#dream tw




The fact that not only did dream make a song/music video about how not taking your meds is good and will make you happier (terrible message for anyone let alone a young fan base), but also forced an animation team that basically only had experience animating Minecraft to animate something completely different from their usual style in a few weeks with NO pay and there are still people who think he’s not a complete asshole is astounding to me

Lmao (according to the notes the animators have now been paid for their work but that should have been something that they didn’t have to fucking wait for)

That’s not to mention that apparently this video is based on a real life experience he had in which he dumped his ADHD pills down the drain, and I need to talk about that a little bit.

ADHD medications are strange in that what will work amazingly for one person may have bad side effects for the next. For example, I’m lucky enough that the first meds I tried worked well for me. My younger brother, however, had to go through several different types of medications in order to find the one that suits him. Some medications, if they don’t work, will change you negatively and make you feel “not yourself.” That in no way means that all ADHD meds will be the same for you, and it certainly doesn’t mean you should abandon all attempts at getting yourself the help that you need. Furthermore, it’s not bad to have to take medication to function, and the idea that someone who takes meds is somehow suppressing themselves or no longer has ADHD is baffling to say the least.

Also, stopping medication cold turkey can have serious consequences. Never stop taking your medications for an extended period of time abruptly without consulting your doctor.
