#edmund pevensie x you


watch my back (e.p.)

edmund pevensie x gender neutral!reader
a/n: i miss writing for narnia
warning: swearing, mentions of inquiries and blood, minor angst
word count: 1.6k 

“You look idiotic.”

Edmund stopped for a second from climbing on the Gryphon, looking over his shoulder at me with a pout.

“Look who’s talking, that battle-ax looks like an extra leg,” his eyes pointed to the large battle-ax I had at my side, not the one had years ago but I would do.

I was about to speak up but Peter light shoved my shoulder, telling me to be quiet and get on the Gryphon behind Edmund.

“Why can’t I have my own?” I turned to Peter, the silence around us as I begged him for my own way in and out of the castle.

“You know the rules, nobody goes in alone.” I rolled my eyes, turning on my heels to get behind Edmund. I didn’t want to wrap my arms around him, I had been avoiding it since I got on, but once Peter signaled us to head in I wobbled on the back. Without much thought I wrapped my arms around his waist, trying my best not to look down at the ground.

“Are you trying to kill me?”

“Yes Edmund, it’s all I’ve wanted since I met you.”

I slowly saw our spot opened for landing, Edmund swinging his legs around before he had landed.

“What are you doing?” I whispered-yelled into his ear, watching as he was about to jump for a few feet in the air.

“Jumping,” he looked over his shoulder at me, shrugged once before he pushed off, falling to land on the tower of the castle below.

The Gryphon slowly descended to the tower, like it was supposed to, and waited a few minutes for me to get off before I walked over to Edmund, hitting him in the side with the handle of my axe.

“That wasn’t the plan.”

“You weren’t part of the plan either, but here you are,” he gave a sarcastic smile, looking over his shoulder before pulling the flashlight out his pocket.

“Lucy didn’t need me, she told me I was more useful here.”

I was going to actually kill him if he questioned me again in such a way, I was already pissed he tried to make me stay at the How, saying I wasn’t prepared enough for a battle like this.

“Yes, because you look so useful right about now,” Edmund spoke over his shoulder, flashing the light a few times before loud footprints came around our corner. I saw the guard come for the other side, his sword at the ready when he neared us.

Edmund hand was on his sword but I was faster, barely flinching as I took the butt of my axe and ran it into his gut, sending him over the edge of the towers

I raised my eyebrows, my eyes never left Edmund the entire time.

“Not useful?”

Edmund rolled his eyes, both of us moving to look down at the gate that was now slowly opening and the few Narinans that had made it through already.

“We shouldn’t be here,” I spoke under my breath, turning from the scene and slowly pacing the tower around us, looking down the side every few seconds.

“Peter said-“

“Peter said this, Peter said that,” I mocked Edmund, walking to the door and shutting the lock for extra measure.

“Okay what do you think we should have done then?” Edmund turned around, leaning on the stone as he crossed his arms and looked at me.

“We should have been prepared for the real battle, the one that’s going to happen soon. All we’re doing here is losing the troops we needed the most.”

Edmund said nothing for a few moments, watching me as I spun around looking up at the night sky.

“That is why you were in charge of the justice in Narnia and not the battle plans,” Edmund spoke up finally, rolling his eyes at me.

“Oh don’t act like I didn’t cause violence to drop below 1% back then,” I stopped pacing, looking at him with my eyebrow raised.

“Pure lucky.”

I gave up the argument when I heard loud banging on the door I had locked, my hand going to my battle axe immediately.

“Shit,” Edmund pulled at his sword, walking to stand beside me as we watched the wooden door move slightly, their body colliding with it to cause little chips to fall off.

“What happened to ‘nobody will even know we were here’ plan?”

“Shut up.”

The door swung open, the log they had used to split it open fell to the floor as many men decked out in battle armor ran in through the now open door.

“I hope you know how to use that thing properly,” Edmund looked down at my ax that was held tightly in my hands.

“I hope you know how to use that, properly,” I flick the top of his head, letting my hand rest back on the battle axe and holding in higher.

This was war now.

I slashed at each person that ran at us, Edmund taking the right while I took the left. Arrows flew around us and I cursed at the plan going sideways so quickly. A sword almost slashed my breast-plate but I fell. back on to the wall, looking down at a battle of their own raged on.

“I knew this was a bad idea!”

Edmund yelled out, looking over the side at something when a man held his sword over his head and preparing to swing down. I felt around in my pocket, finding a small dagger Lucy had gifted me and threw my arm back as hard as possible. The knife laided in the back of his neck, Edmund spinning around just in time for blood to splash across his face.

“Pay attention idiot!”

“I dropped the light!”

I hurried to his side, looking over the edge at the flashlight that laid helplessly over edge.

“How do you make everything worse?”

“It’s your bad luck,” he swung his feet over the edge and jumped down to the landing. I prepared to do the same when I felt a stabbing pain reib throughout my body. Looking down I spotted the sword lodged under my arm-pit, the blood already staining the chain as a wicked laugh sounded behind me.

My body was numb, falling from the edge to the landing Edmund had fallen on. I was falling, falling, falling.

“Shit, (Y/N).”

I felt my body land on something but my brain was too fuzzy to focus on that, all I could focus on was the blood on my chin and the stab wound in my side. I saw dark hair and even darker eyes lean over me and I knew it was Edmund.

“Bad luck,” I barely got the words out my mouth before I was coughing more blood up.

“No, no. I take it back, you’re fine,” his words were jumbled and I couldn’t really make sense of them but I felt his fingers run over my chain on the side.


Everything went black after I heard a battle cry fall from Edmund’s lips.


I heard ‘shh’ and ‘hand me that’ before I even saw anything. The room felt oddly warm but I couldn’t feel the chain I remember Susan helping me put on.

“(Y/N) is going to be fine.”

“They should’ve been here with Lucy!”

“Stop yelling,” my voice was raw and my eyes were still getting used to the bright fire beside me. I spotted a few faces like Lucy and Caspian before I understood where I was.

“Oh God,” Susan grabbed my arm tiger, helping me come down from the ‘just stabbed’ high I was currently on.

“Did we win?”

Silence followed my question, but it was enough of an answer for me.

“You almost died and you’re worried about winning!”

Edmund leaned over me again but this time I could make out his features that still had stained blood and bruises covering him.

“I don’t like getting stabbed for no reason, so yes,” I slowly sat up, leaning against one of the many broken columns in the How.

“Don’t act smart with me!” Edmund waved his finger in my face, as I owed him an apology for getting stabbed, but I had watched his back and he wasn’t watching mine.

“I’m not acting smart, I am smart,” I winked at Peter but he simply shook his head and left the room with everyone else.

How is everyone mad at me for almost dying?

“You stopped breathing in my arms!”

“Bet you enjoyed it,” my voice was pure venom as I spoke through the pain.

“I wish I did but no! I couldn’t see straight and all I wanted to do was leave my army behind to save you!”

His chest was heaving as he watched me, waiting for answers I didn’t have.

“You should’ve told me he was there,” I couldn’t believe I mustered a whisper.

“You think I don’t know that,” his voice was pure hurt as he watched me carefully move, ready for me to collapse again.

I didn’t have many more words as my body was on fire watching him pace the room and whip the blood from his jawline. I never really saw him like this, so honest and angry.

“I’m not letting anyone stab you again.”

The words weren’t for me to hear, his breath was so light I wondered if he could even hear himself.

“I’d hope so.”

He sat beside me, his body calming down as his hand slowly moved closer to mine. I went to move it out the way but he gripped in tight.

“Let me have this (Y/N), please.”

So I let him hold my limp hand in his sweaty one and I suddenly felt like we had skipped multiple stages of whatever we were, but it felt slightly better than dying and I knew that was the only sign I needed to lean in closer to his touch.

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