#dream journal


March 2, 2021

March 1, 2021

February 28, 2021

February 27, 2021

February 26, 2021

February 24, 2021

February 23, 2021

February 22, 2021

February 21, 2021

I had a dream last night that I was in this huge apartment building. I had just bought and apartment there and I was going to see it for the first time with my little brother and a friend of his.

We get in the elevator and I look down at the card in my hand. It says 70. So on the elevator keypad, I type in “7,0″.

The elevator starts blasting upwards. But it’s not normal. Pieces of the room outside of the elevator start appearing in the elevator. We have to dodge these random pieces of wall that are glitching through.

When we finally reach the top, the door opens. Everything is dark. The walls are blue and have yellow stars on them.

I say, “Man, it looks pretty dead in here,” then the part of floor I’m walking on breaks. I look around and realize that we are in a floor that is under serious construction.

I realize that my floor number must have been 10 and not 70. And that the 70th floor isn’t complete yet.

I try to get back to where the elevator was, but I’m realizing there are holes in the floor- everywhere. And these holes don’t lead to the floor below, they’re holes to the ground. 70 stories down.

So I start grabbing these hooks in the wall like monkey bars and start climbing across the wall. But it doesn’t feel like dead weight, it feels more like guiding yourself along the edge of a pool.

As I’m reaching the other side, I see a man heading towards the elevator. I call for him to help and I realize he works there. My brother, his friend, and I gather around him and he says, “No worries, I can get you back down. But I need to take you one at a time.”

I get in the elevator with him as he zaps some wires with other wires coming out of his pocket. The elevator starts going down and I’m thinking to myself, “I hope my brother and his friend don’t explore and get themselves killed while we’re about to be saved.”

And then I wake up. It was a really weird dream. 

dream journal #3 - night of 12/27/19

more weird bits and pieces…started off by wondering into a one room house off a highway but it wasn’t clear whether it was abandoned or if i just happened upon while whoever lived there was away…then i was seeing a very large lake with very clear but very green water, but it was never in it, somehow always just flying or hovering over it…then a sort of dream reenactment of something that happened irl to me and a friend probably about 10 years ago where she lifted me up so i could break into the window of a house since the door was locked–irl it was my old house but in the dream i think it was my grams house, and i think it was the same situation where we needed in but were locked out as opposed to like breaking and entering. then the last part i remember was standing in my moms room and it was pitch black, and i was holding my breath trying to stay as silent as possible to listen for her breathing, bc for one reason or another i thought she was gone or in danger, and i wanted to check on her without waking her up, but i don’t remember how that ever turned out.
