#eddie munson hc



Eddie Getting You to Join His DnD Campaign (hc)

Pairing:Eddie Munson x GN!Reader


A/N: Listen the fact that I can write a DnD romance is TOO GOOD TO PASS UP especially with this chaotic boy who has ruined me. <3


  • It took Eddie an entire year before inviting you to join his campaign.
  • He had wanted to the moment he heard you giggling from the other side of the lunch table as he and the Hellfire club recounted their crazy adventures from the night before. How they got a sweet deal on some healing potions by convincing the shop employee to unionize. 
  • Somehow, the tiniest laugh managed to break through the chaotic cackles coming from the boys, causing his eyes to shoot up until they found the source of the beautiful sound.
  • It wasn’t too much of a surprise to discover it was you.
  • The person that always managed to catch his eye in the hallway, who made his heart flutter when he watched you approach his table. Lunch quickly became his favorite time of day.
  • He met your gaze and you smiled, and Eddie knew he was done for.
  • That was the first moment he wanted to ask, but every time you even so much as looked in his direction, his stomach would turn to knots and his mind felt like it was under the control of a Beholder, and he no longer knew how to form words.
  • Still, he always made an effort to speak about their trials and victories loudly enough for you to hear, hoping that maybe you would be able to do the thing he wasn’t strong enough to and ask to play.

Keep reading

Excuse me a moment, please. Thank yo—

Alright, now that I got that out of my system—

I love this
