
Isis Shiffer wins the James Dyson Award for her foldable paper bicycle helmetWith a honeycomb-like sIsis Shiffer wins the James Dyson Award for her foldable paper bicycle helmetWith a honeycomb-like sIsis Shiffer wins the James Dyson Award for her foldable paper bicycle helmetWith a honeycomb-like sIsis Shiffer wins the James Dyson Award for her foldable paper bicycle helmetWith a honeycomb-like sIsis Shiffer wins the James Dyson Award for her foldable paper bicycle helmetWith a honeycomb-like sIsis Shiffer wins the James Dyson Award for her foldable paper bicycle helmetWith a honeycomb-like s

Isis Shiffer wins the James Dyson Award for her foldable paper bicycle helmet

With a honeycomb-like structure that folds up in a concertina, the EcoHelmetbyPratt Institute of Design-graduate Isis Shiffer is a game-changer for the cycling industry. It is made from layers of 100% recycled paper with a biodegradable waterproof outer coating. Designed to solve the growing issue that many cyclists don’t bother with helmets due to the fuss of carrying it around afterward, James Dyson himself said it ‘solved an obvious problem in an incredibly elegant way’.

The result of rigorous development, Shiffer says she strived to find a design that ‘both works and looks good’, stating that earlier versions of the idea ‘worked great but looked like pineapples’. Also, anyone worried that a paper helmet might not work as well as the traditional alternative need not concern themselves as the prototype sailed through European safety tests at Imperial College London.

The final form of the design would be sold at cycle trade stations for as low as £4, with Shiffer looking into better means of manufacture so large quantities of the paper honeycomb weave can be produced. Having won the Dyson award, she will get startup funds of £30,000, which should go some way to seeing her product to market. 

I know I want one!

More at: EcoHelmet

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