#edea kramer

I’d love to collab with someone to do a FF8 tarot deck. Edea would be the moon obvs!

I’d love to collab with someone to do a FF8 tarot deck. Edea would be the moon obvs!

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edea kramer

Step on my face matron

loficovenant:「The Sorceress‘ Knight」Pixel art of Seifer and Edea, the briefly playable starter villaloficovenant:「The Sorceress‘ Knight」Pixel art of Seifer and Edea, the briefly playable starter villaloficovenant:「The Sorceress‘ Knight」Pixel art of Seifer and Edea, the briefly playable starter villa


「The Sorceress‘ Knight」

Pixel art of Seifer and Edea, the briefly playable starter villains of Final Fantasy VIII.

Now that’s a lot of little details.

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