
#147-149 Dratini, Dragonair, and DragoniteConsidered one of the most rare Pokémon in the world, Drag#147-149 Dratini, Dragonair, and DragoniteConsidered one of the most rare Pokémon in the world, Drag#147-149 Dratini, Dragonair, and DragoniteConsidered one of the most rare Pokémon in the world, Drag

#147-149 Dratini, Dragonair, and Dragonite

Considered one of the most rare Pokémon in the world, Dragonite and its preceding forms share many of the same traits as dragons, but they are not “true” dragons; they are neither metallic or chromatic and instead occupy a role similar to pseudodragons and wyverns. To clarify this distinction, many Pokémon researchers refer to the Dragonite line not as dragons but as “dragon-type” Pokémon. Semantics aside, Dragonite are profoundly powerful Pokémon whose legendary Hyper Beam attack outweighs even the fire breath of an ancient red dragon in terms of sheer devastation.

The Mirage Pokémon. A Dragonite begins its life as a humble, serpentine Dratini. Dratini hatch from eggs laid by mother Dragonite on the ocean floor and are instinctually playful and investigative. Dratini are usually driven by their curiosity to inhabit deep-sea areas of interest such as shipwrecks, merfolk ruins, and the lairs of kraken and other massive sea-dwellers. Known as “the mirage Pokémon” for their rarity and elusiveness, Dratini actually have no immediate fear of most creatures that manage to find them. However, the instant that a Dratini believes it is in danger, it will flee and use magic to cloak its escape.

Dragon Scales. From the moment it hatches, a Dratini grows constantly and must molt its skin at least once a day; shed Dratini skin is considered a valuable treasure among collectors and is used for many luxury items such as boots and gloves. As the Dratini grows in length, it becomes more slender and majestic. The fins on the side of its head soften to become wing-like, and brilliant gems calcify on its throat and tail. These gems do not harm the Dragonair—on the contrary, they serve as arcane foci for its innate magical energy. Using its gem as a conduit, Dragonair can conjure a safeguard against curses, control the weather, and even fly. Folklore says that a flying Dragonair is supposed to grant good luck to any creature that witnesses it.

Sea Guardian. Over time, a Dragonair will develop arms, legs, and dorsal wings, signifying its maturation into a Dragonite. A Dragonair’s gems will recede into its body as part of this transformation, rendering it unable to use most of the magical abilities it had before. However, this magic is merely internalized as a powerful life force that dramatically increases the Dragonite’s strength and resilience. The Dragonite can vent this incredible power with a technique called Hyper Beam, a blindingly brilliant and indiscriminately devastating breath attack that leaves little standing in its wake. Fortunately, Dragonite are peaceful and calm by nature, so their destructive power is rarely seen. On the contrary, they are known by many oceanic societies as “sea guardians,” and benevolent Dragonite frequently rescue lost sailors and shipwreck survivors from open water, or besieged ships from sea monsters like Gyarados.

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Redraw, hope you like my new take on one of my favs x) It will be available as charm as well <3

Redraw, hope you like my new take on one of my favs x) It will be available as charm as well <3

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split evolution for dragonair fakemon!split evolution for dragonair fakemon!

split evolution for dragonair fakemon!

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Mail carrier Dragonite has a letter for you!

Mail carrier Dragonite has a letter for you!

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 Nonbinary Dragonite Icons  Nonbinary Dragonite Icons  Nonbinary Dragonite Icons  Nonbinary Dragonite Icons  Nonbinary Dragonite Icons  Nonbinary Dragonite Icons 

 Nonbinary Dragonite Icons 

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howquicktheyforget:I loved pc4sh’s idea for Dragonite mega evolution and I wanted to make one too!howquicktheyforget:I loved pc4sh’s idea for Dragonite mega evolution and I wanted to make one too!


I loved pc4sh’s idea for Dragonite mega evolution and I wanted to make one too! (On top) This suggestion of making an fake mega evolution was brought to me by @sjru over twitter.

Although, I passed way to much time on it for doodles, it was fun!

Wow look at those poses and shading ! Thanks a bunch sis ! These are amazing… !

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kuiperfrog@twitter and sjru@twitter suggested me to create some mega evolutions and it was quite fun

kuiperfrog@twitterandsjru@twittersuggested me to create some mega evolutions and it was quite fun ! 

Dragonite’s ridge on it’s back is inspired by it’s old RGB sprite. I love to think that some of the megas where beta / unused designs for the pokémon.

…I suck at designing. I don’t have enough patience to make researches and take time to doodle a lot so I just draw the first thing that comes to my mind. Sorry for the mess, I just wanted to get these out of my system.

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Time for Ash team to get some serious training with help from his previous pokemon. Paul one of Ash THE rival came to professor Oaks lab.
