

Ted put his finger to his mouth. “Shh! Scorpius, you don’t want them to catch us, do you?”

Scorpius glared at the older wix and said in a loud whisper, “Swytherins are naturawy steawthy.” He stepped on a particularly noisy floorboard that let out a long c-r-e-a-a-a-a-k.

Ted’s eyes widened in surprise as Scorpius whispered, “Whoops.” Ted put his hand to his mouth to stifle a laugh.

“That wasn’t very Slytherin, was it?”

“Oh, be quiet, Teddy!” Scorpius pouted, as the five-year-old did whenever Ted teased him about the potential of not being a Slytherin like his Maddy.  

“Hey, Scor?”

Scorpius ignored Ted, his arms crossed in front of him, his lower lip turned over and chin jutted out in a stubborn expression.

Ted sighed. “I’m sorry I made you upset. You know…you could still be in Gryffindor like Daddy. And Daddy’s really cool, too!”

Scorpius harrumphed.

Ted sighed in frustration at his little brother. They were never going to get downstairs to sneak a peek at the presents. He just HAD to know if he was getting the new Firebolt 360.  It was all he’d been thinking about for months, and all he’d written home about the first months of his Fifth Year leading up to Christmas, so he hoped his parents had taken the hint.

But Ted just couldn’t sleep, not knowing. He’d convinced Scorpius to sneak down with him under the pretense that they might catch Father Christmas in the act. Then, if they did get caught, he could use the younger wix as a scapegoat and no one would know how impatient he was. A Malfoy never shows their impatience. Ted snorted at the thought. It was something Grandma Cissy said, but his Maddy was probably the most impatient wix Ted had ever met.

“Come on,” Ted said, getting down to his brother’s level. “You don’t want to miss Father Christmas, do you?”

Scorpius’ face turned sharply back towards Ted. It was as if he’d forgotten all about their mission.  “No!”

“Shh!” Ted reminded him.

Scorpius screwed up his face and nodded.

“Okay. Let’s go…”


Read full story here:

A loud pecking on glass startled Draco out of his memory. Harry jolted awake and ran to the window. An owl waited, attempting to hold itself upright, a brown box wrapped with a brown string tied in a bow in its beak.

The window shot open as Harry reached towards it and the owl flew in to drop the parcel into Harry’s waiting hands.

“Thanks,” Harry whispered to the owl and pet the soft feathers on its head. The owl cooed and nibbled at his finger affectionately.

Draco felt his heart flutter at the kindness Harry showed the creature. He’d always been especially fond of owls.

When the bird took off, Harry shut the window with a wave of his hand and turned back towards the bed.

“Ah!” Harry startled to see Draco awake and looking at him.  He fumbled the package, but caught it just in time.

Draco made an undignified squeak in response, just as shocked at Harry’s reaction to him. At hearing Draco’s squawk, Harry burst out laughing.

“I’m—I’m sorry,” he said, gasping for air. Draco’s eyes narrowed and Harry caught his breath.

“I am! I just… didn’t know you’d be there. Like, awake already, I mean,” Harry said with another burst of laughter.

“Cut it out, Potter, it’s not that funny.” Draco’s cheeks began to flush.

“Sorry,Malfoy, but it is! That squawk…” Harry placed the package on the fluffy white chair next to the window and wiped a tear from his eye. “Classic. Just classic. Like one of your mum’s white peacocks startled out of its wits—”

“Alright, that’s enough,” Draco huffed. “Oh, for Mer—Merlin knows why I love you. Now get over here with that package. What is it?”

“It’s a surprise. From your mum.”

Draco raised his eyebrows.

“You’re not serious?”

“I’m not. I’m his Godson.”

Draco groaned and rolled his eyes. He’d walked right into that one and couldn’t fault Harry for taking the opportunity. Draco regained his composure.

“Open it,” Harry said, his excitement radiating out of every part of him.

“You know what this is!”

“I most definitely do. Come on, hurry up!” He placed his hands on Draco’s knees, holding him as Draco lifted his index finger and made a sharp movement upwards in the air. The brown string snapped and Draco reached forward to undo the spellotape on the edges. He could feel Harry’s excitement through the bond. “Stop touching me, you’re going to spoil the surprise!”

“Sorry!” Harry pouted, moving his hands away and stepping about a foot backwards, hoping to not inadvertently send any images telepathically to Draco about what was in the box.

Finally, Draco was able to lift the lid.  Inside, he found a weathered grey and white speckled plant pot. It had a sleek, tapered silhouette and engraved on  one side were the words “La Belle.” As he read the words in his mind, his lips subconsciously mouthed them and he felt his breath catch in his throat.

“Draco, what’s wrong?” Harry’s hand was back on his knee in an instant. The thought rushed through the bond and echoed in Draco’s mind. You haven’t even read the note inside yet. Draco was too preoccupied by the meaning of the words on the outside of the pot to be able to consider the note Harry was thinking about.

“N-nothing is wrong,” Draco got out. “It’s just…Oh, Harry…” Teardrops fell from his eyes, and Harry squeezed his knee. “These words…it’s French for ‘The Beautiful,’ but she wrote La, not—” Draco’s voice cracked, and he couldn’t finish his thought.

Harry did for him. “That’s… the feminine spelling? Isn’t it?” Draco nodded, still incapable of speech.

Harry wrapped his arms around his lover. “She loves you. She loves all of you, sweetheart.”

Draco took a couple deep breaths and swallowed hard. “She does. And this is the perfect way she could have told me that…”


Read full story here:

“Harry! We’re here.”

Harry noticed Draco was standing in front of a shop. A tea shop. The sign read “Madam Puddifoot’s,” though it didn’t look like the same pink monstrosity Harry remembered.


Draco’s eyebrows shot up. “I most certainly am not.”

“You know I have bad memories here…”


“And…well…it kinda messes up the vibe of the date, doesn’t it?”

Draco shook his head. “Stubborn Gryffindor. Look!” Draco pointed to the lovely brown-wood exterior and a shiny metal sign that jutted off the side of the wall, depicting a witch stirring a cauldron. There was magical blue steam bubbling in the cauldron and floating in whisps to form the words “Best Witches’ Brew!”

“Does this look like the same place you went to with Cho Chang in Fifth Year?” Draco asked, patiently.

“No,” Harry grumbled.

“No. So do you think perhaps the inside has changed as well?”

“It’s a…possibility.”

“Please, Harry.” Draco turned to him. “You know me. I know you. Do you really think I’d purposely plan a date that you would hate?”

“Yes,” Harry answered truthfully.

Draco’s eyes widened in shock and then, noticing Harry’s grin, he had to smile as well, shaking his head. “You, prat.” He leaned in and planted a chaste kiss on Harry’s lips.

Draco felt Harry’s magic swirl around them as snow began to gently fall. “You always do that.”

“It’s romantic!” Harry retorted.

“It’s cheesy as hell is what it is.”

“You love it.”

“I’d never confess it.”

“You already have.”

“No witnesses. Can’t prove it.”

“Just kiss me again, loser…”

Read full story here: 

“Potter! Where are you?!”

Harry sighed and rolled his eyes. “Dragana, you know very well I am in the en suite bathroom getting ready for our Christmas party.” He continued checking himself out in the mirror, ensuring his hair was still in place from the new potion he was trying out.

Click-clack, click-clack came Dragana’s heels as she strode across the bedroom and into the bathroom as Harry turned to look at her.

She was radiant in her long royal blue sweetheart gown. The strapless bodice sparkled with crystals in an intricate and stunning beaded design, transitioning into a full tulle skirt, beads trickling down it.

“Turn around,” Harry asked, but it didn’t sound like a question.

Dragana huffed and put her hands—which were covered in arm-length silver gloves—on her hips.

“Are you ready yet?”

“I’m nearly ready, yes, my love. Please. Will you turn for me?” Harry bit his lip and spoke in his sweetest voice.

Dragana’s face flushed but she dropped her arms and spread them in front of her as she did a slow twirl. Harry’s mouth dropped in awe as his eyes caught sight of the blue ribbons lacing up the back of the bodice.

“You’re absolutely beautiful,” Harry said when Dragana had completed her twirl, arms still outstretched.

Dragana’s face, which had been a light pink, turned scarlet.  “Thank you,” she mumbled, and stepped forward, welcoming Harry into her arms.

“You’re nervous,” Harry said. This wasn’t a question—he felt it in the way her heart pounded in her chest against his.

“I’m fucking terrified that’s what I am,” Dragana admitted.

“Everyone who is coming already knows Dragana’s coming. They’re expecting you.”

“I know. I know. And I want to show them how amazing I am, I’m just…not sure…if I’ll be successful.”

Harry shook his head.  “Sweetheart, we have already succeeded. Come.” They released each other. “Let’s go down together.” He held out a hand for Dragana who took it, steadying herself. She then interlaced her fingers with Harry’s. The silk gloves between his fingers whispered dirty promises and Harry shivered. “I’m so happy. Tonight is going to be momentous!” Harry exclaimed as they turned to make their way down the hall, down the stairs, and to the main floor.

Dragana raised an eyebrow.

“S-i-r-i-u-s—ly,” Harry said. “Molly still cannot believe that I have stolen Christmas from her, but she has no idea how magnificent and magical the first Potter-Malfoy Christmas party is going to be.”

Dragana giggled. “Especially with the Christmas crackers I’ve chosen for everyone…”

Harry mock-scoffed, “Excuse me? You really think you have a chance against me?”

Dragana renewed her laughter. “Ha! Yes, I really do, sweetheart. In fact— I bet you.”

Harry stopped abruptly causing the two of them to lose balance and Dragana to trip on her tulle skirt.

“Potter! ” Dragana snarled. She scooped the skirt up with a flourish and inspected it for harm. Seeing nothing, she huffed and let it fall. The tulle floated back down to the floor and Dragana punched Harry in the arm.


“Do you know how much I love this dress?”

“I’m sorry, I was just taken aback is all. What did you say?” Harry had definitely forgotten by now.

Dragana sighed and placed her hands on her hips and Harry’s cock twitched.

“I was saying: I’m willing to bet you that our friends and loved ones are going to go absolutely rogue Bludger when they receive my Christmas crackers. Whatever you have got, no matter how hard you may have tried, will ever live up to what I’ve got in store.”

Harry bit his lip, flushing. “I wouldn’t count your Snitches, my little prince…” His voice was soft and Dragana had to lean in to hear him properly.

When she’d caught the words, raised her eyebrows, “I’m quite confident, sweetheart. And I do bet you. I bet you…one wish.”


“You heard me. Whoever ends up having the most beloved Christmas crackers not only gets free reign for every future Malfoy-Potter Christmas Party—”


“—but is also entitled to one wish to be granted by the LOSER,” Malfoy’s lips rounded saucily around the letters of the word “loser” and Harry’s cock twitched again—he imagined her lips in a round “Ohhhhhhh!” around it.

“Are you even listening to me?” Dragana was snapping her fingers to get Harry’s attention.

“Of course, I am,” Harry consoled her. “One wish. Okay! I’m with you there. The loser has to grant one wish for the person who’s Christmas cracker is the most marvelous, the most magnificent, most magical—”

“Potter, for fuck’s sake, we both get the picture. Now shake on it.”

“Not this time,” Harry said. “Kiss!”

Dragana rolled her eyes, but placed her hands on Harry’s cheeks, leaning in to give him a deep, sloppy, contract-binding smooch.

Rating: E

** <3 ** 

Harry whispered in Dray’s mind: You’re so good, my sweet princess.  

He noticed how Dray nearly opened her eyes in astonishment at the unexpected presence of Harry in her mind, but quickly regained composure.

“Yes, you are such an obedient princess, aren’t you? You may respond.”

“Yes, sir. I want to be good for you.”

“And that pleases me. Now. Please open your eyes.” Dray did. “As gorgeous as you are, my love, I think it’s about time we take this off. I want you to strip—slowly. Now.” Harry said as Dray’s hands flew to the cape at her chest.

Dray’s hands slowly unbuttoned the faux fur. Harry couldn’t stand waiting. “Stop,” he demanded, and Dray did, slightly startled. “Too slow. Hands at your sides.”

Dray complied, her eyes glazed, obviously sunken into subspace already. 

“Permission to speak, sir?”

Harry grinned. “Permission granted.”

“Please don’t rip anything off of me today…this dress—”

“That’s enough,” Harry cut her off. “You’ve made your request. And your request will be granted. If—” Harry quirked an eyebrow, “you remain a good girl. Now, you can do that, can’t you?”

Dray’s eyes lit up and she smiled nodded vigorously and straightened up, as if to better show Harry how good she could be.

Harry stroked the soft white fur around Dray’s chest with the back of his fingers. It tickled his skin and Harry sighed at the feeling, slipping his fingers to the hidden buttons at the back and undoing them, one by one.

Dray whimpered as Harry slid the fur down her skin, letting it hit the floor with a softswoosh. This revealed the scarlet red dress, hugging Dray’s hips, which Harry’s hands immediately enveloped. He gently caressed her sides, her back, her now bare arms, and relished every second their skin was in contact…


Read full story here:

Trans/Gender Fluid Draco (Dray, she/her pronouns in this scene)


“I have a gift for you.” Dray withdrew a particularly gorgeous gift and gave it to Harry.

“Dray, you know it’s not Christmas yet,” Harry playfully chastised, but he was more than excited about getting a Christmas gift earlier—especially if it was related to them going to the bedroom.

“Well,” Dray licked her bottom lip in a way that made Harry’s cock stir again. “It’s actually a gift for both of us.”

“Is it?” Harry quirked an eyebrow, his interest thoroughly peaked. “Well, then…I suppose I could make an exception. Just this once,” he said with a wink. He carefully untied the golden ribbon and delicately tore off the individual pieces of Spellotape, letting the paper slowly separate from the box.

Dray could barely contain her excitement as Harry opened the box tantalizingly slowly.

“Come on! Just tear it open!” She placed her hand on his arm and pushed him playfully.

“Patience, young Prince, or I might have to tear you open.” Harry threatened.

Dray’s voice whispered in his head: “That’s the idea…”

Upon hearing those words, Harry changed his tactic and ripped the paper off, relishing in the satisfying tearing sound. Inside he found a plain, black box with a lid, which Harry gingerly removed.

Harry would never have guessed what would be found in the confines of such a nondescript box. Inside, resting upon some gold and silver tissue paper, Harry’s eyes landed on a sexy silicone double-ended dildo…


Read the fully story:

Harry had just finished decorating the cookies for the annual Potter-Malfoy Christmas Party. He admired the stockings and gingerbread men, perfectly frosted with red, green, and white icing…

Harry had to admit, he was getting good at this. Harry conjured some candles and summoned the treacle tart, berry and pumpkin pies from the kitchens and skillfully set the table. The tablescape wouldn’t be up to Draco’s standards, he knew that. But he knew, just like his cookie decorating skills, he was getting a lot better at decorations and table settings.

He felt arms wrap around his middle from behind and sighed contentedly as lips pressed against his cheek. “It’s Dray, today,” the wix whispered in his ear and Harry nodded, his eyes closed in order to better heighten his other senses as he turned to kiss his lover. He teased himself in his imagination, wondering what Dray might look like today— it was the Christmas Party, after all, and he knew Dray loved fancy silk things.

Harry hummed softly, savoring the kiss for a moment longer before pulling away, eyes still closed.


“She. And any honorifics you should choose.”

Intrigued, Harry opened his eyes and finally caught sight of Dray. His eyes bulged and he didn’t even attempt to stop the huge grin now spreading across his face.  “Like ‘My Absolutely Gorgeous Prince’ who looks fucking radiant in that gown?”

Dray chuckled and stepped back to give a twirl. The scarlet Christmas gown fell straight to the floor and was covered by a brilliant long-sleeved, floor length cloak which trailed a couple of feet behind her in a sweep train which reminded Harry of Dray’s wedding dress. This gown, however, was much more festive: a crimson velvet cloak trimmed in white faux fur.  The soft fur trim ran down both edges of the cape to meet in the center of Dray’s chest before separating again to reveal the scarlet gown hugging her hips.

“I—I can’t even, Draco. Dray,” Harry corrected himself and Dray grinned brightly. She looked more delectable than Harry’s cookies.

“You are so beautiful,” Harry complimented her. “Too bad it’s gonna have to come off…”

Read the full story here (and take a look at that gown ;) ):


~ Trans/gender fluid Draco: Uses “Dray” and they/them pronouns in this scene ~


“Are you ready?” Harry asked the glorious wix in front of him. Dray was wearing a beautiful royal blue chiffon dress with a floral-patterned lace panel that covered the dress from collarbone to the very bottom, where the dress pressed tightly to their legs, like a pencil skirt. Around their waist and at the small of their back, the wix had tied the magnificent ribbon of an overlay chiffon skirt which flowed post their ankles and opened in a wide slit over their right hip. On their feet they had glittering, delicate silver heels which came to a triangular point at the toes. The same silvery glitter was found on their stunning earrings—a dangling chain of three increasingly larger hoops that sparkled when they moved.

Dray held Harry’s chin with their long, pale fingers, gently tilting his face towards them until emerald eyes met silver as they whispered, “Of course, I’m ready. When I’m with you—always…”

Read full story here: “The Rise and Fall of Lord Voldemort”




Dragana? <3 

<3 xo <3

“Are you sure this is safe?!” Dragana held Harry tightly around the middle, face buried between his shoulder blades. The two wixen had just lifted off from Grimmauld Place for a romantic midnight ride on Harry’s Firebolt, and Dragana was not convinced that this was the smartest idea her reckless Gryffindor had ever had. Granted, Harry’d had way worse.

But those past decisions weren’t what terrified Dragana, 20 meters in the air, unable to shake the horrible image of falling to the cold, hard ground. Yes, there was a fresh cushion of snow, and yes, she trusted Harry, but two grown people on a broomstick? It was not an easy feat.

“Oy, Dragana, loosen up, will you? Ow!”  He patted at her white-knuckled hands clasped around his waist.

“Sorry, love.” Dragana loosened her grip and took a few deep breaths.

“Let me cast the balancing and stasis charms—” Harry did so with a flip of the wrist.

“There. It should feel a lot more secure now. Dray—Dragana?”

“I’m fine, Potter, stop worrying.”

“Having fun yet, Malfoy?” Harry teased.

“Sod off,” Dragana muttered, but she wasn’t irritated in the slightest. Now that she was certain of the Firebolt’s security under Harry’s charms, she pulled her hair loose from her ponytail, her long silver-blonde hair rushing past her shoulders and landing in delicate curls. “Nearly ready.”

“Mm-hmm,” Harry hummed, “Take your time, sweetheart.”

After just another moment, Dragana kissed Harry on the neck, pleasantly surprised at how warm the man’s skin was under his jacket collar.

Harry’s left hand was casually extended forward, gripping the exquisite broom handle. The veins in his arm were accentuated by the firelight coming from the lantern they had magically affixed about a foot from the handle’s edge. Harry’s right arm reached around and gently squeezed Dragana’s thigh. Dragana felt her heart begin to hammer in her chest. This had been such a magnificent idea, except…

“Harry, this midnight ride is one of the most romantic ideas you’ve had in awhile—”

“Codswallop, Malfoy,” Harry playfully sniped, “I have romantic ideas every day and you know it.”

“You’re right,” Dragana backpedaled, “I just meant, this is particularly splendid—you really outdid yourself this time, spoiling me. I don’t deserve this.” She tapped Harry on the shoulder so he would turn to face her. When he had, Dragana batted her eyelashes at him, and Harry couldn’t help but laugh.

“Mm-hmm, go on. I’m listening.” Harry turned back to watch where they were flying.

“But you see…it is Rosh Chodesh, the New Moon, and…it is quite dark, wouldn’t you say?”

“Dragana, I am appalled,” Harry deadpanned. “There’s a lantern right here in front of us.”

“I see it, Harry, I’m not blind, you kn—”

“And that upgraded laser charm on my eyes from last time we were at St. Mungo’s has been doing absolute wonders for my nighttime flying. You had no idea we were going the wrong way for the first two minutes of our journey before I deftly maneuvered us back on track.”

“Oh, for the love of Merlin, please, shut up, I can’t take it anymore,” Dragana begged.

Harry chuckled, but changed the subject. “It’s Rosh Chodesh, you say? Have you set your intentions for the New Moon?”

“Of course, Potter, you know I prepare days in advance.”

Potter snorted. “I know, Dray.”

“And what about you? Any seeds you’re hoping to plant this month?”

Harry pondered this. “I want to be open to anything and everything,” he stated finally. “I feel as if…the world is our oyster now. You know what I mean?”

“I know exactly what you mean,” Dragana said. They enjoyed a moment of stillness of Midnight, connecting with the Elements around them, and released their New Moon intentions into the darkness.

When he sensed they were both finished, Harry asked,“Do you have the radio?”

“Oh, yes! Of course— I’ll get it.” Dragana reached into her pocket for the Expandable Bag, and pulled out the gayest radio. To be more specific, this gay radio was queer as fuck. It was rainbow (black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple) on one side and trans pride on the other (blue, pink, white, pink, blue).

As Dragana started turning the dial, trying to find some music, a thought occurred to her.

“You alright, baby?” Harry must have noticed Dragana’s change in demeanor as the thought floated in her mind. “Something wrong?” Harry stroked Dragana’s thigh.

“No, nothing. I was just thinking…we don’t have a song.”

“Oh, I see,” Harry said, his tone serious. “That…might be true.”

“Might be? Harry, we definitely don’t have a song. I would remember…”


Read full story here:
