” You laugh dropping your head against Doyoung’s chest. He laughs with you, pulling you closer into him.
