

Posting for the 2022 H/D Mpreg Fest begins this Sunday, 8 May, US Mother’s Day!!

We have really great fics and art and even a podfic. Do remember, the fest is anonymous, so even if you’re pretty sure who created something…keep it to your self until reveals. THEN - you can brag on how brilliant you are for figuring it out. ♥

We’ll be posting at least three times a week with a recap every Saturday. Posts will generally be in the morning (using US Central time as a guide) but due to work schedules it might be later some days.

Posting will end the week of 12 June and reveals will be on Sunday, 19 June, US Father’s Day.

We’re so excited to share the wonderful creations with you and hope you’ll show all of our creatures love with comments and kudos.

See you Sunday!

sassy_cissa and timothysboxers
your H/D Mpreg Fest Mods
