#eddie diaz is a great dad


A little rant but I need to say this. So I love Buddie and I have shipped these two since the beggining, I also enjoy Buck as a character on the show.

But we have to talk about how a majority of people write him and Eddie. Buck is not a baby. Buck is a kickass character who has done a lot of growth in the 4 seasons. Buck is not treated badly by the firefam (sometimes you could argue he is downright right favoured) and even in the law suit there where hurt feelings and bad moves all around including Buck.

Then Eddie. Eddie is not aggressive, outside the fighting ring (which was consensual fighting, if idiotic), and actually when Buck was being a little sh*t to him in 2.01 he let it roll off him. Eddie is a POC character with culture and heritage, not just a stereotype. Eddie is an amazing dad AND Eddie is a characther outside of Buck. So many Buddie fics are written with how Buck feels about things (especially the well and the shooting, which is understandable as they where hard for him but Eddie gets left out or worse is the one who has to comfort Buck above anything else and remember he is the one both of these things happend too and has his share of trauma from it)

Eddie is not there to be a plot device for Buck, Eddie is not there to be Bucks comforter regardless of how Eddie feels. Eddie has been through war came home and been a single father and has faced more death experiences.

Chris adores Buck, Buck is his best friend but Eddie is his Dad, this is a kid who wouldn’t let Buck read him his story because he wants Dad to. That is how much he adores his dad. Eddie may have gone off to war and made some bad choices and not have been there for his son, but he provided for them and never stopped loving Chris and when he did come back worked 3 jobs so he could give Chris what he needed, and decided to be the best dad he could be. Buck is like a second parent, is loved by Chris and I see many fics about Chris and Buck generally as Buck as a saviour and honestly not enough of Chris and Eddie.

Eddie is reguarly the bad guy in fics where they have a realtionship spat or disagreement that end with Buck forgiving him and being perfect for doing so.

Lets have some appreciation for Eddie he is a awesome character who probably gets the least show time of the people who work at the firehouse.

In conclusion, Buddie needs to be a equal partnership and I know that a lot of this comes from a love of Buck and not malice but we need to stop doing this. So I am taking any and all fic suggestions where Eddie is written well and as equal. I will devour them and leave many lovely comments. I know there are some amazing fics out there.
