#earth science week

 National Fossil DayNational Fossil Day spotlights the unique ways in which fossils are clues to the

National Fossil Day

National Fossil Day spotlights the unique ways in which fossils are clues to the world’s history. It was first organized in 2010 to promote public awareness and stewardship of fossils, as well as to foster a greater appreciation of their scientific and educational value.

National Fossil Day is co-sponsored by the National Park Service and by the American Geological Institute. In the United States, fossils can be found at more than 230 national park areas around the country.

Learn more.

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This week is Earth Science Week! It runs from 9-15 October and is an awesome time to explore and refThis week is Earth Science Week! It runs from 9-15 October and is an awesome time to explore and refThis week is Earth Science Week! It runs from 9-15 October and is an awesome time to explore and refThis week is Earth Science Week! It runs from 9-15 October and is an awesome time to explore and ref

This week is Earth Science Week! It runs from 9-15 October and is an awesome time to explore and reflect on the natural world around you. Earth science is a diverse field that encompasses geology, oceanography and meteorology - it’s essentially the study of how the forces of our planet intersect.

Celebrate by learning a bunch of interesting stuff:

The above photos are some of the winners of the Geological Society of London’s 2016 Earth Science Week photo competition. Click through to see the rest!

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