#editor talon


Hey everyone! Please be mindful of our creators’ pronouns when talking to or about them. When in doubt, use gender inclusive language, their name, and neutral pronouns, or mirror the pronouns in their respective introduction post as they wrote those themselves and identified how they wish to be referred to. Thanks everyone!

~ Talon


my favorite thing in tos is when spock has to wear little hats if they go somewhere that hasn’t contacted vulcans yet

spock wearing a blue beanie, black sweater and light blue collared shirt. he is looking off to the left of the camera curiously.ALT
spock wearing a dark blue beanie and light blue collared shirt. he is looking forward.ALT
spock wearing a Grey beanie and a Grey coat.ALT
spock wearing a tan beanie and Grey shirt. he is looking off past the camera and frowning.ALT
spock standing on a street with a white strip of fabric tied around his head, concealing his ears. he is also wearing a white robe. captain kirk is standing beside him wearing a red uniform and lavender shirt.ALT

beanie baby


Spock:When I die, donate my body to Starfleet Medical.

Spock:Except for my middle finger.

Spock:Donate that to the VSA.


star trek tos + tumblr textposts part 2 because I love this meme format too much


for 13 years we have suffered through fics that are ambiguous where you have to decipher the difference between aos spirk and tos spirk. now a new phenomenon is upon us: “is this fic about william shatner and leonard nimoy, chris pine and zachary quinto, or paul wesley and ethan peck?”
