#eaqual pay day


Simply put, someone has to stay home and take care of the children - and their career and pay is going to suffer for it. From an article on Fortune titled Having Kids Widens the Wage Gap. But These Women Are More Likely to Bounce Back …

That’s because, despite drastic societal changes over the past few decades, women still tend to step back from their careers once childcare enters the equation, while men often continue to climb the professional ladder — resulting in higher and higher salaries for men, and stagnant or temporarily non-existent wages for women. 

Feminists can either a) abort their way out of this problem, b) freeze their eggs and hope for the best, or c) marry a househusband who won’t complain about his lack of a career and low wage the way she would. Short of that, it is what it is and feminists whining about it won’t change anything.

Again, someone has to stay home and take care of the children - and their career and pay is going to suffer for it.

End of story.
