

@drowningbydegrees-fanworks. I hope you like it!


It Has You In It

Wei Ying runs into the love of his life while rushing back to his hotel.

He’s staring at his phone, processing the meeting-that-could’ve-been-an-email that had taken four hours of his time. He’s not even in the city for more than two more days before his flight out, what do they expect him to–


He walks into someone’s chest and drops his phone. The other person doesn’t even budge, doesn’t flinch back or make a sound while Wei Ying scrambles to catch his phone and to apologize at the same time. Fails at both.

The phone hits the hard concrete and instead of saying anything smart, like, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going, are you alright?” he says, “Uuuh, okay, wow.”

Continue on AO3
