#drstrange x starkreader

Squares: Game Night(Truth or dare) & Quote
Marvel and Supernatral Bingo, Spnquotebingo
Paring: Stephen Strange x Mutant Reader(at the end)
Warnings?: Intense tag,touching?, and cursing

“Someone slapped my ass!?!” “LaNgUaGe!” “Give it a rest.” Was shouted throughout the tower.

~One Hour Before~~~

It was game night at the Avengers compound and that meant chaos and the lucky one to pick the game of the night was the famous (S/n). Friday closed all the window and left all doors open,but the front. It was pitch black except for the black light that replaced the florescent on the ceiling everything was neon.

Each group of people had two colored hands that left a mark on a opponents suit. Team red/white paint has Steve,Bucky and Sam,team purple/green paint has Natasha,Wanda,and Clint,team yellow/orange paint has Tony,Stephen, and Peter. Bruce and Vision sat out since one can go through walls and the other can get stressed easily. Y/n wasn’t on a team though it was a special request her hands dawned pink and blue. Every one went to randomized floors of the tower as the two judges stayed in the common room looking at the scoreboard on the tv so when the game ends it will round up. Tag as many people as many times as possible each time someone is tagged they must go to a small check point before trying to tag again. Without further a due. “May the games begin. In 3….2….1….Play!” And that they did.

Y/n moved swiftly through the halls stopping when she sees movement in the corner of her eye almost giggling aloud. Peter was on the ceiling,but he seemed to have forgotten about the paint on his hands leaving a trail. Waiting in a low arch way for him to be more in her reach. Getting close she placed her hands on him in a non-threatening way causing his spidey sense to stay calm. “AHHH!!!” Peter screamed turning to see the older women. “Heya,Pete.” Squishing his cheeks covering them in paint she used her own powers to escape before he tagged her too. On to the next.

Using the neon lighting she traveled throughout the tower the glow leaving her as she re-materialized. Natasha and Wanda stood with the backs facing her. A wicked smile twisted on her face as she cleared her mind to not give herself away to the witch. Her hands grabbed the youngest female on the hips causing her to jolt.“Gotcha!” She smiled as she neon traveled away from the hand coming for her. “Almost had me,but Romanoff your playing my game.” That’s when the short spearing match began. Can’t let a open hand touch while also trying to get close enough to place their own mark.

Blocking was almost impossible for Y/n trying to avoid the right hand that almost smacked her. “A bitch slap is a cheap shot.” Lifting her hand she caught the redheads wrist before they can touch her shoulders. “How is she so good at this?” Nat asked herself as she started to walk off to a nearby check point. Time to hunt get the rest of the boys. It’s looks like its bird hunting season.

Clint sneaked off after his two teammates were tagged he hid in the vents,but a down and upside was it was pitch black which meant Y/n couldn’t use her powers and Clint couldn’t see were he was going. Shouting was heard below him on a floor he wasn’t sure about. “God dammit Sam you were suppose to be watching our backs!” Bucky yelled they both went to a check point. “I was looking!? She just popped up! Why do you think I have a fucking hand print on my face!!” Sam said at the same volume. Barton snickered speaking to himself lower then a whisper. “Ha,those idiots couldn’t cover themselves. Only amateurs never look behind them.” He said he glanced behind himself seeing dim black light from the vent cover. “Only morons never look in front of them.” A scream echoed through out the tower being carried by the vents and no one in the tower batted a eye at it.

The last remaining were Steve,Tony,and Stephen. Y/n hasn’t be tagged once while the two of the six original Avengers have been tagged once or twice dawning red and green paint. Steve wandered around trying to find his team or anyone to tag and just a floor above him the two goatee narcissistic men split up. The stare spangled man was face to face with the genius playboy. “So..it’s happening all over again.” The blonde said circling the brunette. “I guess it is,but you don’t have your Bucky bear to help you now.” Tony snarked seeing he had no team at the moment. “And you don’t have your suit what a shame I wanted a challenge.”

A small chuckle came from the corner of the room that went unheard as the charged towards one another. Y/n sat in the corner of the room quietly eating popcorn as she watch the fight. Everything was in Steve’s favor,but with Tony being smaller he can avoid and reach his appointed faster. With sigh she stood up it was fun while it lasted,but she needed to get them out. She slipped up behind Steve with neither of them noticing and her right hand came down fast as she darted away. “Someone just slapped my ass!” He yelped turning his head to look at the pink hand print. “LaNgUaGe.” Tony said mocking him. “That was five years ago can you give it a rest!?!” Before the brunette could deny his plea a hand smoked his cheek leaving blue. “Dammit sis!!! Why the face??!”

One last person Stephan was paint free and wanted it to stay that way. The doctor levitated off the ground and swiftly moved around the tower. The shirt he wore was given to him since he didn’t want paint on his actual clothes. Neon triangles over his chest made him able to be spotted,but also blend in with the rest of the halls. Stephan was about to turn the corner when he wrist were pinned to the wall. “Hello,Strange.” The figures that was completely black with neon outlining features. “L/n. Seems you’ve caught me by surprise.” He huffed getting ready to leave,but a squeeze to his still restrained wrist stopped him.

“You’re not leaving quite yet I won’t count that touch,but I finally got you alone.” A Chester sized grin pulled on her lips. “Levi a little help please?” She asked and the cloak left Stephen’s shoulders and proceeded to constrict his movements. “Really on her side?!” He hissed at the relic cursing under his breath. “Stop your whining!” The insults stopped as his gaze shifted back to her luminescent form. “Tony told me to go for it,but you were always nose deep in a book or too busy protecting the sanctum. Figured this is my chance.” Y/n sighed trying to rid herself of any nerves. “Y/n what are you talking abou—?!?”

His words died as she leaned forward and kissed him. Stephen was in shock his eyes wide before they drifted shut enjoying the moment. He was a man of logic,but no matter how many scenarios pop up or the infinite possibilities in the universe he could see never would the doctor have guessed that the girl that was there for him through it all would ever feel the same. “My brother told me…If you desire something,just take it. I’m kind of glad I took his advice!” Y/n said resting her forehead on his. A small giggle left her throat at the dazed look on his face.

“Oh and Stephen…tag you’re it.” With that she traveled away. Levi let him go as he looked at his chest. Two hand prints rested in the center of his disposable shirt glowed bright as he smiled. Tag was his new favorite game.


A/n: One more to go…I wanted this square to be a bit different then others I’ve seen and who doesn’t like a mix of paint ball and tag?!

Quote: “If you desire something, just take it.” - Lucifer
