#eddie x reader


Stranger Things Masterlist

word count: 803

Request:  I have a request! The reader is Steve’s sister and she has a huge crush on Eddie and he’s has a crush on her (they flirt with each other at school and at the video store), and Steve does not approve. But his mama instincts kick in when Eddie is at his front door and his sister gets ready to leave with him

Steve didn’t understand how someone like you his baby sister could fall for someone like Eddie “The Freak” Munson, sure he didn’t hate Eddie but they were exactly besties either. So imagine his surprise the first time he saw Eddie flirting with you at school, he walked up to you guys immediately and stepped between you two, saying no to Eddie as he pulled you away protesting but little did he know that you had a crush on Eddie.

“Anyone but him.” Steve said to you the night at the video store while you and Robin rolled your eyes at his lecture.

“Why? What’s wrong with him Steve?” Robin asked because as far as she was concerned Eddie was a huge improvement from some of the people you had dated in the past.

“Have you not heard the rumors about him?” He asked her as you shook your head at him.

“That’s what they are, rumors Steve! How many times have you been the subject of a rumor, hmm?” You asked him instantly shutting him up.

The flirting between you and Eddie went on week after week at school or the video store much to Steve’s dismay while Robin thought it was cute how he always would come into the store just to talk to you or spend time with you while you worked.

“So do you like have a crush on him?” Robin asked while you two stocked the store.

“I have for a while.” You said with the biggest smile on your face as Robin awwed at you, thinking you and Eddie would make the cutest couple.

“You know if Steve finds out, he’s gonna lose his shit and put you under house arrest.” Robin said.

“I know that’s why I waited so long to tell you. So please don’t tell him.” You pleaded with her as she nodded her head at you.

A few days later at school, you were at your locker grabbing your textbooks and reading the latest letter Eddie wrote you when you felt a tap on your shoulder making you turn and see Eddie standing there with a smile on his face.

“Hi Eddie.” You said wrapping your arms around him.

“Hi sweetheart, did you like your letter today?” He asked noticing it was still in your hands.

“I always do, who knew Eddie Munson was such a good writer.” You teased him.

“Only for you, but I was wondering if maybe you would like to go out this weekend on like an official first date?” He asked you.

“I would love to Eddie.” You said pressing a kiss to his cheek watching how his smile grew.

“Really? But what about your brother?” He asked you.

“Yes really. And you let me deal with Steve.” You said smiling at him as Steve stood at his locker trying to figure out what Eddie said to you to make you so happy.

The weekend came and Eddie had called you last night saying he would pick you up Saturday night around seven. Steve had spent all day figuring out why you were so happy but then overheard you on the phone with Robin talking about it, so he sat on the couch waiting for Eddie to show up.

“Are you serious?” You asked him as finished grabbing everything you needed as he nodded his head.

“Steve I really like him and he makes me really happy. I don’t know why you are so against it.” You said sighing as you took a seat.

“I’m not against it, I just worry because you are my baby sister, and I don’t want you to get hurt is all I’m trying to prevent.” He said.

“But that’s the thing, Steve…he would never hurt me not once since we started talking and hanging out has he pressured me to do something I didn’t want to do…he respects me and cares for me I wouldn’t have agreed to go out with him if he didn’t.” You said making Steve realize that maybe he had been a little too protective of you.

A few minutes later a knock came to the door, and Steve stood up and answered it making Eddie more nervous than he already was. Steve took a look at him and you before sighing not believing he was allowing this.

“If you so much as hurt a single hair on you, I will kill you myself. Understood?” He said as Eddie nodded his head.

“I would never but understood.” He said Steve moved out of the way so you could leave.

“Go have fun. And you have her back by midnight.” Steve said to the both of you as you hugged him.

“You’re the best brother! Love you! Bye!” You said as Eddie lead you to the van while Steve stood there shaking his head.

Stranger Things Masterlist 

word count: 700

Request: you are literally my only source of eddie angst, could you make one where eddie knows the reader likes him and just purposely tries to ignore them because he thinks that they deserve better and then gets all sad and shit when they see the reader has moved on from him thankyouthankyouthankyou <3

It hurt when Eddie started to ignore you because you really did like him and hoped that maybe something would happen between the two of you but guess you were wrong. On the other hand, Eddie felt terrible for pushing you away but when he found out about your crush on him, he wanted nothing more than to say he felt the same but then that nagging voice in his head kept telling him that you deserved better than someone like him and he eventually believed it.

Eddie had started to notice that you started to pull away from him and the group which worried him that he pushed you too far to think that he didn’t want you around. After school, he went to find you in hopes of maybe fixing a few things between you two and was shocked when your mom told you that you were out on a date and that she would let you know that he stopped by.

“A date with who?” He asked himself as he climbed into his van and headed home.

Meanwhile, you were enjoying yourself on this date, which you didn’t even want to go on in the first place but after some convincing from your friends, you decided to go. It was nice to have someone who seemed to actually want you around and enjoyed your company but part of you kept wishing it was Eddie. You still had a small crush on him despite how he’s been treating you lately.

“You know this is my first date in a while.” Your date said making you look at him.

“It is?” You asked him confused.

“Yeah you see I used to have this crush on this girl but it turns out that she didn’t like me back and it took me a few weeks to get over and I can see you’re going through the same thing almost.” Your date said.

“I’m sorry.” You said feeling bad.

“No don’t apologize but let’s just take this slow and get to know each other as friends while you get over your crush who’s an idiot by the way and if you can’t that’s okay too.” Your date said making you smile.

“I would like that.” You said.

That night Eddie paced his house as he waited for you to call him or stop by but you never did which upset him and worried that he did hurt you more than he realized. The next day at school he saw you standing by your locker talking to someone else and laughing, so he walked over figuring this was the perfect time to try to talk to you.

“Hey, stranger.” He said tapping your shoulder making you turn and look at him.

“Hi Eddie, it’s been a while.” You said as whoever was talking to you said that they would see you later.

“Yeah, it has, what’s been up with that?” He asked as you sighed.

“Just made some new friends is all, plus you guys don’t need me hanging around and ruining your all-boys club just because I’m your friend.” You said shrugging your shoulders.

“You know we enjoy having you their sweetheart. We miss having you around.” Eddie said.

“I’ll try to take some time to come hang out with you guys, I promise it isn’t intentional.” You said as the bell rang.

“I miss having you around.” Eddie thought sadly as he watched you walk away.

A week later Eddie walked into school and thought about maybe telling you how he truly felt when he saw something he didn’t expect to, you holding hands with that same person from last week you were laughing with, he watched as you two shared a kiss. He was truly shocked to see you had moved on from him, making him realize how he let such a good person slip through his hands.  

“That should be me.” Eddie thought sadly as he left the school.

Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
Tags: Angst/Romance/Fluff/Friends to Lovers (as per usual, this is a story about grief and a story about love.) 
No beta reader lmao
Word Count: 1.7k
Also!!! Reader is Femme/Non-Binary and uses they/them pronouns :)

You can also read it on ao3 -> here

1986. The year you were lined up to graduate, top of the class, with tight-knit circle of friends around you. The year of senior prom and you already had a few outfits picked out. The year of college applications and potential internships. The future looked bright and hopeful with the tiny, suburban town of Hawkins in your rearview mirror.

It all changed on January 16th, 1986.


February 1986

You tore your polo shirts, technicolor sweaters, and ruffled blouses from your closet. You shoved them into a dilapidated cardboard box (given to you by your mom) with the word ‘DONATE’ scribbled onto the face of the box in sharpie. The chilled wind scratched the empty, spidering branches against your windowpane. A fine dust of flurries danced down from the dark, clouded sky like a picturesque snow globe.

The speakers of your cassette player vibrated as the drumbeat of “Shot in the Dark” by AC/DC reverberated through your room.  You pushed the now-filled box into a corner of the room with some of the others and swiped both of your hands over your sweaty face. Not everything was being donated. You decided to only give away what couldn’t be altered and adjusted.

“Sweetheart?” Your mother shouted over the noise and knocked her knuckles against your door, “are you coming down for dinner, dear?”

“No!” You yelled back, “I’m not hungry!”

“Are you sure?”

Jesus Christ. You rolled your eyes and bit back a frustrated groan. How could she ask you to come and sit at dinner and act like everything was normal? As if you were still a family? You pressed the heels of your palms into your burning eyes and swallowed the tight, prickly lump that built inside your throat. Whatever. It was whatever.

“Yeah!” You replied, voice tight, as the next track on your cassette started to play. You knew you’d find a plate covered with tinfoil in the fridge later. There was no reason to go downstairs. You pushed your hair out of your face and started to remove the stuffed shoeboxes from beneath your bed filled with little art  projects and classroom gossip notes.


You clutched your fingers around the blue, plastic lunch tray and scanned the cafeteria. You glanced over to the jocks and cheerleaders. One of the girls, Casey, glared at you over her shoulder and gave a dramatic roll of her eyes. ‘We used to braid each other’s hair in second grade’. Now she looked at you like you were an annoying housefly buzzing around her head and then swimming in her soup.

Chin held high, you stepped forward into the lunchroom that hummed like an angry wasp nest. You knew who you’d be sitting with. You just had to find them among the buzzing bees of Hawkins’ High. You ignored the disdainful and scandalous glances and the trail of thinly hidden whispers that followed you.

“Did you hear…?”

“–right on the bed!”

“—looks like a freak now—”

“I knew something was weird about them. The whole family.”

The Hellfire Club went silent at your confident approach. The freshman Dustin and Mike stared at you with wide eyes. Gareth nudged his elbow into Jeff’s stomach while Eddie Munson, sitting at the head of the table, raised both eyebrows with an almost friendly smile.

“Well, well, well,” he interlaced his fingers in front of him, elbows on the table, “are my eyes deceiving me or is our class valedictorian really about to try and sit with us?”

You tilted your head slightly.

“Considering the fact that I just flunked my AP History test…” You heard Dustin choke on his milk, “I find it unlikely that they’ll award me the title of valedictorian.” You shrugged. Grades didn’t matter to you. Not anymore.

“And now you want to sit with the freaks?” Eddie asked.

“I want to do more than just sit with them.” You moved the leg of a chair with your foot, pulling it out with a screech of metal on linoleum, and sat down next to Mike Wheeler. The boys around the table tensed and seemed to wait for you to complete your statement with a bated breath.

You picked up a limp French fry and used it to point across the table at Gareth toward his chest, “I want to join the club and get a t-shirt.”

The response was mixed. There was a murmuring of alarm, confusion, and disagreement. You let the chatter wash over you and focused on pouring a ketchup packet into the empty tray well.

“We’re a D&D club.” Dustin said almost indignant, “do you even know how to play Dungeons and Dragons?”

“I think they should join.” Jeff followed up with a quick nod, “it wouldn’t hurt to have another player.”

“Wait.” Mike lifted his hands and scanned the table with quick, dark brown eyes. “We have full party already!”

“I think Dustin raises a good point.” Eddie said. “Do you know how to play?”

You kept your face a mask of nonchalance and boredom. It was all you could do to quiet and contain the storm raging inside your chest. I don’t want to spend the rest of year alone. If they won’t take me in, then who will?

You swirled a french fry around the ketchup, making tiny trails, and avoided Eddie’s laughing eyes. You supposed that you could spend the year alone. It wouldn’t be too bad, would it? But, Ms. Kelly was adamant you have some type of positive social interaction. Otherwise, she’d start suggesting things like ‘group counseling’ again.  

“I’m sure it’s not hard to learn.” You said, “I mean – it’s a game.”

“A game?!” Dustin threw his hands into the air, clearly affronted.

“We could vote on it.” Gareth suggested with a furtive glance to Eddie.

“Yeah, why not?” Eddie grinned. “Everyone in favor raise your hands.” He raised his arm to demonstrate. Your stomach swooped. Your heart ricocheted around your ribcage. The fate of your social life for the last few months of school hung in the air like thick, humid fog. Your eyes glued to Eddie, and you waited for his arm to drop. You could see Gareth raising his hand out of the corner of your eye and Eddie’s smile brightened his face.

Nervously, you picked at the loose threads of your ripped jeans.

“Everyonenot in favor raise your hands.” Eddie’s arm dropped and your heart followed suit.

A part of you, the logical, reasonable part, rationalized that there was no way in Hellfire that the club would accept you. Prior to the start of 1986, you were a teacher favorite and amicable classmate. You weren’t inthe popular crowd, but you were adjacent to it. There was no reason as to why a club of nerds and outcasts would accept you.

Yet, the decision was nearly unanimous as Mike and Dustin were the only ones to vote ‘not in favor’. Eddie voted first and he voted yes. You wondered if that meant anything and swiftly pushed the thought away from your mind. He probably had another motive. Everyone always did. Maybe he’d ask you to write a few English papers or something.

“Welcome to Hellfire Club.” Eddie announced with a brilliant, disarming smile before making horns with his fingers and curling them near his forehead. He stuck out his tongue and the table erupted in scattered laughter. You never knew he grinned so damn much and never suspected him to be likeable. You always assumed he’d be gruff or cold at best or angry and scary at worst. You gave them your best smile even though it felt fragile around the edges.

“You don’t get a t-shirt right away, though.” Jeff added helpfully.

“Do I have to slay a dragon first or something?” You asked.

“Something like that.” Mike said quietly and you almost didn’t hear him with the chaotic din of lunchroom background noise.

You silently ate your lunch with the Hellfire Club. No one would describe you as ‘meek’, but you did tamper down on your responses and confined yourself to listening and watching to gather the dynamic of this group. Dustin clearly adored Eddie, but he brought up Steve Harrington. A lot. Mike and Dustin were close friends, but you noticed their glances over to the basketball table where Jason and his buddies sat. Weird, but whatever. You avoided looking around the lunchroom too often. There was always the risk you’d lock eyes with your old friends, and you were never sure what your reaction would be. Sometimes, it was hot, roiling pain in your stomach and other times it was numb, empty echoes inside your skull. So, you simply avoided it when you could. It was the easiest way to survive.

The lunch bell rang, and a chorus of scraping plastic chairs clashed through the noise of conversation. You slung your backpack over your shoulder, prepared to leave and take a slow walk to chemistry class.

“Alright, newbie.” Eddie sidled next to you, “what are you plans for this weekend?”

Your brow furrowed, “why?”

“Why? So, I can teach you how to play dungeons and dragons that’s why.” He chuckled. “Unless you were planning to show up to our game next week with no idea how to play and just bumble your way through it and into a gruesome, gruesomedeath?”

You couldn’t help it – you cracked a genuine smile.

“It would be a memorable first lesson.” You said with a soft note of humor in your voice.

“It would and it would also throw off my plans for the upcoming fight. Now. What are your plans?”

You had no social life to speak of. No plans, no dates, no parties. You’d rather not spend another Saturday locked in your room to avoid your mom’s beseeching looks. At the memory of her face, wet with tears, you swallowed roughly and focused your attention on one of the pins on Eddie’s jean vest.

“I’m free.” You answered distractedly.

“Then I’ll come pick you up?” He offered and you gave a quick shake of your head. The last thing you needed was someone new visiting the house. Besides, your family would see the name ‘Hellfire’ and likely start calling the church.

“I can drive.” You said.

“Alright, cool.”

You only caught the corner of Eddie’s smile as you averted meeting his gaze just in case he should see something you didn’t want him to. You left with your heart doing an enthusiastic somersault inside your chest.

someone:eddie’s the dungeon master, right?

eddie’s gf: yeah, of course he is.


eddie’s gf:


eddie’s gf: OOHHHH you meant like in hellfire? yeah, yeah, yeah, um…

some silly little thing i’m thinking of writing a funny one-shot / blurb for. thought of it earlier today… this is my dear diarymoment
