



lost the game; [tasm!peter imagine]

Pairing: TASM!Peter Parker x F!Reader

Summary: The tension between you and Spidey grew until it snapped, and from that collision, it birthed something new. Something exciting, and real even though it was complicated to understand and maintain, but most important out of everything, knowing Peter and letting him get to know you is something precious.

Both of you are aware of what you’ve created, and you’re thankful that you’re not alone in how it all makes you feel.

Word count: 8.3k

Warning(s):This work is for 18+ audiences. Minors DNI. Explicit descriptions of sex (f/m). I do not give permission for my work to be used or distributed to other sites.

ㅤㅤMain Masterlist|Marvel Masterlist|ko-fi ❥

Part[ONE] | Part [TWO]

In his world, there was no Avengers.

The bad thing about his inter-dimensional trip he had was thisPeter got an idea of what other worlds looked like and parts of him wished for a supernatural helping hand, sometimes, or maybe just someone who understood him. He had allies, but very few friends on this side of his life. This is why when Peter is almost killed by Kingpin, a decision that he’s been dreading for months becomes easy in the snap of a finger.

Do I drop the last vail or do I not?

All of his excuses as to why not fly out of the window when Peter’s bleeding to death and realizes that none of it matters. All of life is dangerous, on this or any other planet, and if he’s always putting his own damn life personal or not at risk for the sake of saving a city, he might as well do that and let the woman he loves kiss him with the lights on while he’s at it.

He swallows the metallic and thick taste of red in his mouth, reaches his trembling hand up, and knocks.

Tap-tap-tap-tap-tap. Tap-tap.

Keep reading

A third part!?? NICE. I liked the mention of NWH in this an dhow it affected his decisions. And it was scary thinking about kingpin and the fight! Im glad he has Reader. And how understanding she is about him keeping himself. This was really good. XDb

thank you so much, love!!
