


self-rec tag thingy whatsit!

Thanks for the tag, @teacup-tai! I’ve done this one before, so instead of reccing my five favourite fics, I’ll post a little extract from five of my most recent one-shots.

Rules: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love

A Taste (Harry/Neville/Draco) | Rated M

They say that Harry is the Golden Boy with fire in his eyes, that he shines bright and ignites fast. But when Neville looks up and watches Draco let loose in the air, he sees nothing but the sun.

Every night, Neville knows, he just knows, that they get to burn together.

And like the pastel macarons and sugar-rolled madeleines that Draco lays out for everyone, Neville wants a taste of that heat too.

The Hollow (Draco/Remus) | Rated E

“Oh, come off it,” Draco spits. “I’m not asking for your hand in marriage. That has nothing to do with this.” He lifts his chin. “And I’m a grown man, thank you very much.”

Remus looks at Draco’s badge. At his height. At his broad shoulders. 

Yes, he supposes Draco is right about that.

“So let me ask you again… Remus,” Draco says slowly. He rolls Remus’s name on his tongue like a foreign word that he’s not quite sure how to say. That, despite his prior directness, he’s almost seeking permission to say. He looks at Remus and meets his gaze head on. “Would you like some company?”

Wilderness (Harry/Draco) | Rated E

Kielder Forest, Harry had said one night last week, rushing into Draco’s little office, where he’d always find him working under twinned lumos lights rotating over his head like two cells waiting to merge, like two stars ready to collide. One blue, one yellow. It helps with my eyes, Potter, Draco had explained way back when Harry plucked up the courage to ask him about it. Way back when they were still Malfoy and Potter. Poring over tiny writing all night’s a killer. Now get lost, I’m busy.

I’m sorry, what? Draco had asked him that night last week, ruffling a quill up against his temple, disturbing the neat fall of his hair. There had been a smudge of soot high up on his cheekbone from a raid earlier that morning, one Harry and Ron hadn’t been a part of, but Draco had. 

He had looked as drained as Harry felt.

Aurora (Harry/Draco) | Rated M

“You died,” Malfoy says quietly, staring at him, his eyes still boring into him. It comes out of nowhere.

Harry stares back. “I did.”

“What did it feel like?”

Harry slips his fingers up higher, underneath the hem of Malfoy’s pyjamas, splaying them over his calf. He doesn’t play Quidditch anymore - neither of them do - but it’s still strong. Slender. Wiry.

“It was scarier coming back,” he admits, remembering all of the eyes on him, the expectations, the fear, the dread, the malice. He thinks of Malfoy, bleeding to death on the bathroom floor, practically alone. “Is that what it felt like for you?”

Malfoy pulls in a sharp breath. “Yes,” he whispers, but he doesn’t elaborate. He just continues to stare at Harry across the small space, grey eyes a brewing storm. 

Wildflower (Draco/Charlie) | Rated E

There had been a certain quality to Draco’s gaze when he first arrived here at the colony, all of those months ago, burdened with luggage and research and a flightiness in his eyes that spoke of a few years of not knowing where to land, where to root himself.

That sadness, that disquiet, has now settled into something that Charlie has watched grow and change over time, and when Draco’s cloudy grey gaze slides over to meet his own warm look now, it spreads itself open like a flower thankful for the sun.

Charlie, in a million years, never thought he’d find himself falling for a Malfoy, for a former teenaged Death Eater with a great spill of inked flowers on the inside of his arm, barely covering up the dark shame that rests underneath.

But here he is.

Tucking wildflowers into his hair like a lovesick knight courting a fair maiden.

No pressure tagging @academicdisasterfic@lou-isfake@nv-md@lqtraintracks@phd-mama@tackytigerfic@onbeinganangel@wrapped-up and anyone who wants to play!! <3
