#dtf lammasu

When one is playing a in a system called Demon as a character that literally remembers falling from

When one is playing a in a system called Demon as a character that literally remembers falling from heaven in a battle against god

One must be in want of dramatic symbolic artwork

I’m other words, meet my demon:the fallen character from a WoD multi-Splat game I’ve been in for a good while now

[ID: A stylistic digital art piece. It shows a four armed humanoid figure on a water like turquoise background. The figure is inside down and posed in near profile with their arms outstretched. Around the bottom and up the left side fo the image are the outlines of large octopus-like tentacles. They’re coloured in a reddish purple with a gradient along their arms into red. The face is obscured by wavy hair floating as though underwater, coloured bright red. There are 4 large transparent red arms with clawed fingers coming from behind the figure, one wrapped around her torso and gripping her shoulder, one gripping her hip, the other two mirroring 2 of her real arms and holding her hands. Behind the figures head is a large round symbols glowing red and blue. Wide blue beams of light come from it as well as straight Red lines. These  reach the edge of the image, except where the tentacles are.]

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