#dresden files fandom love




So, it’s going to be another week and a half before I can be mostly guilt-free fully back here with new content, that is, if everything works out well in my favor in that time… So, send your good vibes yeah? So, that things work out for me and I can be back with you all, soon.


So, I wanted to thank you guys for the good vibes, they really helped a lot! Now it’s a few more days until I’m finally free of all other commitments and I can come back in full with the stories. So, keep up the good vibes so that everything works out smoothly this week too! I’d really appreciate it :D

After, I’ll be back with the following schedule (probably):

June: Broken Mirror Part 6 - We need to figure out how Harry and Murph are adapting to living together now. And if Harry will continue down the dark path of power.

July: A Different Man - We need to know how Murph and Kincaid are doing, will something else flourish there? Will Harry finally look for her?

Also July: I really want to host an event dedicated to Murphy’s memory. It’s due.

August: To Have and To Hold - We need to know how Murph and Harry are going to deal with the dreadful wedding to Lara. Will their relationship survive that? I really want to finish this story.

September: Chances - We need to know what happens with Murph in Valhalla, right? I need to explore the potential of this story.

Also September: Broken Mirror Part 7 - Because there’s probably going to be one.

October: Harry’s birthday event. We need to do something about that.

So, keep sending your good vibes! We have a lot of fic coming if everything works out fine!

*hugs to everyone and really thank you so much for your support*


I’M FREE!!!!

So, I’m done with the stuff. Now, it’s time to just wait for a passing grade, but that won’t be for another month (keep the good vibes for a good grade?).

But my part is now done. So, I’m free of all obligations now.

And again, I want to say thank you to all of you guys. Really, if you’re a reader, or someone who just likes my blog, or just watches and never interacts, thank you. And thank you to the people that always leaves me comments and messages.

And a special thank you to the people that just text me to say hello, to ask how I’m doing and who always have kind and encouraging words, to the people that have shared their personal lives with me and that have let me share mine with them, you know who you are, thank you!

And thank you to the fandom, for being here to receive me again and just being here, when I was desperately trying to coming out of one of the saddest moments of my life.

*hugs for everybody*

Let the fic writing begin again, guilty-free this time! lol
