#dunkirk imagine

A/N: so this wasn’t really requested but this is dedicated to @nobody444 and @xitlalli2001 and I kno

A/N: so this wasn’t really requested but this is dedicated to @nobody444 and @xitlalli2001 and I know they both love Jack. So without further ado, here’s my first imagine in 5 months. I hope you guys like it, much love.

Jack Lowden.

The man had managed to capture your attention 7 years ago on the set of ‘71, where you had worked as an intern. You had been working on set for two weeks when you finally laid eyes on him.

While he may not of had a huge presence on screen, he was known by everyone on the set.

He had this charm about him, easily drawing in anyone around him. He was charismatic, he was funny, and he was kind to everyone. He made it a point to get to know everyone, no matter what their role in the film was.

The morning you had met him was a bad one, to say the least. You hadn’t gotten any sleep the night before, the party your neighbor threw had made sure of that. The water heater in your apartment had broke, forcing you to take a freezing cold shower. You had spilled your coffee down your shirt on your walk in to set, leaving some minor burns on your skin and a ruined outfit. And to top it all off your boss had yelled at you for something you hadn’t even done.

To say you were in a mood when you quite literally bumped into the Scotsman would be an understatement.

But Jack had just brushed aside your attitude, introducing himself with a bright smile and a warm hug; a tradition with which he greeted you with every time he saw you after that.

There was something about him that drew you in. A certain type of charm that you couldn’t get enough of. Maybe it was his ocean blue eyes. Or his contagious smile. His perfectly styled dirty blond hair. Or maybe his sexy Scottish accent. Whatever it was, you were intoxicated by him. Even three years after you had last saw him, you couldn’t get him out of your head. It drove you mad.

Two months after filming had ended for ‘71, you found yourself working full time on the set for the film Interstellar. Halfway through production of the film, the assistant production designer had found herself needing a medical leave, and Christopher Nolan found himself needing a replacement. Your previous boss had put in a good word for you, and a week later you had the job.

Later you found yourself working once again for Christopher Nolan, this time as the lead Production Designer on the set of Dunkirk.

When filming started, you found yourself on the beaches of Dunkirk for a couple of weeks. You were working alongside Fionn Whitehead and Aneurin Barnard mostly, both of which were really cool guys to be around.

Soon filming for the sea started, and you found yourself working with two of your favorite actors, Cillian Murphy and Mark Rylance. They both instantly took a liking to you, affectionately calling you their niece. And Tom, being Mark’s on screen son, jokingly started calling you cousin.

You were sitting around talking to Barry and Tom before filming started, when you heard a familiar voice saying your name from behind you.

Snapping your head around with wide eyes, you found yourself looking up at the handsome actor. Not only were you surprised to see him, you were stunned that he remembered you. You had been just an intern.

“Wow, it’s great te see yeh darlin’.” He spoke with his trademark smile, pulling you into a tight hug and lifting you slightly off the ground. “Ye’ve gotten even more beautiful since the last time I saw yeh, Y/N.” He told you after setting you down, glancing you over as he held your arms at shoulder length.

“Oh shut up.”

The two of you became inseparable after that, always talking and laughing together. Jack even visited you on his days off, leading to rumors on set that the two of you were dating. Even the ones you were closest to, like Tom, Barry, Cillian and Mark, thought you two should date. You knew where you stood with your feelings for Jack, but you didn’t know if he reciprocated them, so you always just shook the comments off.

Soon filming for the movie was wrapping up, and you and Jack were forced to go separate ways. But this time, you made promises to stay in touch.

A couple months after the film had premiered in theatres, Jack and you were still keeping that promise. He texted you every day, and you FaceTimed once or twice a week. Your affections for him continued to grow, but you still had no idea where you stood with him. One thing was for certain, you wished you were in a relationship with Jack.

Barry had decided to have a few of us over for the Oscar nominations, just to hang around and drink some beers since it had been a little while since we had all been together. You instantly agreed.

The first 15 minutes of the get together was filled with hugs and smiles as most of the cast reunited. Some of the older actors weren’t there, like Tom Hardy and Mark Rylance who were on sets for their new films, but you were having a great time nonetheless.

Jack and you had been sitting together most of the night, his arm slung over your shoulders as the two of you chatted and threw back some beers. Currently he had his head thrown back in laughter, finding amusement in your embarrassing encounter with your new roommate from two weeks ago. You couldn’t help but laugh along with him, admiring the way his eyes lit up and his dimples popped out as he continued to chuckle at your expense.

“Yo, Jack! You gonna sit and talk to your girl all night, or are you gonna talk to some of the rest of us too?” Fionn jokes, winking at you as you blushed lightly.

“Shut up Fionn.” Jack laughed, rolling his eyes. But he then looked at you, a smile on his face. “Will it be ok if I go over an’ talk te some of the boys for a little?” He asked you.

“Of course, you don’t need my permission Jack.” You told him, nudging his shoulder slightly. “And we’re not dating Fionn!” You spoke to the younger boy, wondering why Jack hadn’t done it himself.

“Yet.” Cillian spoke, pulling Jack out of his seat and sitting down himself. Jack glared slightly at the Irishmen, before rolling his eyes and heading over to Harry and Fionn. Tom GC sat down on the other side of you, both men staring you down.

“What?” You asked, looking between the two with confusion. They both smirked at each other, before looking back at you.

“So you and Jack, hug?” Tom asked, waggling his eye brows suggestively at you.

“Not this again.” You groaned, sinking back into the couch. “Jack and I are just friends.”

“That’s bull shit, and you know it Y/N.” Cillian spoke up, making you glare at his cheeky grin. “You and Jack are head over heels for each other.”

“Are not.” You argued, crossing your arms over your chest like a little kid.

“Keep telling yourself that.” Tom laughed, ruffling your hair. “We all can see it. We’re just waiting for one of you to make a move.”

“Well you’ll be waiting for a while, because it’s not going to happen.”

“Man, I can’t wait for the moment when you eat your words. But you’re so stubborn, so I bet it’ll be Jack who makes the first move.” Cillian spoke, glancing over at said man. You looked over too, only to find Jack already looking at you. You blushed, quickly looking away from him. Tom burst into laughter at that, causing you to mumble under your breath in annoyance at the boy.

“Man, you both are so cute it makes me sick.” Tom choked out between laughs, Cillian quickly joining in.

“I hate both of you.” You whined, glaring between the two. You were soon saved by Barry, who yelled to everyone that the nominations were starting. You quickly turned your attention to the TV, everyone else doing the same.

“Jesus I hope Chris finally gets his directing nod.” Cillian spoke, the rest of us nodding in agreement. It was absurd that Christopher Nolan had yet to be nominated for Best Director, I mean the man brilliant at all aspects of his films, he really deserved some credit.

“Hans deserves a nod too, the soundtrack gave me chills.” You spoke, just as they began announcing categories.

“Nominated for best leading actor in a film are..”

“Well we all know that won’t be any of us, no one really had a leading role.” Harry spoke, causing the rest of us to laugh. You cheered when Daniel Day Lewis got a nomination, being an absolute fan of all the work that man does, and also cheered for Gary Oldman alongside Cillian who had worked with Gary in the Batman trilogies.

“Finally some justice for Sirius Black!” You cheered, causing Jack and Barry to burst into laughter.

“You’re such a nerd.” Aneurin laughed, shaking his head at you as you stuck your tongue out at him.

They went through the best actress and the best supporting actors/actresses before Dunkirk was finally nominated for Best Cinematography, which caused all of you to let out cheers. The cheering multiplied as Dunkirk was nominated for 4 more awards; Best Editing, Original Score, Sound Mixing and Sound Editing.

“5 fucking nominations!” Harry shouted in disbelief as they continued onto animated nominations. Everyone else continued talking excitedly, before you shh’ed them all for the Best Director category.

“The nominees for Best Directing are Jordan Peele for his movie ‘Get Out,’ Paul Thomas Anderson for his movie ‘Phantom Thread,’ Christopher Nolan for the movie ‘Dunkirk-‘“

The rest of the nominees were drowned out as everyone started shouting in excitement for Chris.

“Finally!” Was shouted by nearly everyone in the room. You barely even payed attention to the rest of the categories as you celebrated with Cillian, both clanking glasses for Chris’s nod.

“And Y/F/N Y/L/N for her production design in the movie Dunkirk.” Was what pulled you out of your conversation with Cillian, looking to the TV in confusion as your name was spoken.

“Holy shit.”

“No fucking way.”

“Hell yeah!”

All the boys were shouting in excitement again, coming over to congratulate you.

“Wait, what?” You asked in confusion, not understanding what was going on.

“Ya were jus’ nominated for a fuckin’ Oscar!” Barry exclaimed, slapping your back excitedly. You sat back in stunned silence, disbelief washing over you. You, were nominated.. for an Oscar?!

“That’s my girl!” You heard Jack exclaim, before he was in front of you and pulling you off the couch with a proud smile on his face.

Before you could even react, Jack’s face was coming closer to yours. And then his lips were on yours, and everything else just faded away. You didn’t hear the wolf whistles from the other guys, or the way they turned to cheers as Dunkirk was nominated for Best Film. All you were aware of was the way Jacks lips felt against yours, and the way your heart was rapidly banging against your chest.

When realization finally started kicking in that Jack was actually kissing you, you pulled away slightly in shock.

“Uh, Jack?” You whispered, lips brushing against his as he continued to hold you tightly to his body. “You do realize that you just kissed me in front of all the guys, right?” You asked, acutely aware of the way all the guys were cheering for the two of you again.

“I don’ really care at the moment.” He replied, eyes locked on yours in a way that sent butterflies to your stomach. “I’ve wanted te kiss yeh since I first saw yeh again on set, I’m not wastin’ another moment.”

And with that, you were pulled into another kiss, this one just as mind blowing as the first one.

“Someone get Mark on the phone! He won’t fucking believe he missed this!”

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So for once I’m actually having a really good day, and really it’s thanks to @nobody444and@xitlalli2001 (and also not having any chemo or radiation today). So in honor of these two lovely human beings who have made my day so much better, I’ve decided to give back to them and to all of you. So for the first time in about 5 months, I’m going to be working on a new imagine. Expect to see it up later tonight. Love you guys

If someone could write an imagine about one of the Dunkirk boys helping the reader through chemo therapy that would be great because I really need it right now.

I think I’m finally ready to start writing again. I’ve had a lot of time to come to terms with my Poppop passing away, and he has always pushed me to do the things I love. He wouldn’t want me to stop writing because of him. And since the power is still out, what better way to pass the time than write? Expect some new imagines up this weekend

How I imagine this photo shoot going. Photographer: “Ok Fionn, now I want you to bite the bracelet o

How I imagine this photo shoot going.

Photographer: “Ok Fionn, now I want you to bite the bracelet on your wrist. Yup, just like that! Now point your other hand like a gun at the camera. Perfect! Okay, now just point your one foot towards the ceiling, but leave your heel on the ground. Okay, great! Hold it just like that.”

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