#druella black fluff


you are my sunshine

ღ pairing : cygnus + druella black x granddaughter!reader

warnings : fluff overload from all the signs displaying a healthy marriage (slight mention of adult jokes, but doesn’t go into detail - i just really like the idea of cygnus and druella being in a happy marriage, because my parents clearly don’t like each other) >.<

requests : closed (check navigation for any updates)

summary : the grandparents sing their granddaughter a lullaby.

word count : 1.2k+

reblogs are appreciated。◕‿◕。


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Cygnus Black was definitely not the kind of guy who enjoyed the company of others or children. But you managed to weasel your way into his heart. It was definitely a challenge, but you persisted and succeeded. Druella Black was no different, but she was easier to convince. Maybe it was the grandmother role she had gotten used to that caused her to mellow out. Or maybe, it was because of you. But regardless, you truly enjoyed going over to your grandparents’ house. Especially when it was for a sleepover.

During one of these sleepovers, your mother had warned her parents that you were having trouble sleeping throughout the night. But you were so persistent with having a sleepover with them that you promised yourself you wouldn’t wake up scared. You hadn’t even been sleeping for an hour when you came toddling into their room, carrying your blanket and teddy bear in your arms as you stood in the doorway, tears in your eyes. Seeing you so upset, Druella motioned for you to come and join them in their bed until you felt sleepy enough to go back to your own bed. Cygnus complained at first, but when his wife gave him a stern look, he gave in and shifted aside to let you be wedged in the middle. Snuggling into your grandmother, you peered over and saw that she was reading a book. When you asked what the book was about, Druella found herself growing flustered by your question. Her expression was definitely noticed by Cygnus as he simply scoffed into his pillow. Druella just whacked him with the book when you asked your grandfather what was so funny. “Papa? Wha’s so funny?”, you asked him. “Can you read it t’me, Nana?”, you asked, looking up at your grandmother all doe-eyed. Pushing himself up, Cygnus looked at his wife, before resting on his side, one arm propping up his head. “Oh, yes, Elle. Can you read it to us, pretty please?” he teased. Putting her book away on the nightstand, Druella glared at her husband before looking at you with a softened expression.

“Are you feeling sleepy, ma cherié?” Druella asked, hoping your answer would be yes so that she could get back to her book. “Not really, Nana”, you replied with a sad smile. You wished your mother was here. She would always sing you lullabies to help you sleep. Thinking about your mother for a minute, you realised your Nana and mother had similar voices. Not exactly the same, but similar enough that you could probably fall asleep relatively fast if she were to sing you a lullaby. “Nana?”, you asked, looking up at your grandmother, flashing her a cheeky smile. “Yes, ma cherié?” “Will you sing me a song p’ease? A lullaby one about the sun”, you suggested, hoping she would know which song you were referring to. Druella simply kissed your head and nodded to your request. You giggled and quickly patted your grandfather awake, causing Cygnus to mumble. “What is it now?”, he whined. Cygnus spent very few evenings without being disturbed after raising three daughters. “Papa”, you smiled. “Can ‘ou getcha guitar?”, you asked. Hearing your request, Cygnus very happily rushed out of bed to get his guitar. Druella rolled her eyes at her husband’s enthusiasm. “Papa loves Tonio”, you giggled. Cygnus had this guitar ever since he was a small boy and insisted on naming it, Antonio. No one knows where the name came from, or why Cygnus loved it so much, but it made the man happy.

Getting himself ready to play, Cygnus waited for Druella to be ready. “When you’re ready, m’lady”, Cygnus winked at his wife before wiggling his eyebrows at you, causing you to giggle.

You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

As Druella sang, you could feel yourself growing tired, but insisted on staying awake, at least until the end of the song. Noticing your hair getting in your eyes, Druella pushed them out of the way, before pulling you into her arms and letting you lie on her. With your head rested comfortably, you could feel sleep lull you over. Glancing to the side you saw how focused your grandfather looked as he played the guitar. You made a mental note to ask him to teach you how to play. You loved spending time with him, especially when he would be teaching you something he was so passionate about like astronomy. Even though you didn’t quite understand it, you just loved spending time with him.

You make me happy

When skies are grey

You loved this song with all your heart. You heard your grandmother’s voice get lighter as your eyes started to close. You felt so at peace, that you didn’t mind falling asleep right now. When you heard your grandfather murmur something about you falling asleep, you jerked open your eyes as quickly as you could and stuck your tongue out at him. Admiring your boldness, Cygnus stuck his tongue out too, before Druella swatted his arm, silently ordering him to behave. Realising that you started it, she playfully shook her head at you, causing you to giggle. Druella gently placed her hand on your head, allowing you to relax before gently brushing your cheek. She smiled when she saw your eyes close as sleep drew you back in.

You’ll never know, dear

How much I love you

Noticing that you were now asleep, Cygnus stopped playing the guitar as Druella slowly moved out of bed, being careful not to wake you up, as she picked you up and carried you to your own bed, humming the rest of the song to herself. Once she made it to your room, she placed you in the centre of your bed, wrapped you up warm with the duvet, and made sure to keep the door slightly ajar, just so she could hear you if you woke up again in distraught. Before she ended the song, your grandmother kissed your head hoping that you would sleep as soundly as possible.

Please don’t take my sunshine away

“Goodnight, Y/N. Sweet dreams.”

As Druella made her way back to her room, she intended to pick up where she left off with her book. She wasn’t surprised when she saw Cygnus lying on his side. Assuming her husband was asleep, Druella made herself comfortable as she turned to pick up her book but was confused when she found it wasn’t where she left it. Figuring it must have fallen under the bed, Druella was about to check when she heard muffled laughter coming from her husband’s side of the bed. Realising what had just happened, Druella’s eyes widened in shock. “Cygnus Black, you give me my book right now or I swear I will-” “You’ll what, Ella? Hmm? Now I must say, this is a very interesting book. I didn’t realise you were into this sort of-” “Cygnus!” Druella whined as she attacked him with pillows before he finally gave in and handed her the book back. Realising he was probably in the doghouse after this, he turned away from his wife and laid on his side to go back to sleep. But he couldn’t help but laugh again when he realised what he’d discovered.

And he definitely planned on teasing his wife about it whenever he could, like first thing in the morning when the sun shined.

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