#dragon age

Threy Cousland

Threy Cousland

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#dragon age    #cousland    #grey warden    



— (Fenris)


CW!! Male nudity!!

#fenris    #dragon age    


anders dragonage is such a character. he has a clinic in a sewer. he wears feathers. he’s both tainted and possessed. he occasionally glows. he’s the reason mages aren’t allowed to leave the tower for PE. he came up with a cat name before he got a cat. he’s bad at spelling. he blew up a church. he has a “controversy” section on his wikipedia page, but the controversy in question is him being way too into men for gamer dudebros in 2011 to handle, not the fact that he blew up a church. he has a wikipedia page

Blow— My Hawke stayed alive, okay?


 My Hawke stayed alive, okay?

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#dragon age    #dragon age 2    #fenris    #fenhawke    #clouds    #my art    #dragon age inquisition    
Pride?” she prompts, starting to really worry.As she does, though, the air around him shimmers a bit

Pride?” she prompts, starting to really worry.

As she does, though, the air around him shimmers a bit. Rosy, ropey pink tendrils pull up and out of him. It’s strange to watch. For a moment it looks as if he’s more or less tied up in a ball of giant ribbons. But it’s a relief, too, as Love disentangles itself. The pink flecks retreat from Pride’s eyes, and the pull on her chest eases up considerably.

Looking glass by @feynites

I’ve spent some stupid amount of time on this one but I had to try.

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He told me he was jealous of a certain tattooed, golden eyed captain :)

He told me he was jealous of a certain tattooed, golden eyed captain :)

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#dragon age    #dragon age origins    #zevran    #zevran arainai    #my art    

Compilation of my Fenhawke fanarts

Are my eyes deceiving me or is Dragon Age trending for the first time in forever??? Must jump on this opportunity and post some more DA art ❤

No, I will never give up the fangs, ok??

Art by @disturbedbutgorgeous

He’s not broody ALL the time, I swear.

Can finally share this Fenris expressions sticker sheet I made for @roadtotheimperium Dragon Age zine merch! It turned out so good in person and I was so happy to get my own sticky Fenris faces

#dragon age    #dragon age 2    #fenris    #dragon age fenris    #fanzine    #fanart    #dragon age fanart    #fenris fanart    #my art    
dragon age
#my art    #dragon age    #morrigan    
mogwaei: Stayed up too late…reading fic? Thinking about her? Both? Both. [Also, here‘s a link to the


Stayed up too late…reading fic? Thinking about her? Both? Both. 

[Also, here‘s a link to the book he’s reading]

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#dragon age    


a portrait of corypheus from dragon age: inquisition, a man with red crystals stuck to one side of his face, angry grey eyes, and a remnant of a hood covering the other side of his head.ALT

hey hi hello i thought of this bastard today.

#dragon age    #darkspawn    #corypheus    #fan art    #hi there bastard    


“The Children of Stone would be Right to condemn the topsiders for their blindness. No one weeps for them. For their lost histories. For all the things we’ve stolen from them. But… they do not begrudge them their ignorance. Do not consign them to torment to bolster their own people. Because they understand, –better than you– that it does not matter. Not when we stand at the door. The strength and rule of a race means nothing if all other people are dead.”

Once has some OPINIONS about the Dread Wolf’s plan.


Thedas, Köppen Climates, and Me, Once Again Thinking too Deep About Dragon Age.

So in honor of Dragon Age Day, I present to you some maps that have come to fruition due to my herb project and all the science explanations about them. So I took the map of Thedas I made and slapped all this together and if this all interests you please continue. Just know 99% of this is generalizations. I’m also just an amateur with an art degree.


[Image: A map of Thedas, the continent from the game franchise Dragon Age. It is colour coded to show the various climates. To the right side is the colour index for all the Köppen Climates.]

So I wanted to know the climates of the areas of Thedas so I could “properly” place the plants and herbs of Thedas. After all nature has specialized niches that need to be filled! You need variety to be resistant to disease and to be able to adapt to the environment. 

This was such a consideration for me as I was looking to flesh out the natural world and since I could break the constraints that come from a game,  such as limiting assets for performance and clarity for the player.

That said, I took concretes in lore that I already knew to inform most of these. From environmental aspects as the Donarks, Seheron, and Par Vollen having jungles. That Ferelden has longer winters than the rest of Thedas. That due to the Blight the Anderfels is harsh steppes and desert.

Another consideration was the flora we knew grew in specific places. Such as coffee growing in Antiva, that meant it had to be in what we would call the Bean Belt. Same with the cinnamon and nutmeg in Seheron. Or that Rivian grows cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and tea leaves.

So with all of that, those influenced my placements of climates as well as my estimation of where Thedas was placed on the globe.

The rest is going below the cut, because there is a lot of science talk. Its long. Like I said, I’m thinking too deep about this. 

Keep reading

by paulineAnother birthday gift! What we have here? Solas as a manipulator - check. Trevelyan as a m


Another birthday gift! What we have here? Solas as a manipulator - check. Trevelyan as a marionette - check. Celene as a victim - check. This is amazing. 

And yeah, this is a story from my DAI, where Solas takes advantage of Trevelyan (who is unrequitedly in love with him), and Celene dies because of Leliana’s influence. 

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My birthday gift by @dyslex! OMG, this is amazing, I adore them <3

My birthday gift by @dyslex! OMG, this is amazing, I adore them <3

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You know, there’re almost 50 fanfics about Solas and Freda Trevelyan in Russian community… All of them are from different authors. Frelas is a surprisingly huge fandom, and I’d publish all these fics on AO3 with pleasure, but this language barrier is suck =\ So I can only bring Frelas’ shots and arts on my Tumblr. I hope you like them!

Just love her, pleaseAmazing shots with Solas & my Trevelyan by @iawvJust love her, pleaseAmazing shots with Solas & my Trevelyan by @iawv

Just love her, please

Amazing shots with Solas & my Trevelyan by @iawv

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