#dragon dick zhongli


How to Tame Your (Ex) Archon

A/N:Sorry for my lateness! Another Anilysium collab. My health suddenly declined so I had to put it off while I was recovering, update on that tomorrow. I know it’s a bit underwhelming, but if you guys are interested in a part two with some actual penetration I don’t mind writing a sequel!

Ship: Zhongli x gn!reader

Genre:Angsty smut (what else do you expect from me)

Trigger/Content Warnings:NSFW, 18+, AND POSSIBLE DARK CONTENT MINORS DNI,Dragon Anatomy Zhongli,oral (m recieving),Double Dick Zhongli, I just made that tag up, soulmates AU?, reincarnation is mentioned, this is more reader x Rex Lapis if I’m gonna be honest, dubconfrom Zhongli at some points, dicking down the dragon or getting dicked down by the dragon, rut cycles, Tartaglia shows up at one point, nightmares at the beginning

Word Count:~2.5k

Masterlist:Right here!

Zhongli feels the burn of his skin becoming raw around where he had cried in a former life, but the false burn began spreading down his throat. He would soon fall prey to his own emotions killing him.

Your most recent reincarnation melded perfectly against his form. You were captured by sleep and almost entirely pliable to his touch, but still receptive enough to feel his breathing growing shallower and shallower. You blinked your doe eyes awake to look up at him.

Zhongli’s slowly dulling amber gaze was fixated on the wall across from your bed. Once your hand caressed his jawline, his eyes snapped to yours finally and his breathing resumed a normal pace.


“I woke you, didn’t I?” He seemed troubled already, brows creasing slightly. One of his larger dark gold hands imitated your gesture of holding his face, his thumb resting against the dip of your chin below the swell of your lips.

“Did you have a bad dream?” You ran a hand up his exposed back and smoothed the tense lines on lean muscle on his back. He let out a faint soothing breath to your warm skin.

“… yes, yes I think it was that.”

It wasn’t like Rex Lapis couldn’t dream- he dreamt a lot actually. The only issue is now his dreams put him in similar situations to when he would wake and didn’t serve as an escape. He really should get out of his fear and wallowing hopelessness and hurry up and be happy with you as you are now, but shaking away reality was hard for the ex Archon of Geo when his worst fears came true regarding his love for you.

In reality this was your fourth reincarnation he’d fallen in love with and kept within his life. It would have been five had you not been reborn as a bird once, but even in that life he sat where you would be when he wasn’t busy with other matters and he would always spare you a glance.

Even if, in that life, you were a swan. You were Zhongli’sswan.

You leaned up and pressed a chaste, soothing kiss to Zhongli’s lips. You knew he’d been troubled by something, but he’d always hem and haw about the source of the issues. You never wanted to push him to expose his soft underbelly, though, so you simply went about your day-to-day life, unassuming and unknowing that this was the fourth life you’d slept in bed with him.

It was also, unfortunately, getting to a certain season for him where his emotions tended to get the better of him. He was a bit snippier than he should be and he recognized the pattern was parallel to his rut pattern when he was in a different body. Last year you’d traveled for work, so you were entirely clueless to his annual rut- and he intended to not involve you in it.

And just as the Hallowed Spirit’s festival was beginning in town, as well. You’d wanted to go so badly this year as it would be the first time you’d go as a wedded couple and who was he to deny your enthusiastic self? Now, though, he knew it might be a more trying experience if his patience were to wear thin or if his rut was particularly worse this year than others.

He thought of your cute expression as you bit into sweets he didn’t exactly have the funds for, the way you’d hold onto his hand and lead him around excitedly to show him things he’d already seen in his past four lives courtesy of you, and how your voice would rise in pitch when some rascal child scared you in the spirit of the season.

He found himself caught up in his thoughts until you stirred, awake and ready to start the day.


Fortunately you spent most of the day clueless to how Zhongli was starting to get a mix of both stressed and nervous from his pre-rut. Even as you dressed up as matching vampires for the evening, you only commented on the wood note your shared house’s air freshener suddenly had. As you adjusted his brooch on his neck, you accidentally slipped out,

“Wow… you’re sweaty. Too much clothes?” You teased, effectively hiding your concern for him. He never really sweat- not like the others around you. You figured it was due to him being related to the Adepti, like it was some kind of training he’d done to hide any sign of weakness. I mean, you never really saw Xiao or Ganyu sweat despite the conditions around them.

Zhongli caught your hand as you went to check his temperature, swiftly planting a kiss on your knuckles as an attempted distraction. You’d been with this man for a long enough time to know that he’d fight you to hide any sign of him being unwell if it meant you’d have fun.

So you effectively wrangled him down by the lapels of his coat until he practically fell on you. You straddled his chest and struggled past his adept strength trying to feel for a temperature.

“Let me check you for a fever!”

“My lily, I assure you I’m fine-“ he wrenched your hand away from his face with an abnormal amount of aggression for someone usually so composed. You internally buffered at the action and recognized you were likely crossing some line for Zhongli. You draw yourself up and away from him, apologizing. He looks at you and worries, expression unreadable.


The paper lanterns lining booths on the streets of Liyue dye the scene sunset orange in the dusky blue of the night. The ground crunched it’s fallen leaves each time either of you took a step, enjoying the street performers singing songs their ancestors wrote and imbibing the scent of sweets that were sold at nearly every booth.

Your jaws had clamped themselves around a pumpkin treat you purchased at one of the stalls, and Zhongli watched how between each bite you licked your lips. He stilled in his steps when, unintentionally, the skin around his elbows hardened and cracked into scales painfully. You turned back to look at him.


Your voice, oh your sweet loving call of that nickname… the groundbreaker wyrm within him practically pleaded to fuck you senseless in the middle of the festival entirely unprovoked. His jaw clenched and he felt his rut start to slowly pull over him, muddling up his mind into a salacious chamber of repeated thoughts. He cupped his face in your hands, trying to perhaps warn you of his incoming change of behavior.

“Old man!” A cheery voice called out, and a familiar auburn-haired cheese ball of a person peeked over Zhongli’s shoulder. Entirely blind to Zhongli’s well-hidden rut, he rests a hand on the middle of his back.

The ex Geo Archon’s eyes widen slightly at the feeling of a cool hand on his back and fights the immediate urge to slap Tartaglia in the face in one move. Your expression melds into one of concern when you notice the way Zhongli hasn’t even made an attempt to reply even out of politeness. Tartaglia notices and plays off the awkwardness in the air by fluidly moving into Zhongli’s field of vision, hoping to reassure him that he’s no threat.

“You good, guy?” Tartaglia pays no mind to you, only focused on his acquaintance’s sudden profound silence. You speak up, fearing Zhongli may be uncomfortable.

“Um, he’s not in the best shape. He was running a fever earlier but he insisted we go to the festival…” Guilt began creeping into your voice and you felt truly awful for ruining what was supposed to be a fun night by letting your husband go out while he wasn’t in the physical condition to.

“A fever, eh?” Tartaglia’s ocean blue eyes focused on you, as if he just noticed you were there. A cheeky smile played on his face as he teased, “You know, old man, you could’ve asked me to take your cute friend~ I’m even a vampire too, look!”

With that comment he opened his mouth to show his fangs that looked almost too real to be something he threw in for Halloween. You could’ve sworn his teeth weren’t always that sharp.

At your attention, his tongue ran over his teeth and his smile turned into a sly smirk, and you didn’t miss the faint blue glow his eyes flashed.

“… that’s enough, you troublemaker.” Zhongli finally spoke up. Tartaglia’s actions served as a spear that cleared through the haze of his rut, only stirring up anger and possession in his gut when he realized how you were staring at the Fatui Harbinger with that wowed expression he wished he could reserve only for himself.

Tartaglia pouted when Zhongli tugged you over in his direction, then waved to you in an apologetic “oh well!” sort of manner as you were dragged out of the Hydro user’s sight.


You began to become acutely aware that Zhongli was behaving extremely oddly as he rushed you out of the festival. You knew he was ill, so it surprised you that he had so much strength to nearly carry you that distance. That smell you mistook for some form of cologne became so much stronger and almost bitter. It hurt your senses and you could smell almost an inkling of coppery tang, like Zhongli was bleeding…

“I’m sorry,” was the first thing he said once you were both at your shared house. You watched him in a mix of fear and concern as he quickly tugged off his costume, not caring that he tore the fabric nor of the harsh sounds that assaulted your ears. And your concern only flared worse when you noticed how the smooth skin of his arms was turning into rugged scaling rapidly. You reached out to touch your husband, hoping to soothe this… episode… of sorts, but he flinched away sharply, regarding you with hazy yet cautious eyes.

He rasped, “Don’t come closer.” It was a clear warning, but you didn’t fear Zhongli. You knew he wouldn’t hurt you- he loved you and swore to protect you for the rest of your lives.

When you reached a second time to grab his wrist, you ran a thumb over the raised scaly patch which elicited a low rumble of a groan from his throat. He felt his cock twitch in his pants as well as a dribble of slick from the cloaca effectively hidden behind his more human parts. He’s hidden this from you as he knew you’d have questions- did all Adepti have both? Or something of that nature- and he was certain it would lead to him discussing something he wasn’t sure you were ready for.

He knew he wouldn’t be able to hide it from you now, though, as you tilted his head down so you could peer into his amber eyes.

“Let’s get you in bed.”

Zhongli trilled lowly in his throat at the suggestion and allowed you to manhandle him into your shared bedroom, where you promptly closed the door.

Personally, you weren’t dumb. Naïve? Sometimes, but not dumb. You knew Adepti had beast-like features or tendencies and you knew Zhongli was male. So it was reasonable enough for you to infer he was going through some form of seasonal rut- one you didn’t expect you’d be able to smell of all things, but a rut nonetheless, and you’d be damned if you weren’t going to help alleviate some of the heat building up inside of him.

When you tugged his trousers off his hips, Zhongli gave up resisting your efforts. He knew the person he fell for was too headstrong yet loving from all of your former reincarnations. He just hoped that it wouldn’t end up like your first reincarnation where he nearly gouged your insides out by fucking you into another realm of being. You weren’t very pleased with that afterwards.

The tip of his more human anatomy beaded sticky precum and he let out the loudest groan you think you’ve ever heard from him when you ran your thumb against his frenulum. His back arched and his legs unconsciously opened, revealing- what looked to you to be- his dripping cunt. Your eyebrows raised at the sight it.

“Ah, my love pleASE-“ You interrupted his beg by rubbing your thumb over what appeared to be a clit. His voice jumped several notes higher and he gripped the bed sheets as he babbled nonsense to you.

“My swEET- lOVE- ahH!” He jolted each time your thumb skirted around the sensitive bundle, drool pooling at the corner of his mouth.

The gold marks on his skin seemed to glow as you proceeded in your torture, deciding to see just how far you could break Zhongli. Your tongue poked out and you lapped up the pearl of precum on the head of his cock and he lost all composure, opting to not even attempt words. He bit onto his wrist as tears pooled in his eyes out of sheer overstimulation.

One last swipe on his faux-pussy prompted an odd whimper from Zhongli as it freed a second phallus- this one looking more reptilian and covered in fluids. You pulled your head back just in time for it to nearly slap your cheek as it emerged from it’s confines, the stimulation pushing Zhongli far, far over the edge.

He let out some warped grunt mixed with a whimper as he came heavy on his stomach- cum fat and thick, pooling in a goopy mess on his toned stomach. It just kept going, much to your shock, and your husband stiffened through each wave of it until it sputtered a final time. Your dragon cock owning husband looked totally zoned out, finally experiencing some relief from his rut.


“… I’m sorry.” He immediately said. You blinked at him with a bewildered expression.

“That’s an incredible amount of cum.”

“It is… it’s a side effect of the… the rut, if you will,” he panted, looking at you with a mix of love and concern that you managed to get him off without him breaking you.

“… how long will you be lucid?” You asked, pressing your knuckles against his sweaty forehead. He almost smiled.

“I’m afraid I’ve only got fifteen or so minutes. Now that I’m… ready, I know it will only get more intense.”

“… I can’t believe Adepti have dragon penises!” You clap your hands together, “That’s actually pretty cool!”

You don’t miss the way Zhongli immediately stifles a chuckle, reaching up to wrap his arms around your upper body.

“Come here. I want to cherish you before my rut takes over again.”

You oblige.

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