#dunkirk interview

“You meet directors who are extraordinarily strong visually, and you meet directors who are really g“You meet directors who are extraordinarily strong visually, and you meet directors who are really g“You meet directors who are extraordinarily strong visually, and you meet directors who are really g“You meet directors who are extraordinarily strong visually, and you meet directors who are really g“You meet directors who are extraordinarily strong visually, and you meet directors who are really g“You meet directors who are extraordinarily strong visually, and you meet directors who are really g

“You meet directors who are extraordinarily strong visually, and you meet directors who are really great with actors and performances, and you meet directors who are phenomenal on script. But Chris has command of everything. Every person’s job on a film set – he knows every single one of them intimately. So, you’ve really got to be on your game when you work on a Christopher Nolan film. Otherwise he can do it better than you.” -Cillian Murphy

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