


Eddssy sizediff headcanons cuz im obsessed with that shit:

  • Eddie likes to tease Chrissy by leaning down to kiss her, but not all the way, making her having to rise up on her toes to meet the kiss with a flustered face.
  • Chrissy can’t reach top shelves but before Eddie can help, she be climbing counters like an agile little cat and Eddie is just mesmerised by her nimbleness.
  • At rock concerts, Chrissy can’t exactly see the stage among the crowd so Eddie hoists her onto his shoulders. Her cheers and enthusiasm as she’s perched on him admiring the show makes him so happy.
  • Chrissy is tiny so she’s super fast and sneaky. When they playfight and chase each other in the woods behind the school’s football field, Eddie is hardpressed to find her since she hides so well despite her light-colored outfit, not exactly camoflage material but somehow she makes it work. And she’s always sneaking up on him in the hallways, jabbing him on the sides and startling him whichever chance she gets. (He gets payback quite easily since Chrissy is a squirrely person in general, just him casually appearing around the doorway is enough to make her jump. It’s simultaneous cute and concerning since she’s still having nightmares from the Upside Down. He tries not to do that so much.)
  • Chrissy loves comparing their hand size, it always makes her feel warm and comforting when his more calloused, larger hands enclosed around hers. She loves tracing his giant metal rings whenever they lie next to each other. One day, Eddie gifts her one of his smallest ones, and even then, it only fits her thumb. He promises to buy her a ring that fits (ignoring the thump in his heart at the implication of that) but she says this one is perfect as it is because it was his.
  • Eddie isn’t so much bigger in stature but he is taller. So when she borrows his clothes, they fit very nicely, except the sleeves are too long and give her cute sweater paws, and the shirt itself hangs low ‘round her mid thigh. His favorite sight is Chrissy in his denim jacket over her cheer uniform, the length of which goes past her skirt, and seeing her being comfortable with herself enough to stray from the norm and wear what she wants.

Feel free to add more in the replies. I would love to read your thoughts. I am so starved for content about these two.

Eddie’s not 'dumb’. He’s actually really really smart. He’s the kind of person who seems like he never touches a book in his life, or attend a class, but can get straight A’s with his eyes closed. The reason why he got held back twice is because he’s afraid of becoming a proper adult; of leaving the safety of school and Hellfire Club. So, he intentionally fails his classes. It’s only because Wayne asks him to, on top of his friends going to graduate as well, that Eddie finally agrees to actually do school.

Anyway, my point is, when Chrissy finds out Eddie plans to graduate that year, with her, she offers to tutor. Like the kind person she is. Eddie says no need, he knows everything already. Chrissy doesn’t believe him, and tries to get him to study with her. It’s only after Eddie finishes this really difficult homework three times faster than Chrissy does that she finally believes him he’s telling the truth when he says he knows everything

ok give me requests about these 2 i need write something about them rn !!
