#dr sammarion harnendil

I’ve working on my colouring skills lately, and I picked my DnD character Sam as a subject for a bit

I’ve working on my colouring skills lately, and I picked my DnD character Sam as a subject for a bit of experimenting! I really like how this one turned out, and I learned some pretty useful things about which markers and coloured pencils to use to get a bit more colour variation on skin. Also I just enjoy drawing this guy, there’s a lot of fun detail in his face what with the freckles and stubble and everything.

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I’ve finally gotten around to designing my DnD character’s outfit and equipment, so here’s Sam and s

I’ve finally gotten around to designing my DnD character’s outfit and equipment, so here’s Sam and some of his standard gear!

Mechanically speaking he’s a life cleric, but he’s a doctor and field surgeon by profession so I leaned into that with his colours and other design elements. Another part of his backstory is that he was conscripted as a medic during a small local war, so if you squint you can see some slight military influences as well. He’s also kinda scruffy, because he’s the sort of guy who spends all his money on healing potions and medical supplies and then mends his own clothes until they wear out completely.

One last fun fact: you might notice that he doesn’t wear his holy symbol openly, and that’s because his goddess isn’t the most popular these days thanks to the fact that she invented necromancy (which is, after all, a logical extension of healing magic). So he doesn’t wear her colours or wear her symbol openly, and lets people believe what they want about which god he follows. Not that he really ‘follows’ Liv as such, if he’s being honest. She’s more like an employer who pays him with magic powers and occasionally dumps a quest or other obligation on him. Sam really isn’t big on the whole gods thing.

Clockwise from top left, here’s what the text says:

  • Holy Symbol (stitched to armband)
  • Dr Sammarion ‘Sam’ Harnendil, Half-Elf, Life Cleric (lvl 5), STR +1, DEX +1, CON +1, INT +2, WIS +4, CHA +0
  • +1 Mace
  • Eyes of the Eagle
  • Shield
  • Plot-Relevant Spooky Dagger

Check out the full view, because I put a lot of details into this, especially the face!

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