#e pluribus unum


Type: Headcanon
Requested by: celestialdustkitten

I ACTUALLY PULLED NIGHTINGALE EARLIER THO. Sorry since it’s vv late; summer has come around and I got drafted into Aikido hhh -Mod Avenger

  • First off, Nightingale may seem very very intimidating, which she actually is: clipped, straight to the point speech and that resting bitch face. But in reality, if a kid gives her a thank-you card? she’s gonna frame that along with the other thank you cards she got. 
  • Soft on the inside despite madness enhancement. Nightingale loves doing things to keep herself busy, although she also sets enough time for herself. Rather than happiness, she prefers contentment. 
  • Would actually love children, though she might be a bit nitpicky with their food: Nightingale is almost worse than mama EMIYA when it comes to nutritional balance. 
  • Had she not been called to the front lines of the war, Nightingale would have settled with somebody and may have wanted one or two kids. Additionally, if she stayed in an extended period in England, Nightingale may have met Jackie the Ripper. 
  • She hears you utter a sound of discomfort? There beside you before you can even blink. Slipped? Nightingale’s gonna catch you like a princess. Can’t sleep? she’s going to sing you some lullabies. Basically your wife and your medic all rolled into one package, and will fight anyone who tries to even scratch you.